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Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1328 is a reply to message #1327] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Monday, April 9, 2068, 11:45 p.m., local time, London

"How much longer, Cousteau?" Brandon asked through the communications system. He was watching as Gordon attached the tough polymer sheet over the gash in the hull of the stricken cruise vessel.

"Nearly there, Big Mac," came the answer. Brandon frowned. Gordon's voice sounded strained and when he checked the water temperature, it was cold... too cold for Brandon's liking.

"Let me come out and give you a hand," he suggested.

He could see Gordon shake his head in the light of Thunderbird Four's lighting trough. "No need...."

His words were cut off as a shockwave shook Thunderbird Four. A distant booming could be heard and the view from the front port was obscured by a wall of bubbles.

"Aggh!" Gordon's cry of pain came over the communicator loud and clear.

"Cousteau from Mobile Control! What's your status?" Christopher's voice came in from his post. Scott leaned in close over his shoulder, a concerned frown on his face, as the Englishman continued to call.. "Thunderbird Four from Mobile Control. Status report!"

"Mobile Control from Thunderbird Four," Brandon's voice cut in, terse and tense. "Cousteau is injured. I'm going out after him."

"F-A-B, Thunderbird Four. Update as soon as you can." Christopher looked up over his shoulder at Scott. "Sorry, mate. I hope he's okay."

"So do I," Scott replied. "You'd better alert Seven that there's a casualty coming."

"F-A-B," Christopher said smartly as he turned back to notify the mobile hospital of an incoming patient.

Beneath the waters of the Thames, Brandon had quickly finished suiting up and swam out the airlock toward his injured partner. Gordon was cradling one arm with the other. The laser welder hung, deactivated, from a tether at his waist.

"Cousteau!" Brandon called, approaching. "What's wrong?"

"Tha... that shockwave... slammed me hard against th-the hull. I've hurt my arm... my shoulder."

"Okay. Let's get you back to Four and I'll finish the job."

"No need..."

"Yes, I need to get you back."

"N-No. No need to... finish... welding's... done."

"Great. C'mon. Let's get you back. The Royal Navy can take care of the ship now."

Brandon helped Gordon swim back to the submarine, then helped him off with his equipment and wrapped him in a blanket. He was concerned about Gordon's temperature; the redhead's lips were blue and he was shivering. His right arm from the shoulder to the elbow was red and beginning to swell a bit. ~Looks like just a big bruise, but Dom will be able to tell for sure if there's anything broken.

"Mobile Control from Thunderbird Four. Preparing to leave the Danger Zone. The ship is patched. The Royal Navy will have to take it from here."

"F-A-B, Thunderbird Four. Head directly to the pod. Seven is on alert and waiting for you."

"F-A-B, Mobile Control. Will do." Brandon looked around outside and muttered to himself, "Now I just have to figure out how to get out of here."

"Take on ballast," came a weary, painfilled voice from behind him.

"Oh. Good idea. Thanks." Brandon opened the ballast vents, letting the air out of the tanks and filling them with river water. Slowly, and with an alarming scraping sound, Thunderbird Four sank deeper and deeper until she was finally free of the cruise ship's keel. "Activating engines," he said, fitting action to words. "Destination, pod four." He turned his head slightly to speak to Gordon. "You think the Navy can get hold of her before she bashes another hole in her side?"

"They'd better," Gordon said, his voice a little stronger. "Or we'll bill them for repairs."

Brandon chuckled as he turned the battered Thunderbird around and headed for the surface and the waiting pod.

Post by Tikatu on 25/04/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1329 is a reply to message #1328] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island, Tuesday April 10th, 2068. 12:30pm.

Walking lazily along the soft stretch of almost white sand had definitely been a good decision. The warm breeze and the constant swishing of the tide lapping the edge of the beach had a calming soothness to it, and it was here that time was forgotten.

~Well, almost, thought Elise as she squigged her toes into the sand. Things had been fairly quiet since the team left for the rescue in London. Those not going had wandered off to busy themselves with other things, but Elise had taken the opportunity to be alone, and just try to relax.

A movement on her left interrupted her thoughts, and as she turned towards that direction, a small object flew past her and landed with a 'plop' into the water. It was shortly followed by another, then another. As she began to walk towards the source of the 'plopping' objects, another flew by and this time, its flight was accompanied by an angry "Hurumpf!"

Curious, she walked up a small sand dune, and there, sitting on the other side, was Tyler. He had a very scrunched up, angry look and he seemed determined to launch all the small things in a pile beside him into the vast ocean beyond. Elise watched him for a moment, then spoke.

"You know, if you stand up, you might be able to throw them farther."

Tyler didn't turn towards her, nor did his expression change as he replied, "I don't care!"

"Tyler, isn't it?" asked Elise. She'd seen him around often, but usually from a distance, and had never really spoken to the younger siblings.

"Yeah, so?"

"Would you mind if I joined you? I kinda sometimes feel the way you are."

This time Tyler did look at her, although his face was still scrunched up, with eyebrows firmly pointed down, and his forehead wrinkled. Elise sat down next to him, absently looking at his pile of things. Small rocks, twigs, pieces of old toys and broken shells made up most of the pile. She leaned back on her arms and quietly watched as Tyler threw some more stuff at the waves.

"Why are you so mad, Tyler?"

"What's it to you!" he shot back defensively. Almost immediately his small shoulders slumped, and looking down at his pile he mumbled, "I got grounded."

She thought for a moment, and then trying to hide a small smile, said, "Really? Join the club, little guy. I got grounded, too."

Tyler's head shot up and he looked puzzled. "You? You got grounded?"


"But you're a team member! How did you get grounded?"

Elise had to let the smile out. His little face was so innocently bewildered. He was thinking she had been 'grounded' the same way he had!

Bless him! she thought. "Long story. How about you? What did you do?"

Tyler looked at the waves again. "Fighting with Alex over the stupid games in the game room. It was my turn, and he ALWAYS butts in, and then I get the blame, and then Mom comes in and then...."

He was becoming quite agitated and Elise held up a hand. "Hey, slow down there!"

The boy relaxed a little. "So, then what happened?"

"Alex blamed me and so I told him to shut-up and he was mean, and then we started to argue and Mom grounded us both." He was now pouting. "I wish I didn't have any brothers or a sister sometimes. Then I wouldn't get grounded."

"When I was your age, Tyler, I always wished for brothers and sisters."


He looked up at her, and returning his look, she simply replied, "So I'd have someone to play with, and fight with." Tyler almost smiled at that last remark.

"I guess it's sometimes tough, being part of a big family, isn't it?" she said, thinking more about herself fitting in with the Tracy clan, but also understanding the little boy's frustration.

"Sure is. Ms. Collins? Who grounded you?"

Biting back a laugh, she put on her most honest face and said, "Your mom."

Tyler's eyes widened to the size of small saucers. "MOM?! Wow!"

"Yep! Your mom grounded us both, tough guy!" she ruffled his hair until he actually laughed, and then the two sat and quietly threw the remains of his pile out to sea.

Post by FrankieCTB2 on 27/04/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1330 is a reply to message #1329] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island, later that same afternoon.

Journal Entry #1.

Well, here we go. Today I actually feel rested. The sleeping pills Dianne gave me worked, thank God. I don't know how much more of those nightmares I can stand. I guess I would rate how I feel around an 8, if I'm to stick to Dianne's instructions. I guess if I write all this stuff down, she'll be able to tell if the meds and therapy are working! Well, half the team is gone out on a call to London and so it's quiet at the moment. Later, I will talk to Scott about alternate training that I can do while I'm grounded. Note: no reactions to meds at this time.

Elise put down her pen and closed the journal. Stretching, she walked over to her balcony and looked out over the island. It was quiet. Soon the team would return and all the hustle and bustle of the de-briefing would liven things up for a while.

She walked back into her bedroom and flopped onto the bed. Looking over at the photo of herself and her parents, she smiled.

"I promise I'll get over this, and I WILL be the pilot I once was. I miss you guys." Turning her head away, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Post by FrankieCTB2 on 27/04/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1331 is a reply to message #1330] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tuesday, April 10, 12:02 a.m. local time, London.

"Call stand down," Scott instructed.

Christopher took a deep breath and said into his mike, "Base, Thunderbirds Two and Seven from Mobile Control. Stand down operations at zero-zero-zero-two hours, local time."

"F-A-B, Mobile Control." "Mobile Control from base, F-A-B on stand down." "Mobile Control from Two, F-A-B." The three acknowledgments were followed by Virgil's adding, "Heading back to base. ETA, 15:00 hours base time. See you there."

"F-A-B, Thunderbird Two. Mobile Control out." Christopher blew the remainder of the breath out and looked up at Scott. "Now what?"

"Now we break down the equipment and pack it up," Scott said.

"Good thing we had this tent thing," Christopher said as he stood and stretched. "Things would have been much wetter if we hadn't."

"Mobile Control is built to withstand some pretty severe conditions," Scott replied as he began to fold the unit into its more portable shape. "Especially after B... Einstein had to rebuild and redesign it."

"Why'd he have to do that?"

"Rock slide took it out." Scott refrained from saying that the rock slide almost took him out as well.

Together the two men maneuvered the now packed up Mobile Control machine into the belly of Thunderbird One. Then they came back and took down the cabana-like Penelon tent. It had been open on one side and the other three sides were of a light gauzy material that stopped the elements but the operator inside could see through to an extent. Scott indicated that he would get Thunderbird One prepped while Christopher went and thanked the Chief of Police for his help in providing security. He tried to downplay his accent when he did, but the Chief said, "It's good to know that a fellow countryman is looking out for us."

Inwardly, Christopher groaned. This was just what he didn't want: recognition.

He climbed into the cockpit, and strapped in beside Scott. The lead Thunderbird lifted into the air and Scott radioed to base. "Base from Thunderbird One. We are en route. ETA: 13:47 hours, base time."

"F-A-B, Thunderbird One," Jeff's voice came over the air. It prompted Christopher to think about what he'd been trying to avoid in the midst of all the hubbub of the rescue: his own failure at keeping things secure. The thought of impending doom kept his mind occupied for a large part of the trip. ~I'm for it when we reach base. Might as well take it like a man, though. Mr. Tracy will expect nothing less.

Post by Tikatu on 27/04/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1332 is a reply to message #1331] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
April 10, 1:15 p.m. Tracy Island,

At the present time the island was peaceful, but the rescuers would soon be coming home. Tin-Tin entered the lounge, acknowledging Jeff at his desk and her father talking to him.

Kyrano turned to Tin-Tin and said, "Daughter, you seem quiet. Is there anything bothering you?"

"No, Father," she replied. "I am just going to work on tweaking my formula and try and arrange to get the rest of the uniforms made up in the new fabric."

Kyrano noted that Tin-Tin was carrying her laptop computer. "You are not working from your desk?"

Tin-Tin hesitated for a moment and then remarked, "I am hesitant to send e-mails at the moment. Especially after the recent virus that attacked my computer."

Jeff looked at both father and daughter. "I think you are very wise, Tin-Tin. Until Lena has established the source of the e-mail you should be extra cautious."

Tin-Tin nodded to him before heading out towards the balcony. She settled down at a table on the far corner of the balcony and opened her laptop. Hearing shouts coming from the pool, she watched some of the new recruits who were left behind, swimming and relaxing around the pool. Resisting the urge to join them, she settled down with her formula.

Cherie, seeing Tin-Tin heading for the balcony, followed her. "Hi, Tin-Tin, need any help?"

Tin-Tin smiled at the young girl and, noticing the books she was carrying, said, "Looks like you should be doing some work of your own."

Cherie wrinkled her nose. "Mom has assigned me some homework, but I would far rather help you. I really want to be of help to Dad and Mom and my brothers, but all I keep getting is 'you're too young'."

"You will be of help one day, Cherry, but you really must do your lessons first, you know," Tin-Tin replied, smiling at Cherie.

"Then if I can't help, please may I watch?" Cherie added, pulling up her chair alongside Tin-Tin's.

"Okay, you may, but you must get your work done as well. I don't want Dr Tracy accusing me of keeping you from your lessons."

Cherie grinned at Tin-Tin. "I will keep my books open, and if Mom or Dad come out here, it will look as if I am doing homework."

"Very well," Tin-Tin agreed. "This is my current formula, and these are the parts of the uniforms which need to be made up in the new fabric."

Jeff put his head out and looked along the balcony. Both Tin-Tin and Cherie looked busy. Cherie had her books open, and Tin-Tin was writing something on her laptop. Satisfied that Cherie was doing her mother's bidding, he returned to his desk to take a call from Scott.

Post by Tawnyangel22 on 28/04/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1333 is a reply to message #1332] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tuesday 10 April, 01.35pm Tracy Island time, Thunderbird Two.

The world had degenerated into a nauseating mass of blurred colours. Blues and greys dominated, with the occasional splash of something brighter, all swirling and throbbing and as if in a mist. His head was thumping despite keeping his eyes closed as much as possible, and his stomach was beginning to churn. He sunk down as far as the seat harness would allow, his forehead resting in one palm. 'I can't believe my glasses are gone,' he thought. 'They cost over a hundred dollars! Another sucky thing about having God-awful eyesight. And I don't have another pair! Man, that was some bad luck.'

"We're nearly home, Dom," John said from across the cockpit.

"I'm countin' down the seconds."

Dominic opened one eye to look at him, and give him a smile, but it proved unwise as the churning and pain increased. For a moment he thought the would be sick, and that would be a terrible occurrence for all concerned. It passed, however, and he rubbed his eyes, squeezing them shut.

"Guys, eat your carrots," he said, "'cause you don't want to have to go through this."

"How long have you needed specs?" Brandon asked.

"Since I was about Josh's age. Notice how he has my curse as well. Bad eyesight is about the only thing he inherited from me, it seems."

Soon enough, Virgil was requesting permission to land. Gordon, too, was relieved. Dominic attempted to hoist himself up, and turned to where he thought the redhead was sitting, still with closed eyes.

"How's my patient?" He asked.

"I'm over here." Dominic turned; he could sense the smirk in Gordon's voice. "Better than the nurse, I'd reckon," he said.

"That's not unlikely," Dom said.

They felt the familiar smooth landing of Thunderbird Two, and Dominic sighed with relief. 'At least now I'll be able to go curl up in a corner,' he thought, 'even if it'll only be a short respite.'

Post by ArtisticRainey on 30/04/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1334 is a reply to message #1333] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tuesday, April 10, 2068, 3:30 p.m., Tracy Island.

Dianne was waiting for them at the monorail terminus. Gordon groaned. "Mom...."

She was not to be dissuaded. "T' the infirmary with you, Gordon Tracy. Dom, do you have th'... what happened to yoah glasses?"

Dom, who had a hand firmly on John's elbow, smiled weakly. "I lost them."

"How much can you see?"

The Irishman colored. "Er... little or nothing?"

Dianne sighed. "Oh deah. Do you have th' scan results?"

He held forth a data pad, and Dianne took it as the lift rose. Dom swallowed deeply and paled. After the flight home, his stomach was none too steady and his head still pounded.

Dianne watched both men, looking up from the data pad as she skimmed over the contents. Finally, the lift deposited them on the lower level of the villa, and she offered her elbow to Dom. She said to the other three men, "Yoah fathah's waitin' foah you up in th' lounge. Scott 'n' Christophuh should be theah already foah debriefin'."

"F-A-B, Mom," said John as he leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Virgil followed suit, leaving Brandon feeling as if he should, too! She gave him a look as if to say, "Don't even think about it" and he grinned, saying, "See you later, Doc!"

"Do y' have an opthamologist?" Dianne asked Dom as they entered the infirmary.

"Yes, I have one back in Kansas."

"Well, then. We'll just make an appointment and have someone fly you over there," Dianne said. "Ah'm not fully equipped foah opthamalic exams heah. Besides, it's not mah specialty." She watched as he sat carefully in one of the examining room chairs. "Got a headache?"

Dom sighed. "Yes. And my stomach..." He made a face.

"Ah kin imagine," she replied. "Now, Gordon, get up on the examin' bed. Dom's done a good job with the scans, an' yoah arm's not broken. But Ah want t' see how deep th' bruisin' is on the shoulder. While you do that, Ah'll get Dom something foah his head and stomach."

She opened one of the cabinets and pulled out a hypospray. Frowning, she searched through the drug ampules stored there until she found what she needed. "Looks like Ah've got t' order some moah painkillers," she muttered as she loaded the hypospray. Crossing over to Dom, she said, "This should do th' trick. But you might want t' lie down foah a bit an' let it do its job." She pressed it up against his neck and the drug hissed its way into his bloodstream.

"Lying down sounds good right now," Dom admitted. "I can make it over to the other bed by myself."

"Okay. You know, you might want to consider contacts..."

"I am. Believe me, I am." ~Though what they might cost doesn't bear thinking.

Dianne examined Gordon, and saw how his upper arm, once red and puffy, was now turning an interesting purple in splotches. She shook her head. "That shoulder joint is bruised and it's gonna hurt foah quite a while. Yoah gonna need some painkillers and some light physical therapy to see you through this one." She favored him with a rueful smile. "We just can't send you anywhere, can we?"

Gordon rolled his eyes. "That's what John said."

She chuckled, and went about getting a painkiller for her redhaired stepson.

Post by Tikatu on 01/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1335 is a reply to message #1334] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
*****Flashback: Tuesday, April 10, 2068; 2:25 a.m. Somewhere over Germany; Thunderbird Two en route back to Tracy Island.

Gordon was still wincing from the pain in his left shoulder. "Oh, man...I didn't think this would happen to me, not with Thunderbird Four."

"Hey, I don't think anybody, not even you, could have predicted what happened." Brandon shook his head sympathetically. "Look on the bright side; at least it wasn't broken."
Gordon snorted derisively, "You call that a bright side?"

"Sure. You wouldn't be able to get back on duty fast enough if it were broken. You already suffered enough with your back a couple of months ago."

"You've got a point there, Brandon." Gordon grimaced as another sharp pain stabbed through his shoulder.

"So, sit back and enjoy the ride." Brandon grinned. "It's not like you can do anything else." When Gordon finally settled back, Brandon allowed himself to relax and reflect on the rescue and, most of all, what needed to be done once they arrived back on the island.

Tracy Island: Same day, 3:30 p.m.

Kat was on the balcony of her apartment in a deep conversation with Elise and Callie when she heard Brains's voice over her communicator. "Kat from Brains."

"Yes, Brains, what is it?"

"Can I have a word with you?"

She hurried down the stairs to meet Brains. "What's wrong?"

"Thunderbird Four has been badly damaged. We need to work on it immediately when Thunderbird Two is back in the hangar. Gordon has a shoulder injury, so Brandon will be working with us. Can you give me a hand in gathering the equipment we'll need to start the repairs as soon as we can?"

"Sure thing, Brains. Just tell me what I need to get, and I'll find it."

They gathered blowtorches, airbrushes, and the riveting equipment and were ready to work on Thunderbird Four as soon as the opportunity came.

Post by MagicMaster8, Tawnyangel22 and TracyFan4Ever on 03/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1336 is a reply to message #1335] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island Lounge. April 10th, 4:45pm.

A weary John, Virgil, Scott, Brandon and Christopher were already in the lounge awaiting the arrival of Gordon and Dom, who were in the infirmary the second they'd arrived home at the insistence of Dianne.

"Where's Dad?" asked John.

"He'll be here soon. I think he went to the infirmary," answered Scott.

The team made themselves comfortable, and moments later, Jeff appeared with Gordon and Dominic following closely. Gordon winced as he sat down, and Dominic was in no rush to get to his seat either.

"You guys okay?" asked Brandon, concerned.

"Yeah, we'll live," replied Gordon.

Jeff seated himself behind his desk and spoke. "Okay, boys, I know each and everyone of you is tired, so we need to get on with this debriefing. Scott, will you get your written report to me first thing tomorrow?"

"Sure, Dad, no problem," his eldest replied.

"Good, then let's get started."

Jeff glanced over to Gordon to make sure he was still awake and hadn't fallen asleep from the medication his wife had administered.

Scott began first. "Thunderbird One arrived at the Danger Zone at 10:00 pm, local time. Immediately noticed that the bridge was unstable and the Prime Minister's car was barely hanging on. The opposite side of the bridge had dropped on its own and local rescue authorities were working on putting out the fires. I noticed a group of people, possibly reporters, and asked Christopher to turn on the camera defogger. I located a place to land and set up Mobile Control. Christopher and I then engaged the local police to assist. Once Christopher was set up with Mobile Control, I returned with TB1 to the bridge, then contacted base concerning the reporters. I used the loud speaker to advise the victims in the car what was going to happen. Then I deployed 5 lances to secure the underside of the car until we could get up to rescue them."

Scott then looked over at Virgil, who picked up the cue and continued.

"Thunderbird Two arrived at the Danger Zone after Mobile Control was set up. Scott advised us of firing the lances, the fires below and the reporters."

"He also gave us an update on the condition of the ship," added Gordon.

"Right. It was then that Brandon and Gordon left to prepare Thunderbird 4 and John and Dominic, Thunderbird 7," finished Virgil.

As an afterthought, he added, "I then landed Thunderbird Two in a clearing and opened pod for the Thunderizer to go and secure the cables John and Dom would need."

"Any problems firing those cables, Gordon?" Jeff asked.

"No sir, none at all. The Thunderizer performed brilliantly."

Jeff smiled. If was good to hear that the equipment worked when it was needed as a failure could mean life or death.

"Anything to add at this point, Brandon?"

Brandon looked up at Jeff and then at Gordon. "Well, while Gordon was securing the cables, I checked and double-checked the equipment on TB4 and called in for an update from Mobile Control. They advised us that adverse weather conditions were battering the ship against the bridge supports and that it was taking on water. Gordon came up with a plan to get close enough to get the welding done. Under Gordon's guidance, I took Four down to 10 meters. The ship appeared okay at first but was listing hard to starboard. Gordon was able to gauge the time the current took the ship to and away from the bridge and used Four as a buffer in there and Gordon proceeded with the welding."

Brandon paused, looking at Gordon as if waiting for an approval to continue. Jeff spoke first.

"Then what happened? Gordon?"

The red-haired shifted uncomfortably and picked up where Brandon had stopped. "We felt a loud vibration, then a shockwave slammed me up against the hull. Hence the injury." He moved his arm in indication.

"This was about 11.45 pm. Brandon alerted Mobile Control, then came out assist. I had finished the welding, so we headed back to Four, called Mobile Control, and were advised that the Royal Navy was to take over. We surfaced and returned to Pod 4."

"Thank you, son. Why don't you go and get some sleep and rest that arm? Brandon will fill me in if there's anything else."

"Thanks," Gordon replied softly, grateful for the early dismissal. He slowly got up, bid his goodbyes, and headed for his room.

"Well team, so far so good." Jeff turned his attention towards Dominic and John. "Okay John, what have you got for us?"

The blonde spoke up clearly. "Once we left the pod, we advised local authorites of security measures, secured Seven, checked our harnesses and proceeded. By now the weather was torrential and it made for a hard climb. Once we reached the Prime Minister's car, we counted 5 occupants. The Prime Minister and two children in the back seat and her husband and the driver in the front. She was very insistent that her sons be taken down first, not her. Dom and I each took a boy and descended to awaiting paramedics without any problems. As we readied to take down the Prime Minister and her husband, the car shifted and threw him against the door."

Dominic jumped in at this point and John let him, figuring he needed to get used to speaking up at debriefings. Everyone's account was of equal importance.

"The Prime Minister panicked a little, and grabbed towards her husband, and then he, unfortunately, flew out the door with her holding him. I instinctively grabbed hold of her and jammed my feet behind the seats to stop us all from falling. John helped hoist us back, we then harnessed the both of them and I took her down, slamming into the bridge surface on the way. That's when my glasses fell off. John managed to get the husband down and look out for me in the process." Dominic gave John a grateful smile. John returned with a kind one of his own.

"I returned for the chauffeur. We radioed Thunderbird Two at 11.45 pm and headed back for the pod," John added, noticing his father scribbling down notes.

There was a few moments of silence and then Scott added the final statement. "I called stand-down at 12.02 am local time, we packed up Mobile Control and headed for base."

Jeff finished his notes and looked up. "Great job team, looks like this rescue was a success. I for one am glad no harm came to the Prime Minister. Thank you everyone. you're dismissed."

Various bodies stretched and yawned, and one by one they started to trickle out of the room. As Christopher turned to leave, Jeff called to him. "Christopher, I'd like a word with you. Privately."

Christopher knew what was coming. "Yes, sir." Christopher sat back down.

Scott was the last one to leave and indicated to his father that he would lock the doors on the way out.

"Thanks, Scott." Scott merely nodded and, with one last look at Christopher, he departed. Locking the doors behind him.

Post by FrankieCTB2 on 07/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1337 is a reply to message #1336] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
April 10, 2068, 5:30 p.m.

Now that the debriefing was over, the majority of the rescue crew was off to shower and get a bite to eat before doing post-rescue maintenance.

Christopher, however, remained in the lounge waiting for Jeff to speak. He stood there, face impassive. Inside, though, he was shaking like a leaf. He thought back to the last time this happened. Flight Commander Harris had hauled him over the coals for going against his orders.

Jeff looked at Christopher, studying his face. His blue eyes stared at the man for long moments, assessing his first reaction and what it should be. He remembered times when he had been in a similar situation, and the few times when his sons stood before him like this, at strict attention and trying very hard to hide their anxiety. He took a deep breath and huffed it out through his nose. "What is the one thing that makes us capable of carrying on our work without hinderance from governmental intervention?" he snapped.

"Secrecy... Sir!" Christopher groaned inwardly as old habits kicked in. "I'm sorry, Mr. Tracy. I made a serious mistake," he continued, "and I accept any punishments you see fit."

Jeff ignored his apology... for the moment. "What allows us to be personally safe, and to keep our tech out of unfriendly hands?"

"Discretion." Christopher paused. "And not opening our mouths to all and sundry." He licked his lips, his mouth was dry. And Jeff Tracy's eyes were boring into him.

"If you understand this," Jeff said calmly. Then he raised his voice and slammed a fist on the desk, shouting, "Then just what the HELL were you doing talking to a damned reporter?!" Having said that, he sat back, scowling and waiting for Christopher's answer.

"I made a mistake." Christopher did not show any emotion. "An inexcusable mistake, which no amount of apology can change. It will not happen again." He looked at Jeff, his eyes bright. "I have been given a great privilege to be working with you, and I will not make this mistake again."

"You'd better damn well see to it that it doesn't," Jeff replied hotly. "But you haven't answered my question. What made you talk to the reporter instead of calling security and having her hauled away?!"

"The lure of a pretty face, Mr. Tracy. Plain and simple," Christopher replied.

"Are you going to be spilling your guts to every pretty face that comes along? Because if you are, I can't use you!"

"I will not, Mr Tracy." A flash of anger appeared in Christopher's eyes and voice.

Jeff sat back in his chair and said in a less bellowing tone, "See to it that you don't." He steepled his fingers, and continued to glare at the former RAF pilot. "As for 'punishment', it's time to recalibrate the communications masts. Then Mobile Control needs a thorough cleaning, as does Thunderbird One's cargo bay. After that, I'm sure Scott can find some other chores for you to do. You may continue your simulator training, but you are not allowed to work Mobile Control or pilot any of the Thunderbirds for the next three months. You will be assigned to rescues at my discretion." He paused, then stood up and leaned over his desk. "Oh, and if this ever happens again?" he said. "You will find yourself back in England... and unemployed... so fast your head will swim. Is that understood?"

"It is, Mr Tracy." Christopher nodded, his face still blank. "Thank you." He stood there at attention and held his breath for any other pronouncements.

Jeff waved a hand irritably. "Get showered and eat. Dismissed."

Christopher nodded then left. Once he got out of the area, he let out a long held breath.

Post by The_Wrong_Trousers1 and Tikatu on 08/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1338 is a reply to message #1337] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
******April 10, 2068; Pod Repair Bay; 6:15 p.m.******

As soon as they finished dinner, Virgil and Brandon went down to the pod repair bay next to the lab, where they noticed Brains and Kat had returned to finish sorting the equipment needed to repair Thunderbird Four. Brains saw the two men approaching. "Ah, good, you're both here. I need you two to handle the exterior while Kat and I look at the interior."

"You got it, Brains." Brandon looked down at the equipment they'd be using remarking, "Looks like we've got a bit of work ahead of us, Virgil."

Virgil shook his head. "I've never seen Four look this bad." He took a turn around the little submarine. "Looks like most of it is cosmetic, though." He glanced at Brandon. "We'd better do a very careful job on this or Gordon will ask for our heads on a platter!"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I have EVERY intention of staying on his good side." Brandon smiled as everybody laughed.

"I think we all want to stay on his good side, Brandon," Brains remarked.

Brains and Kat climbed into the upper hatch to enter the sub. When they both were inside, they looked around. "Hmm," said Brains, "there doesn't appear to be any damage done in here, but just to be sure, we need to run the diagnostics." He led her to the control panel. "I'll enter the sequence to begin the check."

Kat became curious. "How do you do that in Thunderbird Four? I haven't had time to go over that with Gordon."

Brains showed her where the diagnostic activation buttons were on the control panel. "If it runs smoothly, it should be done in about five minutes. While that's going on, we'll check the rest of the interior." Brains showed her around, checking hatches, seats, and lockers for structural damage. "We'll need to check all the outer mechanisms, too, and make sure they weren't damaged. I'll show you how to operate them."

While Kat and Brains were working inside, Brandon and Virgil got started on the exterior of the craft. "Okay, Brandon, the first thing we have to do is replace the damaged panels. Would you hand me the oxyhydnite torch?"

"Sure thing, Virgil."

"Virgil from Brains," sounded Virgil's communicator.

"Go ahead, Brains."

"I need you and Brandon to do me a favor. Can you take a look at the front end and tell me if anything has been damaged?"

"Okay, Brains. Brandon, you may want to watch this part, since you'll have to learn the proper diagnostics eventually."

"Yes, sir." Brandon shifted to the front of the little sub and watched carefully as the grabs slid out of their housing. "Looks good so far... wait, the grabs are about to hit the lighting trough. Can you swing it upward?"

Brains tried to activate the trough's positioning arms. "Hmm. They seem to be stuck," he replied.

Brandon moved around to the side and noticed the lighting trough's supporting arm on their side of the ship. "Brains from Brandon. We have a problem with the lighting trough on the port side; the arm appears to have jammed." He looked over at Virgil, who nodded at him.
"Same thing here, Brains," Virgil added

"Hmm, this is serious," Brains murmured. "Can you see what the problem is?"

"There could be something wrong with the socket, but I can't say for certain. Mechanics aren't exactly my specialty," Brandon said as he walked back to the front end of the sub.
Brains looked at Kat. "Ready to put your mechanical skills to work again?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Very well. The rest of the interior is all right, and the diagnostics program shows no damage to the computer. Let's get out there and fix that trough."

As Brains and Kat started working on the lighting trough, Brandon shook his head. "I'm surprised the damage wasn't more than what it is. Four took a really hard beating out there."

Virgil concurred with him. "That's why we built Thunderbird Four out of cahelium. She was made to withstand almost anything thrown at her."

"Shall I give you that oxyhydnite torch you requested earlier?"

"Thanks, Brandon. Let's get to work on those panels. There's enough space for us to do our job without interfering with their work."

Brandon and Virgil went to work on the right side of the sub. Virgil said, "Looks like we'll have to change two panels on this side, one over the nacelle."

"Yeah. The panels aren't that big. This won't take too long."

"No, but then comes the hard part...repainting the sub, hence the airbrushes."

For the next four hours, all four people worked hard to fix the damage done to Thunderbird Four's port side. Brains and Kat finished repairing the lighting trough at about the same time Virgil and Brandon completed replacing the damaged panels.

They stood back, looking at the work they'd done. There were bare spots of metal where the repairs had been made and the things they had used were scattered on the floor.

"Nice job, everyone," said Brains. "Too bad we still have painting to do. Grab some primer, and let's get started." The other three groaned at his remark but understood that the job was still not complete. "Relax. Once we get through with the primer, we'll stop for tonight. It's getting late, and it'll need all night to dry anyway."

They each grabbed a can and started working on the paint job for Thunderbird Four before calling it a night.

Post by MagicMaster8, Tawnyangel22 and TracyFan4Ever on 09/05/2005

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Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1339 is a reply to message #1338] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
10th April, BBC Television Studios, London, 4.00 a.m.

Fiona Brotherton showed her pass to the security guard at the entrance to the car park and parked her car. She smiled to herself and patted her bag where the Tommy's tape lay. Oh, yes, she was very happy. Hadn't she just got the scoop of the year? She could almost see the headlines.

FILM OF THE CENTURY! BBC Reporter, Ms Brotherton has International Rescue on film!

Fiona headed for the morning edition director's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Greg!" Fiona entered and looked excitedly at her boss. "Here is the exclusive film!" She handed him Tommy's tape.

Greg looked at the memo on his desk from Sir Charles Barclay-Stewart, the head of the BBC. It gave instructions concerning Fiona's tape, and had attached to it a copy of the letter that Sir Charles had received.

Sir Charles, the tape that Ms Brotherton has in her possession, has been filmed against the wishes of International Rescue. As you are aware, complete secrecy must surround these rescues, therefore this tape must be destroyed.

Greg faced Fiona across the desk. "Hm, thank you, Fiona. I will send it to the film editor, so that it can be broadcast on the morning news bulletin."

"Is it possible that a copy could be made? I did promise the owner that I would send him a copy."

Greg looked aghast, but soon recovered. Heavens, I thought that she had filmed it. He smiled and murmured, "Well, let's see how it looks first shall we?" He pressed a button on his desk, and Marcia, his Secretary entered.

"Sir?" she queried.

"Marcia, please take Ms Brotherton's film down to the film editor." He looked at her. "And hand it to Michael; he'll know what to do." Marcia smiled as she took the film, and left the room.

"Now, Ms Brotherton, would you like some coffee?"

Back at home, Fiona settled down to watch the morning news, content in the knowledge that she had some groundbreaking footage for the nation. The day's stories droned on: war in the far east, employment figures were up, and so on. But there was no mention of International Rescue or of the film she had taken. Angrily she telephoned the BBC. After explaining who she was and what she wanted, she was finally put through to the morning director.

"Greg!" she almost exploded. "Where was the news item about International Rescue, and my film of the rescue?"

Greg's sympathetic face stared back at her in the vidphone screen. "Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry. There was nothing on that film at all."

"Nothing on the film!" Fiona was furious. "But... but both Tommy and I saw what he had filmed! It was there! I know it was!"

Then realisation dawned. That dratted outfit has out-manoeuvred me! She thought for a moment, then she realised that she was completely helpless. Someone must have destroyed that film, someone working for International Rescue.. but who? She thought about Tommy. He had been so excited. She suddenly felt sorry for him. How was she going to explain? Maybe if she had allowed him to keep the tape, then possibly he could have found a way of making the contents known to the country.
Don't worry, Fiona vowed to herself. Someday, somewhere, I will get my scoop.

Post by Tawnyangel22 on 09/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1340 is a reply to message #1339] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Wednesday 11 April, 09.30am, Tracy Island.

Living without glasses was something that Dominic had done before. He could handle it -- for about half an hour, because then he usually found the stupid things. But this was different. He was bereft of his sight, almost blind, totally dependent upon his ability not to trip over every bump in the floor -- which was questionable at times -- and it was killing him. The pain meds had stopped the discomfort and nausea, but feeling helpless, on top of only seeing a round, pink blur when he looked at his son's face, made him depressed.

Joshua was in the capable hands of Cherie, who had valiantly given up her morning to keep an eye on Joshua -- Because I sure can't do that now, can I? -- while he went to see Dr Tracy to organise a trip to the mainland. He suspected that she didn't trust him to get by on his own. He wasn't a total invalid....

"Just here, Dominic," Cherie said when he almost walked past the sickroom door.

"Thanks, pet." He groaned inwardly. So much for that, then.

He could make out Dianne as she stood up, even if she was only a blur, and allowed her to help him to a seat. He allowed the touch; a broken tail bone would not be a good thing.

"How're you feeling today? Any headache, nausea, dizziness?"

"I'm doing all right. No pain," he said quietly, squinting in vain.

"I've been thinking a little about what we're going to do about your eyes. Contacts might not be the best option. On the bridge, from what you've described, the force of the impact might have jarred them out, and you'd be in the same predicament that you are now."

Dominic nodded, though he wasn't quite sure where this was going.

"I was thinking, how would you feel about corrective surgery?"

He paused for a moment. Surgery was dangerous... But then, what had he got to lose? "At this moment, I think I'd try anything. I would never have considered it before. But isn't it risky?"

Dianne shook her head. He imagined she was smiling. "Not anymore. LASIK surgery was perfected years ago. There are rarely any complications. I was reading up on it," she reached for a few pages on the desk beside her, "and it says here that the procedure now takes as little as ten minutes for each eye, and after a few hours, your vision will be as good as twenty-twenty. What do you think?"

Dominic couldn't stop a wide grin. "Twenty-twenty? I've been almost blind since I was twelve. Let's do it!"

He got the impression Dianne was taken aback at the sudden change of heart, and he winked. "Hey, isn't the IR motto, 'Not to give up at any cost?' I don't want to have to leave. I love this job. I'll do anything."

Dianne clapped his shoulder lightly. "Excellent! I'll talk to Jeff about getting an appointment. I'm sure he'll be able to pull some strings and get you in at the Tracy Industries hospital back in Kansas ASAP."

"Sounds good. Hey, I could call in on Tommy-boy and show off my new eyes." Dominic stopped for a moment and shrank back into his seat. "There's one thing we're forgetting: the cost. I was barely going to be able to afford contacts. I haven't the money for surgery."

Dianne chuckled. "Don't be silly, Dom," she said. "Jeff will take care of everything. If it makes you feel better, say it comes under the IR health plan."

Dominic let out a breath, and smiled. "Thanks, Doc," he said. "Seems like things are looking up, right?"

Post by ArtisticRainey on 14/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1341 is a reply to message #1340] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Wednesday, April 11, 2068, 10:45 a.m., Tracy Island

Jeff walked into the infirmary for his appointment with his wife, the doctor. He didn't find her in the examining/infirmary room so he poked his head around the door to her office. She was on the phone, talking to some woman who he didn't recognize.

"I need the appointment as soon as possible," she explained. "The young man has lost his glasses and does not have a spare pair. He's walking around nearly blind, and this makes both his work and his family life more than difficult."

"I think we can squeeze him in on Monday the 16th," the appointment scheduler said.

"That's not good enough," Dianne answered. Jeff's eyebrows went up. He could tell by her tone that she was getting irritated by the woman on the other end.

"I'm sorry, Doctor, but I just can't...."

Dianne shook her head and cut the woman off. "Let me talk t' th' chief surgeon."

"I'm sorry, but he's very busy."

Dianne leaned in close. "You tell him, hunay, thet Dr. Dianne Tracy, as in Mrs. Jefferson Tracy, wants to speak with him now. Unless, o' coahse he's in suhguhry. Then he may return mah call."

"Dr. Tracy! I'm so sorry! I didn't catch your name..." the woman was all over herself with apologies. "I'll put him on right away." The screen flashed "Transferring Call".

Jeff slipped up behind his wife and put his hands on her shoulders. She looked up at him, a mixture of annoyance and frustration in her expression. "Whah is it thet Ah've always got t' drop yoah name befoah people give me th' time o' day?"

"The idea that I'm married is still new to a lot of people," Jeff murmured, bringing his face down next to hers and resting his chin on her shoulder. "And not too many people know you by name or by occupation. Give it time, love, give it time."

The phone flashed the words "Connection made", and Jeff stood back up, smiling at Dianne as he left to wait for her in the surgery. He could hear her voice, still using that thick drawl, as she talked to the chief surgeon about Dom's predicament. Finally, she came out, smiling a bit, rubbing her hands together.

"I have an appointment for him on Friday, the 13th. I still have to figure out when we'll need to leave, and I should tap someone to fly shotgun with me, too," she explained. "Lie back please."

Jeff did as she said, and she ran the surgical scanner over his foot. As the images processed, she worked his foot around with her hands, making him press down on her hand against pressure, asking him if he felt any pain. She poked him with a safety pin, elicting an "Ouch!" from the very first poke. Then she told him he could sit up and she went to the computer to check the images.

"Y'know, Di," he said as he sat up and leaned back on his arms. "I could fly shotgun with you to... wherever you've set up this appointment."

"The airbase in Kansas," she said absently. "Sounds like a good idea... if your foot passes muster today. Have you been doing your therapy exercises?"

"Religiously," Jeff answered. "If Gordon hasn't been on me about them, Alex has been. I think he deputized the boy to act in his stead about the therapy."

She sighed, then looked up at him with a smile. "Well, I think you can dispense with them now, Jeff. I like the way your foot looks and your muscles are strong. You haven't been limping, have you?"

"Not too much. Just when the foot feels stiff," he admitted.

"Then loosening up exercises for a week or so. And... I think I can clear you to fly, too."

"Fly? When?" Jeff asked eagerly.

"This weekend. You know I'd love to have you in the cockpit with me."

"I'd love that, too, dearest," he replied. Then he frowned. "But I told Callie and Kat we'd have a meeting on Saturday about how to handle media attention...."

"You can postpone that, can't you? Dom will need to be there anyway."

"Yes, you're right. And it's not like I've told everyone we were having it or when it was going to be. Okay. I"ll set it for Monday the 16th. That should be soon enough." Jeff hopped down from the table. "I'll get an email out right now about it."

"And I'll start making preparations for our trip to Kansas. Maybe we could stay overnight at the old farmhouse," Dianne suggested.

"A good idea. Will you make the arrangements?"

"Of course." Dianne stood and came close to Jeff. Her hand reached out to touch the side of his neck. "Y'know, if you and I didn't both have things to do... Ah could lock the door..."

Jeff smiled and brought his lips down to hers. "Tonight, my love. Tonight I will give you a most romantic evening in the privacy of our own suite."

"Ah'll hold yew t' thet, Jeff Tracy," she breathed as she kissed him tenderly. They left the surgery together, hand in hand, and as he walked out the sick room door, she sighed heavily, then turned back to her office to make travel arrangements.

Jeff went upstairs to the lounge and wrote up a quick email to send off to the IR operatives, making a special note to Kat and Callie about the rescheduling of the meeting. Then he walked back down to the kitchen to have a word with Kyrano about a special dinner... for two.

Post by Tikatu on 15/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1342 is a reply to message #1341] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Wednesday 11 April, 08:30pm, Tracy Island.

In the quiet of her friend's apartment, Nikki watched as Dominic tucked Joshua into bed, after having enlisted her help to do so. She had actually done little, as Dominic was able to go through the evening routine, glasses or no, and thought herself more of a safety net than anything else. Dom knelt down and pawed at the wall until he found the socket where the night-light was plugged and turned it on, before slowly making his way to the door. Nikki switched off the light.

"Fancy a cuppa?" Dominic asked, and she nodded.

She hovered about the little kitchenette and helped where she was needed; a lack of sight and boiling water was not the best of combinations, and soon they sat down on the sofa. Dominic kicked off his sneakers.

"Thanks, luv," he said.

Nikki sipped her tea and glanced around the apartment. There was a residual odour of paint hanging in the air.

"How's the decorating going?" she asked.

"Slowly, slowly. I enlisted the aid of one Gordon Tracy, but every time I try to find him, he magically disappears." He chuckled. "Well, now that he's injured I'll have to continue without him. After I get my new eyes, of course."

"Did Dianne get you an appointment?"

"Yes, for -- get this -- Friday the 13th. Wonderful, eh?"

"Oh no! Well, at least that's just silly superstition."

"Yeah. Makes me feel uneasy, though. Another thing that makes me uneasy is the fact that both Doctor Tracy and Mister Tracy are going with me. I swear, if I say something daft..."

Nikki chuckled and shook her head. "Don't worry about it. You'll be fine. They're not that scary, really."

Dominic nodded thoughtfully and finished off his tea, before setting down the mug. "Oh, did you get that e-mail about the media meeting?" he asked.

"Yeah. Not looking forward to that one. I never really thought before about how easily we could mess things up. Poor Christopher."

"It was a damn fool thing to do," Dom said, "but a damn fool thing any one of us could have done. I tried to talk to him, but he wasn't having any of it."

Nikki finished her tea, collected the mugs, and set them in the sink. "I'd better be going. I want to catch up on some correspondence."

"Cool. Thanks for your help, Nik. Goodnight!"

Post by ArtisticRainey on 18/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1343 is a reply to message #1342] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
******Wednesday, April 11, 2068; Tracy Island; 9:45 p.m.******

Callie completed her Thunderbird Three simulator training with John and went back to her apartment. Her training had been delayed several hours due to a fault in the simulator's systems. She took off her shoes and got herself a glass of cold water. She had stretched out on the couch when she noticed her diary lying on the floor, left in the rush to make it to her training at the original time. "Wow, what a day." She grabbed her diary and started writing.

So far I'm doing well with the flight controls on Thunderbird Three, but I need to improve on landing it properly in the bay upon returning. John said that could be attributed to flying space cruisers during my time in the WSA. He also knows I'll get the hang of it in time. I'm glad he's flying me to Thunderbird Five next month, when I get to do my first solo stay up there. Hopefully within a few weeks I'll master the landing part.
I'm also looking forward to this meeting on Saturday morning. It's so important that all of us come up with ways of coping with media pressure. I'm about ready for a snack, but I'll check my e-mail first.

She closed her diary and went to her computer to open her e-mail. "Hmm, I have two e-mails from Mr. Tracy."

The first one was for all the new recruits:

[i]New IR Recruits:

I have learned that the security breach in our recent rescue brought up an important matter for discussion. Therefore, pending any rescue missions, I want all new recruits to report to the lounge on Monday the 16th at 1 p.m. for a meeting concerning media pressure. I expect all of you to be there at that time.

Thank you,

Jeff Tracy

"Monday? I thought it was going to be on Saturday." She saw the next e-mail subject: "Callie and Kat."

Callie and Kat:

I know you both assumed the meeting was still scheduled for Saturday morning, but Dominic has to go to the mainland this weekend for corrective vision surgery. Since I hadn't mentioned it to anyone else, Dianne suggested to move it to Monday the 16th, when everyone was available. I will see you at the meeting.


Callie smiled. "He's got a point. Why call a meeting if nobody else even knows about it ahead of time?" She walked to her refrigerator and took out some strawberry gelatin for an evening snack.

Post by TracyFan4Ever on 18/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1344 is a reply to message #1343] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:55 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
11th April 2068, 10pm Christopher's flat

Christopher yawned as the film he had watched that evening was coming to an end. Beside him, Asterix was stretched out, his head on his master's lap. Looking back on the day, indeed the last few days, he felt increasingly discontent. His faux pas in London was continuing to haunt him.

At breakfast that morning he had braved the family table only to get the feeling, from Jeff and Scott mainly, that he wasn't welcome. Of course, all his colleagues living at the Cliff House had tried to humour him. The thing that hurt the most though, was that he had tried to talk to Tin-Tin. Only small talk mind, but Alan stuck his oar in and the atmosphere had become a lot frostier.

He worked through the list of tasks for that morning, then reported to Dianne to see if there were any jobs for him. He helped to scrub off Thunderbird Seven, and had contemplated asking her some questions, but he thought better of it.

He had a sandwich in Kyrano's kitchen, and the old gentleman listened to Christopher's woes. But he couldn't offer any advice.

"You must make your own decisions, Mr Jordan." He smiled as he put some chicken in a dish for Asterix.

Christopher chuckled to himself; he loved talking to the old man. He had just left the kitchen to go to the main hangar when Tin-Tin appeared. She looked so happy, so carefree, so beautiful. He wanted to say something, to tell that he loved her. But he didn't have the confidence to do so. So he walked away, and got on with his work.

Which brought him back to the present. He had decided not to eat with the family that evening, preferring to eat at home. Asterix loved the chicken.

"Home!" he muttered as he scratched Asterix under the chin, "I'm not sure if it is home anymore." Getting up from the settee, he made sure that Asterix was comfortable before going to his desk and turning on the computer. He started up the word processing package, and set it up for a letter. He sat there for a while, composing his thoughts, before bringing himself enter the words on the keyboard.

"I am writing to you to offer my resignation from Tracy Industries," he said to himself as he typed, "In adherance with company policy, I will work the full month of notice."

He continued typing for a while, finally putting things down that had been troubling him for a while. Belinda had been a factor, plus the fact that sometimes he didn't feel like he fitted in.

He asked the computer to go through the words, doing any grammatical corrections, and adding all the pertinent standard attachments. Finally the letter was ready to send in an email to Jeff Tracy. Opening the page to send the letter, he noticed an email addressed to him from Mr Tracy.

There was to be a meeting regarding the handling of the media during rescues and, the email continued, Christopher must attend as part of his 'punishment'.

Christopher sat there for a moment, before turning the computer off and going to bed.

Post by The_Wrong_Trousers1 on 18/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1345 is a reply to message #1344] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Thursday 12th April 2068, 8:00 a.m, Tracy Island

As Nikki got ready for the day, she thought back to the last rescue. She hadn't taken part in it but she wished she had. It would've been good to see ol' England again. For the first time after a rescue was completed, Nikki had to do clean up in Thunderbird Seven without Dominic or Dr. Tracy.


Nikki began work on Thunderbird Seven. Dom wouldn't be helping this time since his glasses were lost during the rescue. It felt weird doing the checks without Dom. Usually they would split the minor tasks and tackle the big ones like disinfecting the surgical bay together.

To begin with, Nikki checked that all the medical equipment were catalogued and put in the right place. It wouldn't be good if they were low on supplies while out on a rescue. After making sure the medical supplies were stocked, Nikki moved on to the medical instruments. She checked them over, making sure they weren't damaged in any way and were in top condition.

While working, Nikki began to wonder what rescues were like before Thunderbird Seven and before Dr Tracy came into the mix. She guessed that one of the boys had to use their basic medical knowledge to keep the patients stable until they got them to paramedics or until they got to the hospital, using the sick bay aboard Thunderbird 2.

Time seemed to move slower as she was working alone. Usually the work seemed to flow by if she was talking to someone or if there were other sounds, like music. So as she worked, she began to hum various songs. There was even a spring to her step as she hummed.

Nikki's humming was interrupted by Christopher's arrival to do his punishment chores. She really felt for him for what he had to do. His slip up was a mistake and he regretted it. While Christopher washed down the Thunderbird, Nikki moved onto her next task. The diagnostics on the biobeds needed to be run.
Soon all the work was complete. She double-checked to make sure she hadn't missed anything.

End Flashback

Nikki looked in the mirror as she put her hair up in a ponytail. The weather was lovely outside and she wanted to make the most of it.

Post by Nikki-browneyes1 on 19/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1348 is a reply to message #1345] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island, April 12th 9.00a.m.

Kat sat at the controls of Thunderbird Two in a kind of daydream. Yesterday, Brains had told her that it was time that she learnt the maintenance work on the Thunderbirds themselves. That night she had dreamt about trying to fly Thunderbird Two and Scott shouting, "No, no! You are doing things completely wrong!" She had awoken with a start; the dream had been so realistic. Having washed but still in her nightwear, she made herself some breakfast and headed on to the balcony to enjoy the sunrise while she ate. Later, dressed in her overalls, she headed for Thunderbird Two. Finding no one around she climbed inside the huge vehicle and sat down at the controls. Mm, I certainly don't envy Elise trying to fly this craft.

"Want to have a go at flying?" Virgil's voice broke into her daydream.

Kat spun round, a guilty look on her face. She felt like a young kid who had been caught sitting at the wheel of her parents' car, imagining she was driving.

"Oh, no, that is, I don't think so. I think that would be better left to Elise and you."

Virgil leaned against the doorway and looked at her. "Seems we are both waiting for Brains."

"Yes, I am going to be shown the maintenance work on the Thunderbirds," Kat answered with a smile. "And what's more, I can't wait!"

"Well, while we are waiting, let me show you the inside and the controls." And for the next fifteen minutes, Virgil showed an interested Kat the cabin's environmental and life-support control console and the hover jets holding bay. He took her through the door from the pilot's cabin into the central corridor. He showed her the starboard storage bay, which held the rescue equipment, oxygen cylinders, cutting tools, lasers and thermic lances.

"The port side bay contains first aid and medical supplies." He grinned at Kat trying to take all this in. And not for the first time, Virgil noted how professional Kat was in her questions.

"You really get involved in your work don't you?" he said smiling at her.

"This is a dream come true, working on the Thunderbirds! I would never had imagined that working for Lady Penelope would have led to all this!" She said as she spread her hands out.

Just then Brains arrived. "Sorry I'm late."

"That's okay, Brains," Virgil remarked. "I was just showing Kat some of the interior workings. Now, where do we start?"

"Oh, are you coming along as well?" Kat asked.

Virgil nodded. "Yep, Brains thought that since Thunderbird Two is my baby that I should help as well."

The three climbed down and headed for the rear of the craft. Virgil handed Kat a large manual. She gasped. "Am I supposed to carry this around with me?"

"No, of course not," Brains answered. "That's for you to read to help you when working on Thunderbird Two. Every Thunderbird has its own manual. You can leave it here to refer to, or if you like, you can take it to your apartment if you want to read more about TB2."

"Now," Virgil began. "In the fin there are variable-cycle turbo-ram jets. Ram-jet turbine provides emergency electrical power." He pointed to the front of the fin. "Behind those grills are the tailplane air intakes."

Kat nodded.

"At each end is the ram jet thrust pipe," Virgil continued. "Here also is the nacelle, housing booster rockets used in emergencies and also in launching from Thunderbird Two's launch ramp."

"It looks so strange with no pod," Kat remarked.

Virgil smiled in agreement. They wandered through and stood looking at the rear. Virgil pointed out the atomic generator which supplies heat to jet exchanges and turbo electric generators, the magnetic bolts which secure the rear of the pod during flight, and the main body-based polarised electro-magnetic pod lifting system, used if Thunderbird Two needs to lower the pod to sea level without disengaging it.

Kat wiped her forehead. It was very hot in the hangar and her T-shirt was sticking to her back. She followed Brains and Virgil as they headed for the front of the craft. Suddenly she felt very faint. She came round lying on the ground, her head on a folded up shirt.

"Are you okay?" Virgil sounded concerned.

"What happened?" Kat felt foolish, lying alongside Thunderbird Two.

"You fainted," Brains replied.

Kat struggled to a sitting position.

"Sorry, it has been a long time since breakfast. I suffer from a low blood sugar condition, and need to eat regularly. I usually carry some glucose with me, but must have forgotten it."

"Should I call Mom?" Virgil asked.

"No, no I shall be okay. All I need is something sweet to eat or drink."

"Then I think that we shall call it a day. Now I am going to take you back to your apartment," Virgil said, ignoring Kat's protests that she would be okay on her own.

Once back in her apartment, Virgil poured her a glass of orange juice. "Are you quite sure you are okay?"

Kat smiled. "Quite sure. Thank you, Virgil."

"Is there anything else I can get you?" Virgil asked, still feeling slightly concerned.

"Honestly, I am okay. I shall have something to eat and have a rest."

Reassured that she was all right, Virgil headed back to the villa. All the same, he thought. I'll make sure to tell Mom about that little incident... Fainting on the job, not good!

Post by Tawnyangel22 on 19/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1349 is a reply to message #1348] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Thursday, April 12, 2068, 3:30 p.m., Tracy Island.

Virgil was heading back up to the villa kitchen to snag himself something to drink, taking a break from the maintenance he and Brains had been doing on Thunderbird Two. As he walked down the hall toward dining room and kitchen, he saw lights on in the infirmary and the door open. ~I wonder if Mom's in there? This would be a good chance to talk to her about Kat's problem.

He stepped inside and saw the figure of Dianne sitting in her office, working at her computer. She looked up at him as he entered, giving him a smile. "Well, Virgil, what brings you here? Are you feeling all right?"

"Uh... yes, I am. Why would you ask? Do I look sick?" Virgil asked in consternation.

Dianne chuckled. "No, you don't look sick. It's just that you boys come down here with great reluctance and only when you're at death's door it seems. Or when you are ordered to be here. Finding one of you here without being deathly ill is an unusual event."

"Oh, okay," Virgil said, wiping of the imaginary sweat from his brow. "Whew! I thought maybe you saw some illness in me that I hadn't seen myself."

"Nope," Dianne said. She saved her file of equipment inventory and gave him her full attention. "But something has brought you here..."

"Yes," he admitted. "When Brains and I were showing Kat around Thunderbird Two this morning, preparatory to her starting to learn how to maintain it, she fainted."

His stepmother frowned. "Fainted?" She reached over to the computer and began to bring up Kat's medical history. "Could she tell you why she fainted?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, she did. She said she had a low blood sugar problem and that it had been too long since breakfast."

Dianne glanced at the screen, and made a little "mm-hmm" noise. "How long did it take for her to come around?"

"No more than ten minutes or so. We had just made her comfortable when she began to stir."

"Okay." She glanced at Kat's chart again, transferring it to a data pad so that Virgil couldn't see it. "What did you do then?"

"Helped her back to her apartment and poured her a glass of orange juice. I remembered that fruit juice is good to give a diabetic patient if their blood sugar drops too fast."

"Precisely right." Dianne said, looking up at him with a smile. "It looks like I need to have a little chat with our Ms. Williamson. It may have to wait until after the trip, though."

"What trip?" Virgil asked.

"We were going to tell you this evening at dinner. Your father and I are flying Dom out to Kansas for corrective eye surgery. We'll be gone for a couple of days."

"Oh!" he exclaimed. "Dad's been cleared to fly again?"

The doctor's smile grew wide. "He most certainly has. In fact, he's down in the simulator refreshing himself on procedures and he might take Tracy 1 out for a little spin later on. With John as back up, of course. We'll be discussing who is in charge of what at dinner."

"Great! It's wonderful that Dad's back in the cockpit again!" Virgil enthused. "It has felt like such a long haul for him to heal completely."

"Earlier in the century it would have been longer, a lot longer," Dianne admitted. "But we've made so many advances in medicine. Dom's surgery is a good example of that. He'll be done within a half-hour and be able to see without glasses the very same day."

"I bet he'll love that!" Virgil rose from his seat. "So, you'll take care of things with Kat?"

"Yes, I will. Leave it with me."

He leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Mom."

"You're welcome," she said with a smile.

Virgil left the infirmary with a lighter heart, safe in the knowledge that his stepmother would take care of Kat.

Dianne sighed and began to compose an email, summoning Kat to the office at a convenient time after she and Jeff returned from Kansas with Dom.

Post by Tikatu on 19/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1350 is a reply to message #1349] Thu, 26 July 2012 19:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
I see Tom hasn't gotten into the habit of answering the vidphone promptly. Dominic drummed his fingers as he waited for the call to connect; Joshua, sitting on his lap, did the same. If you don't answer quickly I'll hang up and turn up on your doorstep uninvited... He was just reaching for the disconnect button when a tousled blond with wide eyes appeared on the screen, blinking.

"Hello? What the -- DOM! Jesus, where've you been? Well, not so much where've you been as how've you been, and why haven't you called sooner, and hey it's my favourite nephew! How are you? Wait a minute, where are your glasses? Can you even see me? Helloooo?"

Dominic sat back as Tom's tirade rolled over him. He hadn't changed at all. Joshua tried to claw at the screen; for the other side, Tom lifted his fingertips to reach for the child's.

"Thomas Eugene," Dom said firmly, trying to curb his half-brother's enthusiasm, "I'm where I said I was going, in the South Pacific; I've been fine, except for now; I have called, but you've never answered, you lazy sod; my glasses are gone, which is why I'm calling you; and yes, I can make you out, so stop sticking out your tongue at me!"

The little pink blob retracted, replaced by the gleam of white teeth.

"It's good to see you, bro. So, what's happening? What did you do with the specs? I bet you lost 'em again, huh? Man they must've cost, like, a hundred bucks or something."

"I did lose them, and can't for the life of me I find them, so I'm heading back to Kansas for a few days."

"COOL! Man, that rocks! Where're you staying? Come here! Stay with me! I'm between housemates at the moment. Well, apartment mates really, but that doesn't sound very good, does it? Are you bringing Josh? I still have the fold up crib you left here. Well?"

"That's what I was going to ask you. Thanks, Tom. My appointment is for 9am on Friday, and I'll be in Kansas for around 2.30am-ish, I'm not sure exactly. No need to ask if you'll still be awake because from the looks of it you only sleep during the day."

Tom chuckled and shrugged.

"Meh, I don't really care. I am a writer; the rules of time and space do not apply."

"Yeah. Right. So, will you have me for a few days then?"

"Definitely! This is so cool. Hey, can I tell Dad? I'm sure he'll want to see you. And everyone else for that matter. And they'll kill me if they found out I didn't tell them. Especially Mom. She keeps asking where exactly you've gone and why."

Dominic shrugged and shook his head.

"Sure, tell Matt if you want, and the rest."

"Hey, Mom'll be glad that you've stopped wearing your nose ring, 'cause you're not wearing it now, and you probably haven't been since you started this high-flying job of yours. Not appropriate, I expect. It's always the way."

"Something like that," I just don't want them to think I'm some kind of rebel or anything. I miss that ring... "Anyway, Tom, I'm going t' have to go. Thanks for this. I mail you the final details, alright?"

"No probs, Dommie. Let me know! Can't wait to see you guys! See ya!" With a little salute, Tom signed off.

Dominic had to sit back for a moment. How on earth did I manage to live with that child? He stood up and started to tickle Joshua lightly.

"Now, we should start planning what we're taking, right? Which cuddly do you want, Ducky or Squeaky Bear? What do you say, my little man?"

Post by ArtisticRainey on 20/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1351 is a reply to message #1350] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island, April 12th 5.30 p.m.

Kat had rested for a few hours after fainting in Thunderbird Two's hangar. Walking out on to the balcony, she breathed in the fresh, warm air. It was such a lovely place. Over and over she thanked her lucky stars that she had been taken on as a mechanic to the Tracy Family.

Wandering back into her apartment, she went into her small kitchenette, made herself a snack and poured herself an glass of orange juice, then sat down at her computer. She opened her e-mails and saw that she had three new ones.

One was from her brother in Washington, a newsy e-mail full of family interest. She sat and composed a reply. The second was addressed to her and Callie from Jeff, advising of the change of date for the meeting with the new recruits.

The third one was from Dr. Tracy asking her to attend the doctor in her office, when she returned from taking Dom to the eye specialist. Kat slumped at the desk. Virgil must have told his mom about the fainting episode.

I hope they don't decide that I am not fit enough and send me home. She felt she couldn't bear that. She replied to Dr. Tracy's message, and then closed her computer down.
Wandering back on the balcony, she thought about the episodes of fainting. True I haven't fainted for ages, but I have had several light headed spells. She had always been thin. Her mother had insisted that even though she was a vegetarian she should eat nutritious food. She just did not put on weight. She was just like her Gran. Granny Johnson was a sparrow of a woman, tiny but full of vitality. Kat smiled to herself remembering spending holidays with her grandparents. Mrs. Johnson ruled her family with a rod of iron although she was also very caring. There was nothing that she wouldn't do for Kat and her brothers. Kat's grandfather was 6ft, but Grandmother was the boss.

"Hi, Kat," Nikki called from her balcony. "Fancy a swim?"

"Love to. Give me a few minutes to get my swimming costume on."

Kat and Nikki headed for the pool.

"I had an e:mail today from Dr. Tracy," Kat told her friend. "She asked me to meet her in her office after she has returned from taking Dom to the eye specialist."

Nikki raised her eyebrows. "What have you been doing?"

Kat looked at Nikki. "When I was learning about Thunderbird Two with Brains and Virgil, I fainted."

"Oh," Nikki replied.

Kat continued. "You see I have a low blood sugar problem, and if I don't eat regularly or have some sugar, like glucose, my blood sugar levels drop suddenly, causing me to pass out. I guess Virgil told Dr. Tracy. Oh, Nikki, I am so terrified that Dr. Tracy will not think me fit enough to be a member of IR and send me home."

"I can't see Dr. Tracy sending you home. You are a very good mechanic, and Dr. Tracy is at the moment helping Elise. She's not being sent home. I am sure that there is something that she can do to help you as well."

Both young women arrived at the pool. Virgil and Gordon were already swimming.

"How are you Kat? " Virgil called.

"Better now, thanks," Kat called back as she slipped off her t-shirt and shorts and dove into the pool.

Post by Tawnyangel22 on 26/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1352 is a reply to message #1351] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Thursday April 12th, 2068 11:45pm

It was late and the denizens of the island had retired for the night; everybody save one. Brandon was sitting out on the balcony, taking in the night air, a thoughtful look on his face. It had been two months since his fateful meeting with Jeff and only now was the impact of his job sinking in.

"I can't believe what's happened to me in such a short time. I never realized I could make such a difference saving lives." He sat back in the chair thinking about some of the rescues he had been on, helping rescue Jeff and Elise from a helijet crash, saving Captain Bowers from an icy death in the North Sea and assisting in the rescue of the Prime Minister and her family from the Tower Bridge.

"Mom and Dad would be so proud of me and the work I do for International Rescue. I just wish I could have told them the truth before I left." After a few more minutes reminiscing, he got up and went inside. However, instead of going to bed, he went to his desk and sat down. Booting his computer and opening the word processor, he began writing.

"Dear Mom and Dad," he began, "I hope this letter finds you both doing well. I apologize for not writing in a while but my job has been keeping me really busy.

Remember when I told you I got a job with Tracy Industries in Hawaii? Well, I wasn't being honest with you that day. I'm not in Hawaii, and I'm not testing new marine equipment. The truth is I'm an aquanaut in training with International Rescue. Mr. Tracy was looking for some good people to help in the organization and my name came up along with a few others. When I decided to take the job, Mr. Tracy swore me to secrecy and keeping everything from you is the hardest thing I've ever had to do."
Brandon stopped and looked at what he had written. Satisfied with what he had put down, he continued typing.

"Man, you would not believe some of the rescues I've been on. The first one happened not too long after I had arrived. A helijet, carrying Mr. Tracy and a pilot, Elise Collins, crashed on a mountainside, and we were pressed into service to help rescue them. I didn't do very much that first time; it was mostly passing the equipment along to Doc or Gordon Tracy, one of Mr. Tracy's eight kids. That rescue was hard on all of us, Mr. Tracy being our boss, but it was particularly hard on Doc, whose real name is Dianne. Besides being International Rescue's chief medical officer, she's also Mr. Tracy's wife." Brandon shook his head, recalling that rescue and realizing how lucky Jeff and Elise were. He then went on, describing, in detail, the North Sea rescue and the heroics at the Tower Bridge.

" I tell you, the last rescue was really scary. It was my first time solo at the controls of Thunderbird Four and I had to keep her between the cruise ship and the bridge support. It wasn't easy with the storm tossing us about like a roller coaster."

He continued typing, telling his parents about the Thunderbirds, life on the island and his new friends. Finally his eyes became too tired to look at the screen.

"Well, it's late and I need to go. I'll try not to wait so long to write you next time. I love you both and miss you a lot.

Take care,

Brandon looked at the letter, a tear falling down his cheek. "Maybe someday I'll be able to tell you the truth." He reached out, saving the letter to his journal.

Post by MagicMaster8 on 26/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1353 is a reply to message #1352] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Friday, April 13, 2068, 8:15 a.m., Tracy Island

Cherie made her way to the dining room, stretching and yawning. She had spent the past couple of afternoons helping Dom with Joshua, and was surprised how tired it had made her. She said, "Good morning," to the family members still at the breakfast table, and when Kyrano approached, she asked for maple and brown sugar oatmeal.

She watched as her father worked diligently at something on his data pad, so diligently that he hadn't noticed her arrival or her greeting. As he finally sat back, she asked, "What are you doing, Dad?"

Jeff looked over at her and smiled. "Well, good morning, Princess," he said. "I'm just working out the final details of our flight plan to Kansas. We'll be leaving this evening around 6:30 and with a stopover in L.A. for a stretch and refueling, should make it in time for Dominic's appointment at 9 a.m." He cocked his head at her. "Can you tell me what time it will be here at home if we get to Kansas at 8:30 a.m. their time?"

"Let's see. They're on US Central time..." She stuck the tip of her tongue out the side of her mouth as she tried to do the math in her head. "I'd say 2:30 a.m. on the 14th. Am I right?"

"Very close. It would actually be 1:30 a.m. on the 14th because Kansas would be on Daylight Savings Time."

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that. It really confuses things more, doesn't it? Trying to keep track of both the IDL and the Daylight Savings time stuff. Makes my head spin sometimes."

"Mine, too, Princess."

Kyrano appeared with a bowl of oatmeal, and Cherie thanked him, then asked for the insulated carafe with the milk in it to be passed to her. As she poured some milk on her hot cereal then into her glass, she asked, "How long will you be gone?"

"Not long. I have to be back for a meeting here on Monday. I expect we'll get back some time late Sunday night. We'll be staying at the farmhouse."

"I wish I could go and we could visit the ranch so I could ride the horses. Seems ages since we've been there. Hey! Maybe we could go for my birthday!"

"That's a good idea. I'm sure your friends would love the ranch. But I have something special planned for your mother's birthday."

Cherie's face took on a sly, conspiratorial look. "Do I get to know what it is? Maybe I can help with it."

Jeff laughed. "No, you don't, and no, you can't! If I told you, your mother would know all about it by the end of the day today!"

"No, she wouldn't!" Cherie protested. "I can keep a secret!"

Jeff just looked at his teenaged daughter, one eyebrow up in challenge. Finally she sighed, and said, "Okay. You win. But don't think that I won't be trying to find out!"

"Just don't try too hard, okay? I want this to be a total surprise for your mother." He rose from the table. "I've got to file this flight plan and check with Marion about the farmhouse." He leaned over to give her a kiss on the cheek as he passed. "Have a good day, sweetheart, even if it is Friday the 13th."

"I will, Dad. You, too. And watch out. You never know when something weird will happen."

Jeff just chuckled as he left the room. Cherie watched him go and shook her head. ~I have a feeling that strange things are going to happen today.

Post by Tikatu on 26/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1354 is a reply to message #1353] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island April 13th, 4.30 pm

"Kat," Brains addressed his young assistant. "I think we should finish for the day. We have both worked extremely hard. I will see you back here tomorrow morning, just after breakfast."

"Okay, Boss." Kat grinned. "See you tomorrow." She continued tidying up and putting her tools away.

"Hello, Kat!" John said as he made his way over to where the young mechanic was clearing up.

"Oh! Hi there," Kat answered. "If you wanted to see Brains, you've just missed him."

"No, it's you I have come to see," John replied, leaning on the worktop. "Brains asked me to show you the Jet Packs. Would now be a good time?"

"Why, yes, of course, John. Just give me about ten minutes to finish here first."

"Okay," John replied. "See you outside the entrance to Thunderbird Two's hangar in about ten minutes."

John whistled as he left the work place, not realising that Gordon had been listening to the conversation. With a wicked grin on his face, the aquanaut headed to where the Jet packs were stored.

Kat joined John at the entrance to Thunderbird Two's hangar. "Ready, John." He led her to where the Jet packs were kept. Lifting down the two nearest, he handed one to her.

"These are really quite simple to use," he explained. "Just strap yourself into the harness." Kat did as she was told, with some help from John.

"Now," John said, indicating the front mounted controls on the harness. "This button is for UP, this is for DOWN..." He indicated how to direct the Jets so that they could be manoeuvred to the right of the left.

"Okay, Kat." John turned to her. "In your own time, try to lift off from the ground."

"Aren't you using one yourself, John?" Kat asked.

"Once you've got the hang of the Jet, Kat, I'll follow," John replied, reaching for the other harness.

"Nothing seems to be happ... Whooooooooooo!" Kat was suddenly catapulted into the air.

"Hey, that's very good! Well done!" John called from the ground.

"John, I hate to say this, but I was not instrumental in getting this thing airborne!" Kat called. "I don't think I actually pushed any buttons. It seems to have a life of its own!"

From his hiding place, Gordon laughed to himself. He had originally planned that John would be in the jet pack that he had under remote control, but it seemed even funnier to have Kat under his control.

John was finding it hard to conceal his amusement. It was funny to see Kat being carried along, seemingly without control, but on the other hand he was a little worried. I hope she doesn't get hurt he thought. "Uh, Kat, are you okay?" he called, as he tried to keep her in sight. She was rapidly moving out of view.

"What do you think?!" Kat sounded angry, but she was really quite frightened at the thought of what might happen. How will I ever to come down to earth?

John stepped back involuntarily at the anger in her voice. It's not like this is my fault, he thought. Suddenly, he heard a loud guffaw from the bushes close by. Getting closer, he parted the bushes and saw Gordon, holding a remote control.

"Oh, Gordon!" John said, rolling his eyes and folding his arms.

"Gee, John, don't you think it's funny?" Gordon laughed at his brother. "I bet Kat's wondering what's happening to her."

"I don't think it's very fair on her," John said.

"Relax, will ya? She won't fall," Gordon replied. "I'll bring her down safely."

"We can't even see her. We'll have to go after her," John said.

Soon the brothers were airborne. John seemed to be trying to suppress a smile, and he shook his head.

"You know, Gords, it is kind of funny, but I don't think she'll take it too well."

Ahead of them, Kat was struggling with the straps that held her securely. If only I could free myself! She looked down. But right now, the landing would not be too gentle.

The view was rather spectacular. She was heading over the beach, where she could see Nikki and Elise looking up as she sailed overhead, heading for the swimming pool. She tried to appear cool as she waved to her friends, trying to act as though this was a regular occurrence.

The pool seemed her only chance of a relatively safe fall. As she struggled with the straps, they suddenly gave way, and she dropped like a stone into the pool. Somehow the jet pack once released shot away heading for the beach. Virgil and Scott looked on in amazement.

Looking very much like a drenched kitten, Kat scrambled out of the pool. She tried to keep her voice level, but tears were beginning to form. Oh, Gordon! You're so cruel!

"Hi, guys," Kat said shakily. "I've just dropped into say hello."

Virgil offered her a hand, and she emerged, shaking her hair out of her eyes. Just then John and Gordon landed. They jogged over to her. Gordon did his best to act sheepish

"Gee, I'm sorry, Kat." Gordon looked at the dripping wet girl. "I really intended for John to put on that pack."

"Gords, really," Scott said, exasperated. "Kat could have been hurt."

"Aw, come on! I bet you all saw the funny side," Gordon chuckled.

Kat looked at all four brothers and tried to keep the tears at bay.

"That was a silly trick. What if, like Scott had said, I had been injured? Why, I could have been out of action for ages! I won't forget this Gordon," she added. "You had better watch out. And now I am going to get dry. This is the last time I test-drive any equipment without Brains supervising things."

At that, she turned on her heel and ran towards the Cliff House, leaving a trail of pool water behind her. Gordon shrugged.

"Some people ust can't take a joke."

Post by Tawnyangel22 on 27/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes

[Updated on: Thu, 26 July 2012 20:26]

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Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1355 is a reply to message #1354] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:19 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
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Field Commander
Friday, April 13, 2068, 4:00 p.m., Tracy Island

"Daaaaaad!" Tyler called as he burst into the lounge from the study, followed closely by Alex.

Jeff looked up from his last-minute attempts to get some work done before he left. "Son, what have I said about knocking?"

Tyler stopped before his desk, breathless, and drew himself up to attention. Alex stood behind him as if using his younger brother as shield from their father's possible wrathful reaction.

"I know, sir, and I'm sorry, sir, but... but...," Tyler said, his words tumbling out one after another. "But this is an emergency!" he finally spit out.

"What kind of emergency?" Jeff asked, getting up from behind his desk.

"A BIG emergency!" Tyler cried, waving his skinny arms.

"Alex? Do you know what he's talking about?"

Alex looked rather sheepish, and scratched the back of his head. "Yes, sir. I do. He's kinda blowing it out of proportion."

Jeff stopped in his tracks and put his hands on his hips. "Okay, boys. Before we go any further, what is the problem?"

"It might be better if we show you, Dad," Alex said.

Jeff sighed. ~So much for getting anything else done. "All right, all right, show me."

Tyler grabbed Jeff's hand and started pulling him from the room. They descended the stairs to the lower level and turned in at the door to the family game room. The younger boy dropped his father's hand and ran over to the two pinball machines that stood against the far wall.

"Look, Dad!" he said as he turned the machine on.

"What am I looking at?" Jeff asked. He played pinball with his youngest sons on occasion, but not enough to know all the ins and outs of the machine.

"The high scores, Dad," Alex said, coming up behind him. "Tyler's initials were on top and he's had the highest score... until today."

The pinball machine was cycling through its enticement blurbs one by one and finally, the top three scores and their owners flashed up on the small screen. None of the initials were Tyler's, in fact, they all seemed to be... words. Three letter words. "CAT, DOG, BUS..." Jeff chuckled as he read them. "Looks like you've got a 'ghost in the machine'."

Alex's eyes widened, then narrowed. "Yeah, Dad. And I think I can name him, too."

"Who?" Tyler asked, frowning.

"Gordon!" Alex said firmly. "Dad? Am I right?"

"Very likely, son," Jeff affirmed. "I guess he decided that Friday the 13th was a better day to pull pranks than April Fool's Day."

"Wait until I get my hands on him!" Tyler cried angrily.

Jeff laughed. The boy sounded as if he could actually do something to Gordon.

"Don't worry, Tyler. I'll have a word with him. I'm sure he has a plan to put things back to normal afterward if that's possible."

"No, Dad," Alex said, a sly smile spreading over his face. He glanced at his younger brother. "We'll take care of it. You and Mom just enjoy yourselves in Kansas."

Jeff's eyes flicked from son to son. "Why do I have the feeling that the minute my back is turned, all hell is going to break loose?"

Alex's expression became angelic. "Oh no, Dad. We're just going to get Gordon to change the scores back... that's all."

"That's all?"

"Yeah, Dad. That's all," Tyler told him. He didn't know what his next oldest brother had in mind, but he wanted in on it. And very likely their father would stop it if he knew what it was.

"Okay," Jeff said, taking the plunge and hoping that he wasn't going to regret his decision. "I'll leave it to the two of you."

"Thanks, Dad," they chorused. Alex nudged Tyler. "C'mon, let's go outside and see if we can find Gordon." Tyler nodded, and the two of them bolted from the room.

Jeff watched them go, then looked back at the pinball machines. ~Gordon, I hope you are ready for your younger brothers' wrath. They're getting to be just as inventive as you are.

Post by Tikatu on 27/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1356 is a reply to message #1355] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Field Commander
******Friday, April 13, 2068, Tracy Island, around 5 p.m.******

Callie walked along the beach to unwind after another busy day in the Thunderbird Three simulator. She saw the waves coming in under the cobalt blue sky. For her, the beach was her place of calm and serenity amidst the chaos of being part of International Rescue. She was on her way back to her apartment when she saw John picking up something heavy from the white sand. "Hi, John!" she yelled.

John heard Callie calling him and stopped his task at hand. "Oh, hey, Callie!"

She walked up to where he was and asked, "What's going on?"

"Oh, Gordon played one of his pranks, but he got the wrong victim."

"Gordon's a prankster?"

"He's not a prankster. He's the prankster."

"I see. I guess I need to be on guard for him, won't I?"

"Right. He fooled everyone in the family when he didn't pull any April Fool's jokes, so he obviously wanted to save them for today." He went back to pulling out the heavy object.

Callie saw something familiar about the object. "Hey, that looks like a jetpack. I remember using a few of those in astronaut training. Need a hand getting it out?"

"I wouldn't mind the help."

It took only a couple of minutes for them to pull the jetpack from the sand.

"Thanks, Callie."

"No problem. What are you going to do with it?"

"I'm going to have Brains remove all the circuits relating to the remote control Gordon used to control the pack. Kat could've been hurt."

"Kat? Kat was the one strapped to this pack!?"

"Yeah, but I was supposed to be the victim. Needless to say she is not very happy with Gordon right now."

"I wouldn't be, either, if I had been in this jetpack. Is Kat doing okay now?"

"Yeah, she's fine, but she's really shaken after that experience. When she was finally able to get unstrapped, she took a pretty decent dive into the swimming pool."

"I'll go see her after dinner to make sure she is doing okay."

"Okay, Callie. I'll see you later."

She went to the airstrip entrance and took the elevator up to the Villa to get to her apartment faster. When she exited, she walked to her apartment and quickly closed the door. "Ugh," she said, "I can't believe Gordon would do something potentially dangerous." She grabbed some okra and chicken from the refrigerator and started cooking it on her stove.

Post by TracyFan4Ever on 30/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1357 is a reply to message #1356] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Field Commander
Friday, April 13, 2068, 5:45 p.m., Tracy Island.

"Where are they?" Gordon muttered under his breath. He had come back to his room to escape the wrath of his little brothers, who he was sure were still looking for him, and John and his older brothers, who were still probably angry at him, for his mis-aimed prank. Now he was looking for his personal music player... or at least the batteries for it. So far everything he owned was missing their power cells.

"What's going on?" he growled. He kept looking, throwing things aside as he searched. He threw his pillow on the floor and a note flew up into the air as he tossed it.

He grabbed the note and read. It was in Alex's neat handwriting.

"Your batteries are being held for ransom. Fix the scores and they will be returned to you."

Gordon shook his head. "How did those little twerps get in here?" He sighed and shook his head. "I'd better get to it... before Dad hears about everything."

He left his room, and headed down to the game room, not hearing the giggle of two little boys or the triumphant high fives they gave each other.

Post by Tikatu on 30/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1358 is a reply to message #1357] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Location: Northern Ireland
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Field Commander
Friday 13 April 2065, 10.45am local time, Tracy Airbase Hospital, Kansas

The day had gone in far too fast. Since when did it take five minutes to fly from the South Pacific to Kansas? And at what other time had been seen right away in a hospital? Wasn't this sort of thing supposed to take hours? But no, having the Tracys on your side apparently meant swift service. He wasn't sure whether it was a good or a bad thing. Body surgery was one thing. Eye surgery was something entirely different.

"You look a little scared, if you don't mind my saying," Dianne said from her seat beside him.

Dominic shrugged and tried to loosen the death grip he had on the chair's arm. It wasn't happening.

"I've never had surgery done before. I mean, I've assisted thousands of times but I've never actually gone under the knife, as the saying goes. And my eyes... I keep saying to myself, what if something goes wrong? But then, they're a bit useless as they are, so it wouldn't make much of a difference."

"Nothing will go wrong, Dom. These are trained professionals who've been doing this for years. It'll be fine, I promise you."

A young nurse appeared from inside the surgery room and glanced down at her notepad, and then over at them.

"Dominic Kelly?" Dom nodded, and the nurse looked at Dianne over the top of her glasses, a slight twist in her lips. "Ah, yes, the observer. Well, come on through. Doctor Houston is ready."

Dominic caught the slightly offended look on Dianne's face, but said nothing. She assisted him into the surgery room, because he very nearly walked into the wall, and he squinted and tried to make out the surgeon.

"Ah, hello there my friends."

Dominic spun around and saw a white blob behind him.

"I'm Doctor Houston. You've made a good choice with surgery. We'll have you seeing as well as anything in just one hour!"

Something about the man made Dom feel uneasy. Why does he remind me of someone... He shrugged aside the thought and climbed up onto the bed when he was told to.

"Thank you very much for allowing me to observe this surgery, Doctor Houston," Dianne said. "I've never seen this kind of thing done before."

"For a doctor of such renown, how could I have refused?" Ha said. "I've heard a lot about you, Doctor Tracy, and all of it good."

Dianne graciously took the compliment, and Dominic tried to remember who he sounded like. If only he could see him!

"Well, I assume you were briefed at your earlier appointment with the optometrist, so I won't bore you with the details again. Just to recap, I'm going to cut a flap in your cornea, and you'll be seeing wonderfully afterwards. We're actually going to have another observer in. She'll be along in a moment. A trainee, you know. My daughter, actually! Now, for the aesthetic."

Soon, Dominic found himself practically strapped in to the reclining chair, with the monstrous machinery pulled around and ready to go. Doctor Houston had numbed him eyes and cleaned the area, and they were waiting. Thoughts were rushing around his mind, and he gripped the chair more out of fear of the identity of this woman, than fear of the surgery. His heart pounded; he could feel sweat upon his face. It can't be, It can't be, it can't be...

"Ah, here she is. Doctor Tracy, Dominic, meet Margaret Houston, my daughter. She's training to be an optical surgeon too."

"Good morning," the woman said.

Dominic's heart broke. It was her. How could he forget that voice? Those dulcet tones, that gracious voice. If only he could see her properly, if only he could know for sure.

"Let's crack on, shall we?"

The surgery was over before Dominic knew it; only ten minutes per eye. He had barely even noticed. Everything had fallen away from him except the ache in his heart. It was her. It was her.

"Now, I'm just going to put these protectors over your eyes. We don't want you straining to see and undoing all my good work now do we? Come back in an hour and we'll remove them, and then, you'll see!" He chuckled at him own joke.

Dominic cursed the wait. He needed to see now, he needed to know. Dianne helped him up and took his elbow, leading him out of the room.

"Dom?" She asked. "You don't seem too happy here. What's wrong?"

"What did she look like?" He asked, more sharply than he had intended. "His daughter, Margaret, what did she look like?"

"Uh, long blonde hair, skinny, big eyes. And one thing: a big meteor of an engagement ring on her finger." Dianne said. "Why?"

"Did she have a beauty spot on her left cheek, just on the bone, down from the corner of her eye?"

"Why, yes, she did. How did you...?"

Dominic hung his head, wishing he could press his palms to his eyes.

"Dom? You're scarin' me a little heah."

"That was Margaret Houston, my wife."

There was stony silence between the two of them. Dominic threaded his fingers through his hair and tugged, trying to force the sick fear and abject sorrow back down where it had been before.

"Oh my," Dianne said at length. "Ah c'n see it now. She's Joshua's mother, isn't she? Ah c'n see it now. Oh Dom, Ah didn't know. You nevah told us."

"I know, I know," he said. "I was trying to forget it all. She only married me because she was pregnant, and her parents would have killed her. I was head over heels for her. She asked me to propose and I did. Bought her the biggest rock I could afford, which wasn't much. We got married without them knowing. Her plan was to bring me home as the love of her life, and hopefully they would understand. But she knew deep down that they wouldn't, and asked for a divorce six months into the marriage. A few weeks later she had Joshua, packed up her things, and walked out on me. She didn't even care about the baby. At least I got the ring back. I should have sold it, but I still have it." Dominic tugged harder on his hair and shook his head. "That was the first time I ever met her father. They still don't know we were ever married." His lips curled in a snarl as anger flared up. "Part of me wants to blow it all, reveal her little secret, let her see Joshua so she knows what she's missed. But... I can't. I...I still love her. I'm such a fool."

Dianne placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

"Yoah not a fool, Dom. Love does this t' people. Ah'm a little overwhelmed by all this," she said, and said no more.

The hour passed in a moment, and when Dominic found himself in the room again, he was trying to sense Margaret's presence. It'll be better if you don't see her, Dom, he thought, because otherwise you'll just make a fool of yourself.

"Ready to see?" Doctor Houston asked. At Dominic's nod, he began the removal of the protective shields. It was painstakingly careful work, and seemed to take an age. Dominic's heart was pounding so heart he thought it would burst out of his chest. Just concentrate on what's happening here, he said, you'll be able to see, at long last. No more glasses. He felt Houston cover his eyes with his hand, shading his vision.

"Now, I'm going to very slowly take my hand away. Ready?"

Dominic nodded, and as the hand was removed, the world exploded into shape and line, detail and sharpness that he could never remember seeing before unaided.

"Oh my God. Oh my sweet Jesus. I can see!"

He could make out everything, and touched his face to make sure the glasses weren't there. But the joy was only pure for a moment, and he found himself searching for Margaret. She wasn't there. He turned to the Doctor Houston and smiled at him despite the pain and his resemblance to his daughter.

"Thank you, Doctor," he said, though he wished he could say, I hate your daughter, I hate her. "This is... This is fantastic."

Houston beamed and clapped his hands.

"Ah, always the best part of the job, am I right, Doctor Tracy?"

"Absolutely," Dianne said, smiling at Dom's joy.

"Margaret!" Houston called. "Come in here! This is the real payment."

Margaret walked in. Dominic seriously thought he was going to throw up. There she was, his only ever love, the woman who had tramped all over his heart, used him, left him. She didn't even seem to know him. She had always been a good actress.

"You see that joy, Margaret? Some day you'll be able to give that to someone."

"Yes, Doctor," she said. Her eyes lingered on Dom for a moment, but she had to look away.

The nurse from earlier popped her head around the door and adjusted her glasses.

"Your twelve-thirty is waiting, Doctor," she said.

"Very good, very good," Houston said, and stepped forward to shake Dominic's and then Dianne's hands. "As I'm sure you were told already, there may be some slight pain. Ah, I see you've got some weeping. That'll clear up in a few hours."

"Thank you, Doctor," Dominic said.

Houston smiled widely, and showed them back out into the waiting room. Dominic didn't stop walking, and Dianne hurried to catch up. Finally he could see, at last he had what he had always wanted. And what was one of the first things his new vision brought him? An aching heart, a broken spirit. It was her. It was her. It was her.

"Dominic, wait up!" Dianne said.

He slowed down and wiped the tears from his face. He wasn't sure if he was crying or if it was from the surgery. Either way, he didn't like it.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

He shrugged, and then sighed.

"I don't know," he said. "I really don't know. I think I just need to be with Josh right now, you know? I'll finally be able to see his face again. Even though he looks so much like her... I don't care. He's my son, not hers. He's the one thing she didn't take away."

Dianne nodded, and without another word they walked to the exit where Dom said Tom would be waiting. Sure enough, there he was, with Joshua in his arms. Dominic said nothing and took the child from him, holding him tight. It was one thing she could never take away.

Post by ArtisticRainey on 31/05/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1359 is a reply to message #1358] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Friday, April 13, 2068, 1:15 p.m., the Tracy farmhouse, Kansas

Dianne slammed the door on the sports car she had driven back from the airbase. It felt strange to her to be driving from one place to another; usually they flew or had limousines available. But not in Kansas. Not at Jeff's old home.

Dom was safe in the hands of his half-brother, and she hoped that the family contact and the joy of having his sight would help erase the deep sadness that the nurse felt at having seen his ex-wife again. ~I hope she doesn't get any ideas about taking that little boy away from his father. If she does, she'll have us to deal with.

Jeff came to the porch of the farmhouse to meet her. "How did things go?" he asked as he put an arm around her waist. "How is Dom?"

"His vision is good; the procedure went smoothly," she told them as they entered the house where Jeff had grown up and where he had spent several years after Lucille's death, trying to raise his boys with the help of his mother. She dropped her purse onto a small table, then sat down in one of the easy chairs. "But... there was a complication."

"What kind of complication?" he asked as he stepped into the kitchen to fetch her something cold to drink. He returned to the living room with a tall glass of iced tea for them both. Marian, the caretaker, had made sure there was plenty of food and drink in the fridge for them, even though they were only staying overnight. He handed the glass to his wife and sat down next to her.

"An... emotional complication. Seems that I wasn't the only observer. There was a young woman, daughter to the doctor doing the procedure." She sighed heavily. "Seems the woman was Dom's ex-wife..."

"Ex-wife?" Jeff asked, surprised.

Dianne nodded. "Yes. Joshua's mother. Dom was pretty broken up about her being there, but they didn't say anything to each other." She sipped her tea. "Well, he's with his half-brother now and hopefully putting the unpleasantness behind him as he enjoys his new outlook on life."

"Hmm. I wonder if little Joshua will need that kind of surgery?" Jeff commented.

"I'm sure he will, but not until he's older. Don't want to potentially damage still-growing tissues." Dianne answered.

The two of them sat quietly for a few moments, finishing their cold drinks, then Jeff stood up. He took Dianne by the hand, pulling her to her feet.

"What do you have in mind, Mr. Tracy?" she asked.

"Oh, a little bit of lunch, then maybe a little bit of fun... if you're in the mood," he suggested with a smile.

"Lunch sounds wonderful. And I know just what can get me in the mood," she replied.


She let go of his hand and walked over to the music player. Flipping through some of the discs, she pulled one out and slipped it in. A mellow orchestra began to play, and she turned to hold her arms out to him. He smiled, and came to her, clasping her waist with one hand and her hand with the other. They swayed together to the slow beat of the music, drawing closer with each song until they were cheek to cheek.

Jeff leaned down, and their lips met softly. "I thought you wanted lunch?" he breathed.

"You're my lunch," Dianne replied, her eyes shining. He smiled back at her and, leaving the music on, led her upstairs to the room that had been his and was now theirs.

Post by Tikatu on 01/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1360 is a reply to message #1359] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Location: Northern Ireland
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Field Commander
Friday, April 13th; 7 PM; Lena's home

Lena had finished washing up after dinner, and was working on Brains' email virus scanner, when she heard the doorbell ring. She frowned, wondering, Who could dat be? She saved her work and closed it, then went to open the door. Standing on her door was someone she hadn't seen in over twenty years, and never expected to encounter again.

"Hello, Lena. How have you been?

"James Matumbo. What are you doing here?"

"Relax, woman. I'm not here to ask for money. I have a meeting tomorrow morning in D.C. with someone who'll be flying back to Europe in the afternoon, and then I'm leaving for the West Coast as soon as it's over. But there isn't a hotel or motel room to be had there -- some convention or other is going on, I think. Since I'd planned to stop by for a visit anyway, I decided to take the Metro to Silver Springs and a cab here. Maybe you could recommend a place I could stay at for the night."

She studied him for a long moment and he waited, keeping his expression non-committal. Finally she said, "You can stay here, but only for one night. However, don't expect me to play hostess too much. I'm working on a special project for my job and can't spend time wit you."

"On a weekend? Tracy Industries must be run by a bunch of slave drivers," he responded as she stood aside to let him in.

"How do you know I work for Tracy Industries?"

"Lena, I might not be around all the time, or even welcome, but I am part of this family. I've kept track of you all, as much as I could."

"I see," was her only reply as she led him down the hall to the guest room. She left him there, while she went to put a washcloth and towels in the bathroom for him. When she returned, he was no longer in the room. She headed to the living room, to find him sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.

"Have you eaten?" she asked.

"Yes; I'm fine. Don't worry about having to entertain me. You've got some interesting reading material. Since you've got something else to do, and I interrupted, go ahead. I'll be okay."

"All right. I shouldn't be too long -- about an hour or so -- and I'll join you. If you do get hungry, you can fix yourself a snack." She turned and headed into her office. He watched to see which room she went into, then returned to reading the magazine he held, a small, smug smile on his face.

She was eager to get back to her computer. She had figured out the key to modifying Brains' program, and wanted to finish it. She worked steadily and when she got it done, she installed it on her computer. She sat back and sighed. Looking at the clock, she thought, I'm too tired to run de tests now. And I've been here more dan an hour. Who knows what James has been up to while I was in here? I'd better get out dere and play hostess, even if it's only for a short time.

She shut down her computer for the night, and did her routine check. When she left the office, James looked up.

"Lena, I want to apologize for not contacting you when Mark died. I didn't find out until months later; I was out of touch with everyone for some time. But I still should have tried to get in touch with you; after all, he was my brother. What happened?"

She told him and he made all the proper comments, even relating a few anecdotes about things that happened when they were kids. She listened, not believing him; Mark had already told her about a couple of them, and there were a few important differences in the two versions. However, she refrained from commenting on that.

They were silent for a little while, then he asked, "So tell me, how is everyone? How many grandchildren do you have now?"

"Five. And tree great-grandchildren."

"No. Really? I haven't been keeping track as well as I thought. Tell me more."

She spent the rest of the evening catching him up on the marriages and births that he was hadn't heard about. He told her a little -- a very little -- about his life over the last twenty odd years. They watched the news and finally said good night and went to bed.

Post by Hobbeth on 01/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1361 is a reply to message #1360] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
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Field Commander
[i]Friday 13 April, 10.05pm, Kansas

"Dominic, darling, how wonderful to see you!"

Dom lay back on the couch in Tom's apartment -- his old home -- and massaged his temples.

"My, aren't you quite the handsome man without those glasses. You look wonderful!"

Listening to Elizabeth Hawkins, his father's wife, had been like having his head repeatedly jammed into a tumble dryer. She was the most sickly sweet, fake woman he had ever met in his life. She gave him chills. Her long fingernails had scratched up his arms as she held him to get a better look; the fragrance of her perfume had been overpowering. He hated her, although he had no reason to. Apart from the fact she's Matthew's wife. You hate this, don't you? You hate Matthew for leaving, and yet you begrudge him for getting on with his life. Dominic sighed. I don't know what to think. At least now the visit to his father's house was over.

The day had been more than overwhelming. All of the travelling, the nerves from the surgery, the Margaret incident... He tucked his feet up under him and closed his eyes. It had been a day of such conflicting happiness and sorrow that it had left him bone-tired, yet unable to rest.

He hadn't been able to let go of Joshua all day. The young child seemed so happy; travelling never bothered him. Must get that from me mam, Dom thought, She couldn't stay still. Now he was asleep in his old room, weary from the excitement. Dominic was glad Margaret hadn't spoken, hadn't asked about Joshua, where they were and how they were doing. He didn't want her anywhere near his son. Just like Mam never wanted me near Matthew; not that he ever made the effort to contact me till after she was dead. It was strange and chilling the way his life seemed to be mirroring his mother's, in a way. I just don't want to end up like her.

He looked up as the front door swung open, and Tom bustled in, a pizza box balanced precariously on one arm. Dom jumped up to catch it before it fell. Tom swung the door shut and shrugged at his brother's glare.

"It didn't fall. Chill, man, you've gotten so uptight since you left -- although I guess I can let it slide for today, am I right?" He said with a kind smile and a wink.

Dom shook his head, and went to the kitchen to cut the pizza. Tom lifted some soda and glasses and headed into the living area. Dom followed, and they said nothing for a while as they devoured the savoury delight. Tom sat back eventually and took off his glasses to rub his eyes.

"I'd like to get that surgery done. I hate glasses; they just get in the way. I wouldn't wear them but then I wouldn't be able to see what I was writing, would I? Wish I had some high-flying job like yours. What is it you do again? Obviously nursing, but what else?"

Dominic chewed with deliberate care and took a sip of his drink.

"I'm a nurse with the family doctor on Jeff Tracy's island," he said. "It's a pretty big community; they need basic healthcare." He said.

Technically he hadn't lied. Tom seemed to buy it.

"Cool," Tom said at length.

Dominic looked up, surprised by the time and monosyllabic answer, and caught a fleeting worried glance on Tom's face that the blond had tried to hide.

"What?" He asked.

Tom shrugged.

"What? Thomas Eugene, what is the matter?"

Tom shrugged again and took another piece of pizza. Dom could see him staring out of the corner of his eye, and he scowled. Tom conceded and set the slice back down.

"I just... Man, I feel so stupid saying this, but I just..." He sighed. "I miss you," he said quickly.

Dominic chuckled and patted Tom's shoulder.

"Is that all? I thought you were going to drop another bombshell on me. I miss you too, but this is what happens when you grow up, right? I know you wouldn't be familiar with growing up, only being twenty and all."

Tom punched his arm and shook his head, an embarrassed pleasure on his face.

"Shut up, Dak, you can't pull that stuff on me. Unless you want me to call you [i]old man[/i[ from now on."

"You dare," Dom said.

"I will."

Dominic sat back and folded his arms. The smile on his face seemed unnatural, and yet felt right. Despite the major bad point, the day had been good, when he thought about it. Once I'm out of here, I'll never have to see her again. Good luck to her new husband, he thought, chafing slightly at the memory of the huge engagement ring on her finger, I hope he can give her what she wants.

Post by ArtisticRainey on 01/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1362 is a reply to message #1361] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Location: Northern Ireland
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Field Commander
Saturday, April 14th; 5:30 AM; Lena's home

Lena found herself wide awake and thought that, since she probably wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, she'd work on Brains email scanner program. She put her robe and slippers on and quietly proceeded (so as not to awaken her guest) down the hall to her home office. But when she opened the door, she found she hadn't needed to be quiet.

"James! What are you doing in here?"

The man at the computer jumped, startled by her exclamation. He turned and looked at her guiltily. "I'm sorry, Lena. I know I should have asked, but I didn't want to wake you. I couldn't sleep -- never could for more than a few hours at a time. I've been using computer games to help me when I feel the need to gamble. It's been working so far. And I didn't think you would mind."

She looked at him sternly as she walked over to the desk to see what game he was playing. "You should have told me dis last night. Did you try to go online?"

"Well, yeah, but I couldn't figure out your password."

She snorted a laugh. "I should tink not. I often use it for my work."

"You know, you work too hard. You should think of changing employers."

"I'm happy wit my job. I enjoy it."

"But you could do better. Forgive me for saying this, Lena, but you aren't a young woman any more. Tracy Industries is taking advantage of you. Now . . ."

"James, I tink we should have dis conversation in de living room where we can talk comfortably." She thought she saw a look on his face as though he was going to insist on staying in the room, but it was gone so quickly as he glanced at the computer screen, that she decided she imagined it.

She closed down the game and put the computer on standby, then turned and headed to the door, not noticing that he turned back to the desk for a moment, then put something in his jacket pocket. He stood up and followed her into the other room, where they took the same seats as the night before.

"Okay, James. I tink you have a sales pitch you want to give me. Let's hear it."

"Oh, c'mon, Lena. You sound as though you've got your mind made up already. I prefer to say what I have to say to someone more receptive."

"You may be my brother-in-law, and as such, a member of the family, but I remember what you were like de last few times I saw you, and I don't know dat you've changed much since den." She paused. "But okay, I'll try to keep an open mind."

He settled himself more comfortably. "That's better. Now then, about two months ago, I was in London. Through a series of what turned out to be some very fortunate circumstances, I met a man named Giles Hightower. Since then, I've become pretty intimate with the family. I've seen their business, and I found out their needs. I told them about you, and they agree that you could be a vital part of it, perhaps as a link between their European and American interests. Your paycheck would probably be doubled, even tripled. And your workload would be much lighter. You would travel in style and be housed like royalty."

"What about my computer work? What kinds of challenges would I be given?"

"Challenges? Haven't you had enough of those? You're near retirement age, after all, although I know you have no intention of doing that. But working for Stellar Consulting would give you more time to relax, to spend more time with your family."

"I spend plenty of time wit dem. I don't need any more time to relax. It could be bad for my healt. I trive on challenges. I have no intention of dwindling into an old lady in a rocking chair, to be visited by one or anotter group of family members on rotating Sundays."

He held up his hands as if to ward her off. "Okay, okay. I just thought you'd be interested in having more of a personal life. I didn't mean that you're too old to keep doing the computer work you love. I'm sorry if you felt that I had implied that."

She calmed herself down. "I'm sorry, James. Look, are you hungry? I'm beginning to be, and I can make us some breakfast. I expect you at least want some coffee."

He thought about pursuing his pitch, but realized she probably wouldn't let him. So he agreed and she went into the kitchen. Soon the pleasing aroma of the coffee brewing wafted its way through the house. He'd gone into his room to shower, shave, and dress. By the time he went into the kitchen, she had breakfast ready.

They sat down and ate while chatting about nothing in particular. Lena offered to take her brother-in-law to the train station. He accepted and went to his room to get his things together. She put the dishes in the washer, and the food in the fridge, then went to her room and threw some clothes on, and they left ten minutes later.

When she returned, she showered and dressed, then cleaned up the kitchen. Finally she took the last cup of coffee, went into her home office, and restarted her computer. Now to test de modified program. But I'd better do my usual checks first. She started her virus checks to verify that nothing else had snuck into her computer and was startled when something was found.

She quarantined the program and found that Brains' modified scan was the one that caught it. Opening it in the isolated area, she began to study it. The discoveries she made within a short period shocked her. My God! Dis has de same signature as de one from Tin-Tin's email! She did a quick check and found that the virus had been planted that very morning.

James! she thought. But how? Why? Then she remembered something he said about the Hightowers.

Since then, I've become pretty intimate with the family.

She thought about it for a while and decided that James' gambling addiction was what had brought him to the Hightowers' attention. And that was why he tried to get her to leave Tracy Industries. Dey must have put him up to it. I know he can't create a basic program, let alone one as complex as dis. It sounds to me like de Hightowers aren't very etical people.

To corroborate that the two viruses were created by the same person, she installed the one Brains had sent her and ran it through the program she'd modified. To her great satisfaction, the program caught and isolated the second virus. She did some quick calculations and decided that everyone on Tracy Island would be sleeping. She sent Brains an email, attaching the specs of the modified program, and told him what had happened, and her conclusions regarding the creator of the viruses.

Now dere's notting left to do but wait.

Post by Hobbeth on 02/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1363 is a reply to message #1362] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
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Saturday, April 14th, 12:30PM; the Watergate Hotel

James Matumbo walked into the restaurant and looked around. He noticed a hand raised languidly from a table by the window, and headed over. When he reached it, he looked down at the younger man sitting there, who was looking up at him questioningly.

"Partial success only, I'm afraid. I couldn't get her to leave Tracy Industries. In fact, when I arrived, she said she was working on a special project for them. She has this crazy idea that she can continue her computer work as long as she desires."

"Did she actually say no? And what about the virus? The one we planted in another Tracy employee's computer hasn't yielded anything of value yet, and it's been several days. Oh, sit down, man. I'll strain my neck if I keep looking up at you much longer."

James sat down and a waiter walked over to take his drink order, and the other man requested a refill. When he was gone, James replied, "She didn't use the word 'no', but she made it pretty clear she liked working for them and had no plans to leave. As far as the virus is concerned, it's planted."

"And she has no idea about what you did? She didn't catch you?"

"Well, she almost did, but I took the precaution of having one of those offline games that come with all computers up and running. She did come in while I was there, but I told her I played those games to control my gambling habit. And I was able to get the CD out of her terminal when she wasn't looking."

"And she bought that explanation?" the other man asked incredulously.

"She swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. Never even blinked. She may be good with computers, but in spite of the fact that she knows a little about my somewhat checkered past, she'll believe anything I tell her."

The other man made a sound of disbelief, then turned and picked up the menu. James followed suit, and when the waiter returned with the drinks, they were ready to order their meal. For the next hour, they chatted about nothing in particular and enjoyed their food. When the waiter took their dishes away and laid a folder with the bill on the table, the younger man took it and said to James, "All right. I'll assume for now that you are right and everything is going according to plan. But you had better be right. The rest of my family isn't as forgiving as I am." He studied the bill for a few moments, then took out his wallet, pulled some money from it and laid the cash in the folder.

As the two men headed to the door, James said, "Don't worry. I'm sure she'll come around. And when she does, just think of how much she can contribute to your company. You'll be able to learn just about anything about Tracy Industries you want to know. She can show you how to get into their computers. And even if she doesn't do so right away, that virus will give you information now."

They were exiting the building by this time, and James noticed a limousine pulled up in front of it. The rear door was open and the scent of an exotic perfume wafted out toward them. "Giles, come on. We don't want to be late, do we?"

He leaned in. "Ah, my dear. Prompt as ever, and more beautiful than before, if that is possible. Don't worry. They wouldn't dare leave without us. One moment."

He straightened up and said, "You'd better pray that it does, Mr. Matumbo, or the next time we meet might not be so pleasant."

Before James could formulate a response, Giles Hightower got into the limousine and the chauffeur closed the door. A minute later, it glided away from the curb.

Post by Hobbeth on 03/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1364 is a reply to message #1363] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:22 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Field Commander
Saturday 14 April, The Journey Home

Dominic sighed in relief as Joshua finally nodded off, cuddled up to his chest, clutching his 'blankee' tightly. He didn't dare to move at all, even though his position in the seat was uncomfortable. Joshua had just spent the last fifteen minutes in full-scale tantrum. He didn't want Ducky, he didn't want a story, he didn't want to look out the window. Eventually the get-out-the-blanket-and-hold-him-tight tactic had worked, and now the toddler was asleep, and the hum of the engine could finally be heard again.

"Sorry about that, folks," he said.

"Don't worry about it," Jeff said with a smile.

Dianne nodded.

"We both know what it's like," she said, and turned back to give him a wink.

"Every road trip I ever took the boys on, someone always had a problem," Jeff said, and chuckled. "Boredom, feeling squashed, starting to fight... Ugh. That's something I wouldn't like to do again."

"At least I'm lucky in the sense I only have one," Dom said. "Though to be honest, I'd love more."

Dianne chuckled.

"Feeling broody?" She joked, drawing a lopsided grin on Dom's face, but he said nothing.

By the time Jeff was requesting permission to land, Joshua was awake again, but in slightly better temper. When Dom hopped off the plane, just standing up felt wonderful. Before they parted, Dominic called his two companions.

"Thanks for this," he said, waving a hand in a futile effort to convey the wonder at being able to see. "It's...amazing. Absolutely wonderful. Thanks."

Jeff reached forward to pat his arm.

"Enjoy the world," he said.

Post by ArtisticRainey on 05/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1365 is a reply to message #1364] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Location: Northern Ireland
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Field Commander
Sunday 15th April. 6am Christopher's flat.

"Mrrooowww!!" Asterix howled as he circled Christopher's legs.

"Asterix!" Christopher snapped at the little cat, then his face softened as he picked his pet up. Asterix began purring loudly and rubbed himself up against his master's chin.

Christopher looked at Asterix, tears rising unbidden to his eyes. "I'm not going away," he said, smiling. "I'm just going to do some extra work."

He stroked Asterix's head before putting him down on the floor again. Opening the cupboard, he opened a tin of cat food, and forked it into Asterix's bowl, then put it on the floor. The little cat began eating.

Christopher smiled. He would have gone completely mad if he didn't have Asterix. Sighing to himself, he went over to another cupboard. He pulled out a tin of tuna, and a large bottle of salad cream. Asterix looked up as Christopher opened the tin, emptied it into a bowl, then opened the bottle and shook a large dollop into the bowl. Using a fork, he mixed it all together. Then, getting the slices of bread that he'd already buttered, he spread the sticky mixture around the slices. Placing the 'lids' on, he sliced the finished sandwiches.

After putting the food into his rucksack, he knelt down and picked Asterix up. "Why don't we sit for a while and relax?" He tickled Asterix's chin. "I can tell you about my old cat Monty, who loved Marmite".

"I miss that," he said as he carried Asterix to the settee and let the little cat jump down. "Wonder where I can get some outside of the UK?"

Post by The_Wrong_Trousers on 06/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1366 is a reply to message #1365] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
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Location: Northern Ireland
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Field Commander
Sunday, April 15th; Tracy Island; 9 AM

Brains checked his email every day; he knew if he didn't, his many associates and peers from all over the world would fill his mailbox. When he saw the one from Lena, he smiled. He enjoyed her messages; she wrote the way she talked (although she used the "th" in her writing.). So he opened it.

Less than a minute later, his smile disappeared. Although he was glad she'd found a way to modify his virus scan, what happened with her brother-in-law disturbed him. This could be a problem, especially if this James Matumbo starts making a habit of crossing her path. And he's brought her to the attention of the Hightower family. That can't be good, both for her and for us. I'd better bring this to Mr. Tracy's attention as soon as possible after he returns from Kansas.

He reread her message and had no fault to find with her reasoning and the conclusions she had come to. He also began uploading the modified scan to all servers, and sent an email out to everyone asking them to download it immediately.

Then he remembered Tin-Tin. Poor girl. Now that we've confirmed that Giles Tallman is Giles Hightower, and that the virus was deliberately planted by him - if not created by him - she's going to be devastated. I know she really liked him and enjoyed his messages to her. I hope she can find someone to confide in, who can sympathize with her. I would, but I don't think she'll confide in me.

He saved Lena's message to show Jeff at the earliest opportunity and went on to the other messages in his box.

7 PM

"Mr. Tracy? I need to see you. I'm sorry, Dr. Tracy, but it is important; otherwise I wouldn't have interrupted."

Jeff was sitting at his desk, with Dianne nearby. They looked up as Brains entered and spoke, and Dianne said, "Is this something private? Do you need me to leave?"

"N-no, Dr. Tracy. You would probably hear about it anyway. I got an email from Lena this morning and she was able to successfully modify my scan. But she also found out who probably sent the virus -- and who created it, as well."

"She did? That's fine work," replied Jeff. "And I presume she is well?"

"Yes, sir. But what worries me is how she figured out who the perpetrator was."

"What do you mean?" asked Dianne.

"Let me bring up her email to me on your computer, so you can read it for yourselves."

Jeff nodded and moved out of the way so Brains could access the keyboard. Less than a minute later, Brains had the message up on the screen. He moved to one side and Jeff pulled his chair back up to the desk. Dianne moved around behind him, and they both read the missive from their newest agent. The expressions on both faces changed from interest to concern as they went through it.

"Oh, mah," said Dianne. "This can't be good."

"No, it isn't," replied Jeff. "The Hightowers' business has been trying to steal Tracy Industries' secrets for years, and we've been successful in keeping that from happening so far. But now they are after Lena."

"And Tin-Tin. Don't forget her."

Jeff smiled up at his wife. "And Tin-Tin. This has opened a can of worms for us all." He looked at his engineer. "Brains, what about the modified scan?"

"It has been uploaded into the servers and I've sent an email to everyone requesting they download it to their computers ASAP."

"Very good. Thank you for letting us know about this. I'll have to consider what my next step will be."

"And someone will have to tell Tin-Tin that Giles did deliberately send that virus to her." Dianne sighed. "Ah s'ppose Ah should be the one."

"Thank you, Dr. Tracy," Brains said. "I was going to do it, but I think it would be better if the news came from another woman. If you two will excuse me," and he left them to their thoughts.

Post by Hobbeth on 07/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1367 is a reply to message #1366] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island, Monday, April 16th 9.30 a.m.

Kat looked at her watch; it was time to go. She made her way towards the villa, and paused outside the sick room's office door. She took a deep breath, wiped her clammy hands down her overalls and knocked at the door.

"Come in," Dr Tracy called.

Kat opened the door and entered, closing it behind her. "You wanted to see me, Dr Tracy?" she asked.

"Yes, Kat. Please, sit down," Dianne said with a smile, indicating a chair. She pulled out her data pad, which she had prepared with Kat's medical history. "I asked you to come to see me because of your fainting spell last week."

Kat looked surprised. She wasn't quite sure just what Virgil must have said. "I have a history of fainting, although I haven't actually passed out for a few years. When I was in my teens, I began to have these fainting fits. Mother was quite anxious and took me to see my GP. I had several tests, and the outcome was that I had a low blood sugar problem."

"So I see," Dianne said as she scanned the pad again. "Now, what was it that caused you to faint this time? Do you know?"

Kat looked down at her feet. She didn't want to let Dr. Tracy think that she was in any way irresponsible. "Well, my GP told me that as long as I didn't go too long between meals, and always kept something sweet on hand, such as glucose, I should be okay. There was a time a few years ago, that I went on holiday with my parents. It wasn't a long flight, and I didn't feel very hungry, but when we arrived it was so hot, I felt myself passing out. One of the Reps gave me Coke watered down. That certainly seemed bring me round. I guess that on this occasion in Thunderbird Two's hangar, it was a culmination of breakfast too early, no glucose to hand, and the heat in the hangar."

"Were there any warning signs? Did you know that the fainting spell was coming on?"

Kat looked unhappy. "Yes," she almost whispered. "I felt clammy and light-headed. Sometimes, when I feel like that I don't actually pass out, and that makes me feel worse. I was feeling clammy in the hangar, but I didn't like to stop Virgil and Brains. Besides it was very interesting." She looked at Dianne. "You won't send me home, will you?

Dianne took in a deep breath and let it out through her nose. "No, I don't think so. But you've got to make sure you're eating your snacks during the day and that you have your glucose on you. We can't have you fainting in the middle of a rescue or when you're working with some delicate equipment."

Kat looked relieved. "Dr Tracy, I promise that I shall eat small regular meals, and I will always make sure that I have glucose wherever I go. I admit that I was silly, having my breakfast so early, but I wanted to make sure that I arrived at the hangar on time. I guess I rushed out, not realising that I had no glucose with me. It won't happen again. But I think that I shall mention to Brains that maybe we should have a small break when we are working, at mid-morning and mid-afternoon so that I can snack."

"And I will make it a medical order," Dianne said, making a note with her stylus. "Now, you are aware that there are MRE's in the various Thunderbirds, aren't you?"

Kat looked a little unsure. "Sorry, I am not sure what you mean?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. MRE is the military term for 'meal, ready to eat'. There are some stored in every Thunderbird, particularly in Thunderbird Two. You should become aware of where they are so you can grab one if you need it."

Kat smiled. "That's good to know. Could I put my own meals there, along with some glucose tablets and sweet soft drinks? If I could, then I would know that I would always be okay."

"As long as they aren't too perishable," Dianne said, nodding.

"Oh no, they won't be perishable, I would just have some muesli bars, and biscuits and maybe some small packets of cereal. Maybe I could have small cartons of long life milk." She looked at Dianne. "Unless you that that would be too much, in which case I shall stick to the muesli bars and biscuits."

"That sounds feasible. Put them in one spot, and tell the pilots that those are your emergency cache." Dianne waved her stylus at Kat. "Now, if there is another fainting spell, I'm going to put you on glucose monitoring. Something I don't think you'll want to do. So, keep that blood sugar level up where it belongs."

Kat smiled, feeling more relaxed. "I will, I promise, Besides, I don't want to faint again. I shall arrange my emergency snacks in the appropriate Thunderbirds." She paused. "Dr. Tracy, do the others need to know about my problem? I know Virgil and Brains know, and I suppose, Gordon, John and Alan should be told and of course, Mr. Tracy, but somehow, if it is possible I would rather the others not know. But of course you feel that they should know, then would you be the one to tell them?"

"Truthfully, Kat, I really can't tell them," Dianne explained. "I'm now your physician, and I'm bound by ethics to keep your confidence. However, it would be wise for your teammates to know. That way they can help you when you need it."

"I can see your point, Dr Tracy, and I shall tell them, but can I tell them in my own time? I am not going to make an announcement. I shall just tell them as and when the occasion arises. Obviously I shall let them all know as soon as I can. Do I need to tell your sons as well? And I am not too sure when or how to tell Mr Tracy."

"Mr. Tracy is aware of your problem," Dianne said. "It was part of the information that Lady Penelope sent on. She wanted us to be fully briefed on the mechanic we were getting."

Kat smiled slightly. "Of course, you must be aware of my problem, and I promised myself that it wouldn't bother me again. I think I have been trying too hard, not wanting to miss any of my training, to the extent where I have overlooked my health problem. I know now that I have learnt my lesson. I hope that once my friends know, they will nag me to eat and remind me that I must carry my glucose tablets."

Dianne chuckled. "From what I've learned about this bunch, I'm sure they will. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"There is one other thing I would like, a repeat prescription of my contraceptive pill. I have almost finished my last supply. It helps me to control my hormones each month. I used to have such pain."

Dianne scrolled down the pad in her hand. "Right. I see the prescription. I think I have it in stock." She glanced up at Kat. "I ordered more medications for those who are taking them as soon as I did the baseline physicals. Let me see..." She got up and went over to a cabinet that was locked with a thumbprint scanner. Putting her thumb up to it, the little machine scanned it and then a loud "snick" told those in the room that the cabinet was unlocked. Dianne rummaged around and finally pulled out a flat, foil-wrapped package. She compared the label on the package to the prescription on the pad, and then nodding, she handed it over to Kat.

"There you go."

Kat took the small package. "Thank you, Dr Tracy. I do feel happier now, knowing that there are things that I can do to help myself. And thank you for this new prescription."

"You're welcome, Kat. Come to me anytime you've got a medical question, or just need some advice."

"I will, and thanks once again." Kat left the office feeling secure that she wouldn't be going home, and that once her friends knew her problem, she would have a good backup from them.

Post by Tawnyangel22 and Tikatu on 11/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1368 is a reply to message #1367] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island, Monday April 16th 10:15 a.m.

"Come in!" Dianne called out to the knock on the infirmary door.

The source of the knock entered and closed the door behind her. "Elise! How are feeling? We didn't have a session, did we?" asked a slightly confused Dianne.

"No, we didn't and I'm feeling okay. Thanks for asking," replied the other. "I actually have a couple of questions about the meds I'm taking."

"Oh, sure, I understand. Go ahead and sit down." Dianne indicated a chair with her arm.

Elise made herself comfy and then asked her questions. "How long does it normally take for someone going through what I'm going through to notice a change?"

"Well, amazingly enough, the meds I prescribed for you will take only about a week to start making a difference."

"Really? That fast!" Dianne smiled at Elise's almost shocked expression.

"Yes! Nowadays, with the advancements that have been made in the medical and pharmaceutical industry, drugs can take effect more rapidly than they used to. Six to eight weeks was the norm about 50 years ago."

As Elise digested the information, Dianne continued, "Are you noticing any difference yet? It's been over a week."

"Yes...actually I am. I'm sleeping better, but I also feel more in control of things. Does that make sense?"

"Yes, it does. It means it's working!"

"How long will I have to stay on these meds?"

"That depends entirely on you, Elise. Let's just take things one step at a time for now."

Dianne noticed the downfall in the young woman's expression. "I will tell you though, that I myself would like to be the one who takes you up for your first flight before I release you back to the team."

"Sure, I can deal with that." Elise smiled back at Dianne.

"Do you have any other questions right now?"

"Umm... no, I don't think so."

"Good. Now tell me about this rock climbing training I heard about? Somethin' about killing each other?" Dianne asked, trying to suppress a smile.

Elise rolled her eyes. "Oh that. Nothing stays secret around here long, does it?"

This time Dianne laughed. "No, it doesn't I'm afraid."

Elise went on to tell Dianne that she had followed her suggestions and, the day after the Tower Bridge rescue, had asked Scott about various training she needed to get done. He knew she was grounded and it was not brought up, instead he was very professional in assisting and teaching her the art of rapelling. Professional that is, until they got into a fight over how she was proceeding.

"He told me I was going down too fast. I told him I was FINE and carried on, then he got all huffy on me and yelled for me to stop."

Elise paused for a moment, before adding, "So... I-I threatened to throw rocks at his head."

"While you were both half way down the cliff face, you threatened bodily harm?" Dianne asked, rather surprised.

"Well... yes! He was being ... SCOTT!" Elise blurted, for lack of a better word.

Dianne nodded in understanding. She knew only too well how Scott could be, the boy was just like his father! "Well, I'm glad you didn't throw any rocks at him. From what Gordon told me, you two were going to kill each other!"

Now Elise laughed. "Yeah, that would be Gordon's take on it! He was at the bottom, being our checker, so he got to hear the whole exchange. But Scott and I made our peace and all is well. So, when do you want to check me out in the cockpit, Doctor?"

"Do you think you'd be up for it this afternoon?" Elise didn't expect it would be that soon but readily agreed. "Okay then, let me talk to Tin-Tin about using her Ladybird, and I'll call you later."

"Okay, I'll be ready." Elise answered. I hope.

Post by FrankieCTB2 on 12/06/2005

Dom plainclothes heartbeat Luke plainclothes
Re: Learning to Live in Paradise [message #1370 is a reply to message #1368] Thu, 26 July 2012 20:27 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
artisticrainey is currently offline  artisticrainey
Messages: 1228
Registered: July 2012
Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander
Tracy Island, Monday April 16th 11.00 a.m.

Kat was walking towards the monorail to take her to Thunderbird Two's hangar, carrying a large bag.

"Hey, Kat, wait up," Nikki called and turning, Kat saw her three friends, Nikki, Callie and Elise.

"How did your meeting with Dr Tracy go? And what have you in your bag?" Nikki asked.

"Meeting? You've had a meeting with Dr Tracy?" Elise enquired.

Kat smiled at her friends, as they fell in step with her.

"My meeting with Dr Tracy went very well." Then for Callie's and Elise's benefit she explained.

"When I was last training with Virgil and Brains in Thunderbird Two, I fainted."

Callie gasped, "Fainted! You're not -- you know - are you?" And she gestured as though she was cradling a baby.

Kat laughed. "I know what you are trying to say and, no Callie, definitely not."

She continued. "I have a low blood sugar problem and when I haven't eaten for a while, my blood sugar can drop, causing me to pass out. I guess Virgil told his mom. Anyway the upshot is that Dr Tracy has told me to make sure that I have a good breakfast, and that I carry some glucose with me wherever I go. She has also advised me that in every Thunderbird craft there is a MRE, 'meal, ready to eat', and I have to make sure that I have a stock of food in each craft, hence my bag here. Though to be honest, I should really only need stores in Thunderbird Two."

She watched her friends. "I also hope that you will maybe nag me, to make sure that I have eaten and that I have my glucose with me."

Her three friends nodded. "Consider it done; we will certainly make sure you are okay Kat," Nikki replied.

"So what's in the bag?" Elise queried.

"Oh, Muesli bars, biscuits, boxes of cereal, cartons of long life milk."

"You had better make sure that Virgil knows that they are your special cache." Elise laughed.

"Oh, I will." Kat laughed as they parted, and she headed for Thunderbird Two.

Virgil was still working on Thunderbird Two when the young mechanic arrived. "Hey, are you bringing me a snack?" He joked.

"No, sorry; this is purely for me."

"What, all that?" he asked, staring into her bag.

"This is my MRE, as advised by Dr Tracy." Kat replied.

"Then Mom has had a word with you?"

"Yes, she has. I did think that she would send me back, but thankfully, I can stay. However, I have to promise to eat regularly and have a store on board Thunderbird Two."

"I'm glad to hear that," Virgil replied. "I am sure that Brains would not want to lose his best assistant."

Virgil showed Kat were she could store her provisions, putting up a notice explaining what they were, in case someone else ate them. Once they were stored away, Kat left calling goodbye to Virgil, who continued working on his baby.

Post by Tawnyangel22 on 12/06/2005

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