Home » The Archives » Chapter 12 » Playing with Fire
Playing with Fire [message #441] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:55  |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Spring on Tracy Island, and love is in the air. A couple celebrates an anniversary, an engaged man says farewell to his first love, and slowly, long-forged friendships blossom into something deeper. The newest recruits are eager to spread their wings and prove themselves ready, able to take up the challenge. Yet in the world outside, trouble is brewing. International Rescue is in the spotlight, and there are those who want to know more, to uncover their secrets, to infiltrate their ranks and expose them. The warning signs are there, waiting to be noticed. Then the team - recruits and family - will need to strengthen their defenses.
Posted by Tikatu on February 23, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #442 is a reply to message #441] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:55   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Thursday, October 11, 2068, 8:35 p.m., Christchurch, NZ.[/i]
"Hey, Cherie!" Anneliese called as they packed up their art supplies. "Jen, Manjari, Aroha, Tim and me - we're going to the ice cream shop around the corner. Want to come?"
Cherie glanced at the others who had looked up when their names had been mentioned, then at Airini. The bodyguard put her hand to her ear, pinky and thumb extended. Cherie got the message and turned to smile at Anneliese.
"I'd love to, but I have to ask permission first. Let me call my brother." She pulled out her phone, and dialed Virgil. At the same time, Airini was doing the same thing, but as a text message.
Virgil was leaving a costume shop. He had emailed his RSVP to Elise; he would have done it in person, but by the time he returned home, the exhausted rescue crew was resting, and there had been no response when he'd buzzed her door. He'd browsed around, but nothing had really smitten him. Maybe I'll see if Elise and I can go as a couple, he thought, smiling. When the phone sounded off with the ring tone he'd reserved for his sister, he was still smiling. "Hey, there, Cherie! Time to pick you up?"
"Well," Cherie said, biting her lower lip, "I've been invited to an ice cream shop around the corner with a couple of my friends," she paused, enjoying the idea of the word "friend', "and I wanted to know if it was okay."
A chime sounded in Virgil's ear, notifying him of a text message. He brought the phone away from his ear and glanced at the screen. It read: "All chk out OK. Will follow. Airi."
"Sure, Cherie, go ahead. I'll run GPS on the address and will pick you up in an hour or so, okay?" Virgil was mindful of the fact that it was a school night, and that his parents wouldn't be happy if Cherie was up extremely late. "I'll give Dad a call and let him know." He paused, and added, "Airini will be following, but she'll be discreet."
"Yeah, that's okay. Thanks so much, Virgil!" Cherie all but squealed. "See you later!"
"See you soon, Sis." He made sure he replied to the text message with a, "OK 2 follow" before cutting the connection and putting the phone in his pocket again. Whistling, he headed back to the car and decided to check out the music shop in the mall before picking up his sister.
The ice cream was good, and the conversation was even better. Cherie got to know Anneliese a bit more and became acquainted with a couple of the other students that she hadn't had a chance to speak to before. Aroha's tattoo fascinated her, as did Manjari's very different accent. They in turn wanted to know where she was from. "I can tell you're a Yank," Jen said, "but where in the States? I mean, to me, you all sound the same."
"I'm from the Southeast, state of South Carolina to be precise," Cherie replied.
"Does that mean you say 'y'all' all the time?" Tim asked, grinning.
"Only when it fits... y'all," she responded, returning the grin. The group laughed.
"Is Tennessee close to South Carolina?" Jen asked.
"Not far," Cherie said. "It borders North Carolina and Georgia, both of which border South Carolina. Just a couple hours drive, really, to get into the southeastern part of the state."
"Where is the Mississippi river in Tennessee?" Manjari asked.
"It's on the western border," Cherie responded. She took a bite of her sundae, then asked, "What's so interesting about Tennessee?"
"You mean you didn't hear about the earthquake there today?" Tim asked, sounding somewhat sarcastic. "I'm surprised this lot hasn't bent your ear about it before now. Earthquake equals disaster and disaster equals International Rescue, doesn't it, Liese?"
Aroha gave Tim a little push. "Of course it does, you pakeha! And International Rescue means the dreamy bloke with the yellow sash."
"But they don't wear sashes any more," Tim argued.
"Doesn't make him any less minty," Anneliese said stoutly.
Cherie's eyes went wide, and she fought hard to stifle a laugh. When she was sure she could speak without bursting into giggles, she asked, "Um, what's this all about?"
"Haven't you heard of International Rescue?" Aroha asked, eyes wide.
"Well, yes, of course," Cherie said hastily. "Everyone's heard about them. But who's this guy with the yellow sash?"
"Oh, you shouldn't have asked that!" Tim exclaimed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "Now Liese will tell you the whole sad yarn."
"Quit whinging and being a wet blanket," Manjari said, giving him a shove in the other direction. "Cherie's interested, aren't you?"
"Yeah, sure," Cherie said, nodding. "Go ahead, Liese. Tell me your story."
"Well," Liese began. "It was almost two years ago when it happened. My Mum and me were driving down the motorway to the mall when this mad boy-racer went past, doing the ton. He..."
"Excuse me," Cherie said, her tone apologetic. "But 'boy-racer' and 'doing the ton'?"
"He had a really loud stereo and was driving too fast -- like 200 kph," Jen supplied.
"Oh, okay. Thanks." Cherie nodded at Anneliese. "Please continue."
"Ta." Anneliese sounded a bit miffed about the interruption. "As I said, he was going really fast, and got into a prang with another car. Not that it mattered to him; he just kept going. The other car hit a lorry carrying chlorine, and started a huge prang. Twenty-three cars! My Mum and me were in one of them. The chlorine kept spreading, killing people, even the plods -- the police - who had come to help."
Cherie nodded. She was beginning to remember the incident in question. It was the first time Thunderbird Seven had gone on a rescue. "Wow! That sounds scary!" she said, her eyes purposefully wide. "What happened next?"
Anneliese's former pique was gone with her new audience's rapt attention. "Well, my Mum and me couldn't get out. The doors were smashed shut. The chlorine was like a cloud, coming closer. Gave me the colly-wobbles, it did! Then this man appeared. He was wearing a HAZMAT suit, but I could see he had brown eyes and brown hair and his face was... oh, sweet-as!" She smiled widely. "He cut us out, and got us away from the chlorine. Later, I saw him with a yellow sash on." She looked down at her hands. "My Mum and me went for counseling, and the counselor told me I should write him a letter. To thank him and all."
Jen laughed. "She did more than that! She started a fan club!"
The light went on inside Cherie's head. Anna talked about this at dinner one night! Virgil was sooo embarrassed! "So," she asked, "you started a fan club?"
"Yes!" Manjari said, her eyes shining. "We have a website, and messageboard, and we have members from all over the world! It's beaut!"
"But what about the other guys?" Cherie asked. "Aren't there more than one?"
"Yeah, and what about the girls?" Tim asked. "I hear they're flash, too!"
Anneliese sighed. "He was the one who rescued us, so he's the one I fancy."
"There are other clubs," Aroha said, "for the other pilots and rescuers. We have links to them on our site."
"But none for the girls," Tim complained. Manjari gave him another shove.
"Our site?" Cherie asked. She pointed her finger first at Anneliese, then swung it around to include the others. "You're all involved?"
"Well, not Tim here," Jen said, sticking her tongue out at the only male. "But we believe that International Rescue should have everyone's support."
"And the men -- they look so minty! That makes it even easier," Anneliese said with a dreamy sigh. She perked up and asked Cherie, "Hey, would you like to belong to the club? We have meetings once a month..."
"I just might; it sounds like fun," Cherie replied, smiling. This is rich! Wait until I tell Virgil... uh oh, what time is it? She glanced at her watch. "Uh oh. When I called him, my brother said he'd pick me up here in an hour. He'll be looking for me." She ate a last few bites of her sundae and rose from the table, gathering her things. A sudden thought hit her. I can't let them see Virgil! How am I going to warn him?
"Can't you ask him to let you stay a bit longer?" Jen asked. "My mum could drive you home."
Cherie was about to say no, when she got an idea. "I could ask," she said, fishing out her phone. With a keystroke, she dialed Virgil again.
Virgil was already sitting outside waiting, reading a book. He answered the call with, "Hey, Cherie, where are you?"
"Uh, I'm in the ice cream shop. My friends would like to know if I can stay a little longer," she replied.
Virgil frowned. "Sorry, Sis, but we're going to be squeaking it on the trip home as it is. I'm waiting outside. You'd better make your apologies and gather up your things."
"Oh, but Virgil, we were just having the best conversation!" Cherie said, adding a little whine to her voice. "I wanted to hear more about the fan club that my friend Anneliese started for one of those International Rescue men! They'd like me to join it!"
Virgil blinked. His sister's words threw up a warning signal in his head. "Uh, Sis? Would that happen to be the club Anna mentioned not long ago at dinner? And the girl who founded it is there, with you?"
"Yeah, uh huh." Cherie hoped none of her friends could overhear Virgil's end of the conversation.
"Ohh-kay," he replied, starting the car and switching on the window tinting. It was usually triggered by daylight conditions and shut down after sundown, but there was an override switch, which Virgil used. The windows darkened and showed an almost mirror surface on the outside now, which he hoped would hide him. "Just come on out. I've got it covered."
Inside, Cherie pouted. "Hrmph," she muttered. "You're not being fair!" She ended the call decisively and popped her phone in her bag. "He says I have to come now!" she groused.
"Well, maybe we'll talk more about it next time," Anneliese said, giving Cherie a sympathetic smile. "Wait!" She ducked into her own purse, and pulled out a card, stopping to write on the back. "Here's the address for the club's site. Check it out, then ring me up, just to talk if you want."
"Thanks, Liese." Cherie slung her art supply bag over her shoulder. While doing so, she looked around for Airini, who had been reading a book and drinking soda in a quiet corner while the conversation was going on. Out of the corner of one eye, she saw the older girl leave, and knew she'd be waiting outside. "I'll call sometime this week, and I promise I'll look at the site." She stopped at the front door and waved, "Bye, y'all!"
There was laughter, then a chorus of, "Tata!" "Cheers!" "Cheerio!" She stepped through the door and into the night.
Airini was standing to one side, checking through her purse, and Virgil's car was waiting on the street before her, hazard lights flashing. She ran over, and hopped into the car, giving her bodyguard a quick wave before climbing in. The door closed, she fastened her seat belt, then dissolved into laughter.
"Was it really that funny?" Virgil asked, his tone skeptical as he pulled away.
"Yeah, it was!" Cherie said gleefully. "Let me tell you all about it!"
Posted by Tikatu on February 23, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #443 is a reply to message #442] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:57   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Thursday October 11 2068, 4.35am, New York (8.35pm Oct 11 Island Time)
Tom Hawkins' fingers flew across his keyboard as he typed up another post for his increasingly popular anti-International Rescue blog. This is great, he thought. No new material for so long and now boom! Something to shout about. This stuff with those crazies is awesome. Thank God for contacts! His eyes strained against the light from the computer monitor in his otherwise dark apartment, but he didn't care.
In the down time between the last rescue and the most recent, Tom had set about putting out feelers everywhere he could to get news on both International Rescue's activities, as well as public feeling about them. All right, so the majority of people were in favour of them -- but not the way Tom told it. One of his contacts had sent him a link to a website made by some people calling themselves 'The Brethren'. Sweeeeeeeet, he had thought. So much potential for juicy stories -- at IR's expense!
He saved his file and sat back, lacing his fingers behind his head. He smiled as he read his 'masterpiece'.
Once more International Rescue have trundled in to save the day when a Tennessee shopping mall collapsed as a result of seismic activity yesterday morning. While no one else can say anything but 'thank you' to those brave men and women, I find myself once again pondering the question: if the government had the technology, could action have been taken sooner?
The rest of the article read in much the same way as everything else Tom had written on the subject. He simply seemed to be finding more creative ways to use the same idea each time. However, the arrival of the Brethren had given him some slightly more...interesting...material.
On a slightly stranger note, it seems that International Rescue has started coaxing people into joining what seems to be a coercive cult designed to bring innocent and inexperienced members of the public into their rescue situations. Yesterday, they used several van-loads of people dressed in what seemed like deliberately auspicious and impractical outfits to assist them in their work. This writer has to call into question the ethics of such a practice, and whether International Rescue should be allowed to put more people in danger this way...
He smiled once more, stretched out his shoulders until they popped in satisfaction, and pressed the 'send' button. After a few moments the new post was online, and he shut the computer down and went to bed, thinking about the hundreds of supportive replies he would wake up to in the morning.
Posted by ArtisticRainey on February 24, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #444 is a reply to message #443] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:57   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Thursday, October 11, 2068, 10:15 pm, Tracy Island
Cassie sat down in front of her computer. It had occurred to her earlier that she hadn't let her family in Japan know about her career change yet. Unless one of her parents had already mentioned it to someone, they wouldn't even know that she wasn't in New York City anymore.
Instead of writing to everyone, she decided to write to one person and let them spread the news. Her grandparents and their youngest son, Hikaru, and his family lived in Kozushima Village on the island of Kozushima. Kozushima was where Cassie's mother had grown up, despite Cassie's grandfather running a successful computer and robotics business, Fujimura Technologies, based in the city of Tokyo. After establishing the business her grandfather, Fujimura Daichi, had moved his wife and kids back to the island village to make his wife, Nako, happy. He had flown between the island and the mainland for years, until he had turned the business over to his oldest son, Satoyuki.
Though she tried to write to her grandparents on a regular basis, Cassie corresponded with her cousin, Sachio, the most. Sachio was next in line to take over Fujimura Technologies. Four years older than her, the two of them had gotten to know each other when Cassie had visited Japan. Since then, they had often exchanged emails, both keeping their respective branches of the family up to date with what was happening. She knew if she told Sachio about the changes in her life, it wouldn't be long before he had relayed that information to her grandparents, aunts and uncles.
I hope everything is going well. How are you and Kao-chan? Anything new or exciting happening since the last time I heard from you? Is Kai-kun settling into the new school year okay? How are Grandma and Grandpa doing?
The last month has been a whirlwind for me. Remember when I told you that I was going to look for a job outside of the city? Well, not only did I start looking but I found one that interested me. I didn't expect to find one so quick, but I got an offer I couldn't resist. I took a job as a consultant with Tracy Industries. I'm based in their Wichita, Kansas office. I moved to my new location almost two weeks ago.
As you can probably guess, I've been busy settling into my new job and home. I can, of course, be reached via email, but I'll list my number and address at the end of this letter. Please share it with the rest of the family, especially Grandma, seeing as she prefers the old-fashion method of letter-writing.
I've got a two-bedroom apartment which is much bigger than what I was living in back in the city. It's nice and is in a good location. I'm in the process of painting the walls of my bedroom which is a much harder task than I thought it would be. I think I made the right decision with deciding to leave the rest of the walls white. I'm not sure I'd want to tackle painting the entire apartment.
Cassie paused, trying to decide what else she could safely say. She knew she couldn't mention Luke living nearby as that may cause suspicion. As far as they knew he lived in California. At the same time, if she didn't mention anyone that might raise some flags in itself. How could she refer to those sharing the island with her while not giving anything away?
I suppose I could refer to them as either neighbors or co-workers, Cassie thought. I'm just going to have to keep how I refer to everyone consistent. The easiest way to do that would probably keep a list, she mused. Opening her word processor program, she created a file to do just that.
Taking care not to give away anything she shouldn't, Cassie continued her email to her cousin, telling him about some of the new people in her life.
Posted by starrynebula on February 26, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #445 is a reply to message #444] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:57   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Friday, October 12, 2068, 9:15 am, Tracy Island
Upon Jeff's call for her to enter, Cassie entered the lounge.
"You wanted to see me, sir?" she asked as she stepped through the door.
"Yes, Cassie," Jeff said, glancing up from his desk. "Have a seat," he told her, indicating the chair on the other side of the desk.
Cassie walked slowly over to the chair and sat down. She looked across the desk at her boss, waiting for him to start.
"From the reports I've been getting your training seems to be going pretty well," Jeff commented.
Cassie nodded. "Some things are coming to me easier than others," she commented.
"That's to be expected," Jeff assured her. "How are things going with the review of the Fire Protocols at the Tracy Industry branches?"
"Well, I followed your suggestion and sent out an email to the branches for them to send me the required information. A few of the branches have already sent me the required information. Those that haven't have at least responded by saying the required information will be sent within the week. It'll take me a while to go through the protocols for each branch as well as the recent fire drill results."
"Of course. Now that you're about to get started on the real work, I'd like to be kept up to date. Let's say, weekly progress reports."
"I can do that."
"Don't feel pressured to get through it quickly as I know a lot of your time is still being taken with training for IR. I also have another task related to IR for you," Jeff told her.
Across from him, Cassie set up a little straighter in her chair, interested in hearing about this new task.
"One of our rescues a little while back was a cane fire. It was actually that rescue that prompted us to start looking for a firefighter for the team. The rescue didn't go as smoothly as it could have. I'd like you to look through our records from the rescue and make some suggestions on how the rescue could have been handled better, and point out mistakes that were made. It would be good to avoid those mistakes in the future."
Cassie nodded. "I'll take a look and see what I can come up with," she told him, trying not to reveal the nervousness she was feeling inside. What if I can't come up with any suggestions? This is ultimately why they hired me after all, she thought.
Jeff handed over a data pad. "I've put all the relevant information on here for you. I'd like to meet with you Tuesday morning if that will give you enough time?"
"I'll be ready by then," she told him, making a mental note to make it one of her priorities.
"Great. Let's say 10:00 a.m. I'm going to have Brains join us too."
"Ten on Tuesday morning," Cassie said, for confirmation.
Jeff nodded.
"Was there anything else?" Cassie asked.
"No, that was it unless you have anything you'd like to talk about."
"Not right now, sir," Cassie told him.
After saying a quick good-bye, Cassie stood up and left the lounge.
Posted by starrynebula on February 26, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #446 is a reply to message #445] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:58   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
The Cliff House, sometime after noon....
Luke yawned and stretched his arms over his head. Peering over at the lump next to him, he gave it a nudge. "Hey there, Rom. Up and at 'em." The dog gave a groan and tail wagging, rolled off the bed. Luke laughed at the expression on Rommel's face and stood up, pulling on a pair of cutoffs. "C'mon, mutt, let's get us some breakfast." He glanced at the clock. "Better make that lunch." He padded to the kitchen, Rommel plodding along beside him.
He filled the dog's water bowl and food dish. Rommel sniffed at both, took a few laps of water, then went back to the living room. He lay down with a "whuff" in the sun in front of the French doors.
Watching him, Luke sighed. He picked up the water bowl and carried to the dog, placing it next to him. "C'mon, buddy, the doc says you have to drink." Rom merely rolled on his back, clearly wanting his belly rubbed. Luke chuckled and obliged.
He made his way back to the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot. He then popped a bagel in the toaster and a few minutes later, Luke was sitting on the couch, sipping coffee and closing his eyes in contentment. The only sounds were from the birds outside and Rommel snoring in the sun.
The ring of the doorbell startled them both. Rommel jumped to his feet, staggered a few steps, then sat down. "Easy, boy," Luke told him and answered the door. "Hey, Gordon, come on in."
Dressed in a brightly colored shirt and dark shorts, Gordon stepped into the apartment. "I didn't wake you did I?" he asked, taking in Luke's half-dressed appearance.
Luke shook his head. "Nah, I slept in this morning. Didn't get much sleep last night," he said, nodding over at Rommel.
Gordon walked over to the dog and kneeling down, ruffled the animal's head. "And how are you feeling this morning, big guy? Bet you slept well." Rommel responded by giving Gordon a thorough lick and rolled over on his back. "Yeah, you know you're spoiled, aren't you?" He glanced up at Luke. "He OK?"
Luke nodded. "He's fine. I called the vet as soon as we got back and she told me he'd sleep like a log for the night and be kind of groggy today. He should be back to his normal self by tonight or tomorrow. Hey, want a cup of coffee?"
Gordon frowned at the sudden change of topic. "Sure, cream and sugar, thanks." He watched Luke walk into the kitchen before turning back to the dog. "Looks like you weren't the one who had the rough night there, pup." He waited until Luke came back into the room, and taking the coffee mug, sat down on the couch. "Mmmm....Not bad!"
"One of the few things I can cook," Luke replied, taking his own sip.
They sat in silence for a few minutes before Gordon spoke up again. "Mom said the vet thought it might be that Rom sensed the quake."
Luke nodded. "Yeah, that's what was upsetting him. We've never been in that type of situation before." He glanced over at the dog. "He did great yesterday, he really did."
"Yeah he did." Gordon paused a moment. "And how are you doing this morning? Because frankly, you look like hell."
Luke sighed and placed his mug on the coffee table, then ran his hands over his face. "Truthfully, I don't know." He got to his feet and paced the room. "I don't think I've ever been so scared yesterday." He glanced over at Rommel. "I mean, it's stupid to be so upset right? He's just a dog."
Gordon shook his head. "He's more than a dog; he's your partner and your friend. People can say what they want, but look at him." They both looked down. Rommel had opened his eyes and was watching Luke's every move. "You look into that animal's eyes and tell me he doesn't have thoughts and feelings. We used trained dolphins in WASP. Sent them in before us to scope out the area. After a while you could tell each of them by their quirks and personalities." He shook his head again. "I saw you out there, Luke. You were just as worried about him as if it had been one of us. And it doesn't make you a weaker man to admit that."
Luke took a shuddering breath. "Thanks, Gordon," he said softly. "This being my first big rescue with you and all...I guess I never expected something like this to happen."
Gordon took a sip from his mug. "Well, now we know what to expect. And Mom's talking about having a direct link to the vet in case something ever happens. He's as much a part of this team as you are, Luke. We take care of our own."
Luke smiled shyly. "Yeah, you do." He straightened his shoulders. "Hey, I was just about to whip up some eggs and bacon. You hungry?"
Gordon batted his eyes innocently. "I've already had breakfast and lunch, but if you're insisting, I suppose I could try and force something down."
Luke laughed and led him into the kitchen. "Yeah, right. C'mon, eggs are one of the other things I can cook."
Posted by lillehafrue on February 26, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #447 is a reply to message #446] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:58   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Friday, October 12, 2068, just before 2 p.m., Tracy Island
Reaching into the box, Cassie took the last few books out and placed them on a shelf on the bookcase she had bought last week. In between her training, she had managed to find time to put the bookshelves and desk together. Luke had come over to help put the two wall shelves up, as well as helping her with the curtains in the living room. As she was still in the process of painting the bedroom wall, she hadn't put up the curtains in the bedroom yet.
Picking up the empty box, she placed it near the door. The things she had shipped from the city had arrived today, which meant she had boxes sitting in various places around the apartment.
There were two boxes sitting on the kitchen counters which held the bake pans, utensils and decorating tools she had accumulated over the years. The saucers and dessert plates she had bought to go along with her teacups were in one of them, too. She had managed to find saucers and plates that had matched the red of the cups three years ago.
There were still three boxes sitting on the floor near the entrance where she had told Virgil, Gordon and John to set them when they had brought the stuff up to her apartment. One of the boxes she knew had the CD's and vid discs she had packed away. The second had her cheerleading trophies and plaques from high school, her high school diploma, and NYU degree, as well as a few stuffed animals she had saved over the years. The third box sitting there was a mystery. The return address was that of her parents, which meant her mom had probably sent her something to keep herself from worrying.
Two boxes containing the rest of the clothing she felt she would need on the island was in her bedroom. One was her winter clothing, which she planned on just simply sliding into the closet until needed. Virgil and John had also placed the vanity in its spot against the wall near the bathroom door. The box holding the mirror was leaning against it. They had offered to put it together while they were there, but she wasn't sure where the screws and brackets had gotten packed. She and Mark had gotten the vanity packed and ready for shipping and then she had discovered the brackets and screws hadn't been packed with it. Instead of opening it and repacking it, she had packed them away in another box but she couldn't remember which one. Gordon had promised to come back later to help her attach the mirror as at least two people were required to accomplish that feat. As for her guitar, she had taken it into the second bedroom to keep it out of harm's way.
I'm going to be busy tonight if I want to get this stuff put away before Tin-Tin comes over for tea tomorrow, Cassie thought as she looked at the boxes sitting near the entrance. She glanced at her watch. Well, I'm not going to get anything else done right now as it's time to meet with Virgil.
Grabbing her laptop, which held her notes and sketches for her proposal and was already in its carrying case, Cassie left the apartment and headed toward the monorail. She met up with Nikki who was leaving the Cliff House area too. The two women shared small talk while the monorail moved along its track. Remembering the invitation she had received on Wednesday, she brought up the subject, telling Nikki she'd be there and that she'd bake some holiday theme cookies for the party.
When she reached her destination, Cassie said good-bye to Nikki, who continued on toward the Villa. Cassie arrived at the simulator before Virgil. She walked over to a table near the one wall and got her computer out. To pass the next few minutes while she waited, Cassie glanced through the notes and sketches she had created in some last minute preparations. She wanted to make sure she presented her ideas well to him.
"I was hoping you wouldn't get too involved unpacking and lose track of time," Virgil said lightly, as he came into the room a few minutes later, causing Cassie to look up.
"Are you kidding? I was glad for an excuse to put it off. I hate packing and unpacking."
"Doesn't everyone? You ready to begin?"
"Sure. I've also got that proposal for you ready," Cassie said, indicating the laptop in front of her.
"Great, let's go over that first. I'm curious to see what you've come up with," he replied as he walked over to stand beside her.
Cassie nodded, glad to get this over with before the training session so she wouldn't be preoccupied. "My idea is actually a mixture of some traditional firefighting equipment and what IR already uses," Cassie told him as she brought up her first slide of the presentation. "Current aerial firefighting techniques include the use of dropping chemical fire retardants or water from the air, like shown in this picture of a airplane filling up the Bambi Bucket, which has been in use since 1983. These buckets have the advantage of being able to refill while the aircraft is still in flight whereas with the chemicals, once the supply runs out the plane needs to return to base."
"Properly used, chemicals can be more effective against a fire than water which is why I suggest we use a gun type design, like the rear gun on the Firefly." Cassie switched to another slide. "The gun, mounted underneath Thunderbird 2, would be able to shoot the dicetyline onto a fire from the air. Now, I'm no engineer so exactly how this would be accomplished is beyond my expertise."
"Are you suggesting using both the gun and the Bambi Bucket?" Virgil asked her.
"No. The drawback to using the dicetyline is we can't keep an endless supply of it on board Thunderbird 2. This is where the inspiration from the Bambi Bucket comes into play. If we design another feed for water, which both the Firefly and Fire Truck are capable of, and some kind of pump design so a tank can be filled with water from a nearby source of water while still in flight, we have back-up ammunition if the dicetyline runs out."
Virgil asked a few more questions, all of which Cassie answered. Some of them covered details that she hadn't thought about in her initial planning, such as where to place the dicetyline tanks on board Thunderbird 2, but which would be necessary to see the project through.
"I think it will work," Virgil said, impressed with the effort Cassie had put into the brief idea pitch. "The engineering details will need to be worked before we present it to my dad but I think this would be a great addition to our arsenal. I'll get to work on the execution part of the idea when I come back from, Paris," Virgil told her. I'll get Brains involved in it too, he added silently to himself. "Meanwhile, why don't we get started on today's training session?"
Cassie nodded as she closed the open programs on her laptop and put the computer into hibernate. That done, the two headed over to the simulator.
Posted by starrynebula on February 27, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #448 is a reply to message #447] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:58   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Friday, October 12th, 4 p.m. on Tracy Island (10 p.m. Thursday, October 11, in Opp, Alabama)
After an exhausting time in Memphis the day before, all Callie wanted to do was rest up in her apartment. When she passed by her telephone, she noticed she had one voice message. "I'll bet it's Mom." Pressing the button to hear the message, she knew she was right.
"Geez, they called yesterday, probably while I was heading to the rescue zone. I'd better call them back." She had to think about how to cover her tracks. "Hmm, I think...I could tell them some co-workers invited me to dinner last night. I got home too tired to call. Yeah, that'll work." She picked up the receiver and called her family.
Back in Opp, most of the family was about to turn in for the evening when they heard the phone ringing. "Who could it be at this hour?" asked Richard as he answered the vidphone. "Hello?"
"Dad? It's Callie."
Richard smiled in delight. "Callie, honey. It's good to hear from you. Guess what; we felt a pretty good quake yesterday."
"You did? Was it the same one that originated from Memphis?"
Lorraine replied, "Yeah, the same one. When it got here, though, it just knocked some utensils on the floor here at the house. Also, some tools fell to the ground at the mill, but we still haven't heard any reports of injuries or damage." She looked at the kitchen clock. "Honey, it's after 10 here. How come you're just calling us now? Why didn't you call us yesterday?"
Calmly, Callie answered, "I'm sorry, Mom. I got off work yesterday, and some co-workers wanted to take me out to dinner. By the time I came in, I was too tired. I hope you're not too upset with me."
Richard shrugged. "You didn't know we were gonna have an earthquake around here. I don't see any reason for us to be upset. We just wanted to let you know we're all fine down here."
"Okay, Dad. Hey, did you hear about International Rescue's involvement?"
Joseph spoke up. "Oh, yeah! We were watching what we could see, particularly with those strange folks dressed up the way they were."
Those wacky Tyrikalicans, Callie thought to herself with an inner chuckle. They probably had more fun just being at the rescue site. I hope they don't become a serious threat to our security. "From what I've been hearing, I think they're the members of a serious fan club."
Brian added, "I don't know of any stranger people who'd be willing to go to a dangerous area just to admire those guys in International Rescue."
"I'm not so sure. Don't we have to deal with that in college football?"
"Point taken," said Brian.
Lorraine said, "Okay, guys, I think Callie needs some rest after a hard day at work. We'll let you go, sweetie. It's probably dinner time in Honolulu."
"Yeah, it is. I'll be here cooking tonight, though. I don't like to eat out all the time."
"All right, dear. We'll talk to you later."
"Bye, Mom." After Callie placed the phone back in its cradle, she breathed a sigh of relief. "Too bad I can't tell them I was in Memphis, but that's the price for protecting IR." She then went into the kitchen to start working on dinner for herself.
Posted by TracyFan4Ever on February 28, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #449 is a reply to message #448] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:59   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Friday, October 12, 2068, around 7 p.m., Tracy Island
Finishing up the dishes, Cassie set the towel down on the counter. She had just washed all her baking things that she had unpacked. She'd let them air dry and then find places for them in the cupboards.
Heading toward the living area, she moved both boxes onto her newly-bought throw rug, which sat between the couch and the entertainment system. Opening the one with the CD's in it, she pulled one out, not caring what it was and put it in the player. Soon, some familiar country music filled the air.
Settling herself on the floor, Cassie pulled the box from her mother toward her. I wonder what Mom sent me, she mused as she used the steak knife she had brought from the kitchen to open the box. Cassie smiled as she saw that all the contents had been neatly wrapped and packed. On the top was an envelope. Picking it up, she removed the single piece of blue stationary with a bonsai tree on the top.
Dear Cassie,
As I'm writing this, you're still here in New York with me but I know I'll be seeing you off soon. As much as it pains me to see you leaving, I know this is something that you need to do. Though I haven't said much, I've seen the pain and sadness that has been hovering around you these last few months. You haven't smiled as much as you used to and I miss your smile. Hopefully, this move will let you find your way through that and you'll find happiness once again, though I know that will take time. Still, I cling to the hope that the next time I see you, my smiling, carefree daughter will have returned.
I do hope that you're happy out in Kansas and that you're settling in to your new job. You said you found a place outside of the city. Are you enjoying the silence? I know I often long for the silence that I enjoyed growing up in Japan as I hear the busy city going on around me.
I thought about sending these items with you, but then decided to mail it. I thought receiving some mail from home would be a nice surprise. Hope you enjoy what I sent you.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Blinking away the few tears that had formed upon reading the letter, Cassie folded it back up and put it in the envelope. Setting it aside, she picked up one of the wrapped items. A smile immediately came to her face as she unwrapped a FDNY coffee mug. She continued pulling things out. Her mom had sent some baking ingredients along, as well as a couple tins of Cassie's favorite teas. She unwrapped several new towels and wash cloths. The last package though held the best surprise for her.
Cassie found a plastic container sitting at the bottom of the box. Opening it up, she found metal cookie cutters. As she looked through them she realized they were in Halloween shapes. There was a pumpkin, flying bat, a witch on a broom, a witches hat, a cat with the tail sticking up in the air, coffin, tombstone, and a ghost.
These will be perfect for making cookies for the party, Cassie thought as she stood up to take the container into the kitchen. She placed in on the counter, so she could put it away with the other things.
Returning to the living room, she went back to her previous task of unpacking and putting things away. While unpacking the rest of her CD's she had found the ziplock bag with the screws and brackets for the vanity. She tossed the bag onto one of the end tables and went back to unpacking the box. She was in the midst of putting away her vid discs when she heard the door chime. It's probably Gordon, Cassie thought as she got to her feet and headed for the door.
Sure enough, as the door opened, it revealed Gordon standing there. "Handyman calling," he replied with a grin.
"Hi, Gordon. Come on in. I appreciate you helping me out," Cassie said stepping aside to let him in. "Hey, Cherie," she said, when she noticed the girl standing behind her brother.
"Hi," Cherie replied.
"Not a problem. Hope you don't mind that Cherie tagged along. She was looking for a reason to get out of the house."
"Don't mind at all. You'll have to forgive the mess. I invited Tin-Tin over for tea tomorrow and wanted to at least get the things out here put away."
"Not a problem. Did you find those brackets and screws?"
"Right here," she answered, walking over to the end table and picking up the bag.
"Then why don't we get that mirror attached so you can get back to your work," Gordon suggested.
The three of them headed for the bedroom. Cherie sat down on Cassie's bed so she wouldn't be in the way. She looked around the half painted room as Gordon and Cassie started getting the circular mirror out of the box it had been shipped in.
"I think the room is going to look pretty once its finished," Cherie remarked as she took in the reddish brown walls that had paint on them and tried to picture the room complete with the midnight blue curtains, which she had helped Cassie pick out.
"I'm liking the color myself," Cassie replied as she helped Gordon lift the mirror into place. "I'm just not sure what to do about that wall," she remarked nodding toward the wall next to the door leading from the living area of the apartment. "You got it?" Cassie asked Gordon as they got the mirror lined up.
"Yeah. Go ahead and screw in the brackets," Gordon told her.
Cassie let go of the mirror and reached for the first bracket and the power screw driver which was sitting on the dresser. "I need something on it, because without any furniture over there I've just got a big empty wall," Cassie said continuing the conversation with Cherie as she started securing the mirror to the vanity. "I was thinking some kind of artwork. Have you ever done a mural, Cherie?"
"No. I usually stick to smaller things."
"Interested in giving it a try?" Cassie asked, as she got another bracket from the dresser top.
"You mean on the wall?" Cherie asked, considering the idea. It would be a challenge but it could be fun. I could always ask Virgil for advice. "What if it doesn't turn out right?"
"Almost anything would be preferable to that blank wall," Cassie told her. "I'll pay for any supplies you need to do it."
Cherie thought it over a few more minutes. "What did you have in mind?"
"Not sure yet. I was thinking something that would remind me of home."
"Well, that would be easy then. Cherie could paint a huge fire on the wall," Gordon quipped.
"You're lucky that you are holding up that mirror or I'd hit you," Cassie told him, trying to suppress the urge to smile.
Gordon just grinned.
Cherie meanwhile had been looking at the wall again. "What about famous buildings or sites from New York City, like the Statue of Liberty and things like that? I could probably paint things like that if we found pictures I could go off of."
As she finished securing the mirror, Cassie thought over the suggestion. It didn't take her long to start liking the idea. It would be relaxing to see the familiar sites she had grown up with. "Not a bad idea. Does that mean you're interested in giving it a try? I'd pay you for it somehow. Either I could buy you something you've been wanting or we could just decide on a fair price."
Cherie looked from Cassie and back at the blank wall, still thinking the idea over. "Okay, I'll give it a try," she said slowly. "I'll try to talk to Virgil before he leaves for Paris about it so he can give me an idea on how to start," Cherie said, looking forward to the challenge that had been presented to her.
Posted by starrynebula on February 29, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #450 is a reply to message #449] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:59   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Tracy Island, early evening....
Scott finished typing in the report on his computer. He read through what he had written, then hit 'save'. That wasn't a bad rescue. Not that many casualties considering the situation; no injuries on our team; everything went well, even with the extra "help". "Speaking of help," he mused out loud. I should check out those kooks. Make sure they really are as benign as they seem. He punched in "Tyrikalica" on a search engine. Instantly the page lit up with sites. He began to scan them, noting that most seemed to be news reports of the "Alien International Rescue Fan Club." Scott groaned, "Yeah, that's great for our reputation."
He dug a little deeper, finally coming across their website. "Bingo!" He began reading the site, often chuckling at some of the information it contained. The blogs were especially humorous.
"I (heart) Jhutu!"
"Undlieek-asjaphe is the true meaning of beauty!"
"Who needs Earth? We have Tyrikalica!"
He then moved onto "True rescue accounts."
"It was horrible. The plane was in the water, sinking fast. I was sure I was going to die. Suddenly one of the Jestreethzi n'Hildrathuk materialized in front of me. He spoke to me, and though I couldn't understand the language, I knew I would be safe. He took my hand and then I felt a rush of cold air. When I opened my eyes, I was on a ship. It was like magic!"
"Oh, give me a break. Magic?" Scott shook his head and read on. "Pictures, now this ought to be interesting." He keyed up the page and his smile faded. There were some barely distinguishable photos that were supposed to be the ships themselves, a few blurry images of people, then...
"I'll kill him. So help me, I will kill him this time!" Scott shoved his chair away from his desk and began pacing the room agitatedly. "But how, how to do it without getting nailed for fratricide."
He stalked the room for a few minutes, finally getting his emotions back under control. "I've got it." Scott marched out of the room and down the hallway. He paused, knocking on Gordon's door. He pasted on a smile as his brother opened the door.
"Hey, Scott. What's up?"
"Can I come in?" Gordon nodded and Scott stepped into the room. Gordon's room was neat and tidy as usual. A plaque holding his Olympic medal hung on one wall, and an enormous fish tank took up most of the other. Scott sat down in a chair. "I've been doing a little research on our Tryikalican friends. Are you aware they have their own website?"
Gordon squirmed uncomfortably. "Um, I had, ah, heard some rumors on that. John metioned it on the way home. So, it's true?"
Scott nodded. "Yeah, and there's some interesting stuff on it, too. What I'd like you to do is keep an eye on it for me. This group seems like a bunch of harmless kooks, but you never know. Check it regularly and let me or Dad know if there's ever anything posted that could be a potential problem."
Gordon raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You want me to watch these guys?"
"Yes," Scott replied, his expression serious. "If you're not up to it, I'll ask one of the others to handle it."
"Oh no, not at all. I'd be glad to do it. You're right; it's something we should keep an eye on."
"Good. Thanks, Gords, I knew I could count on you." Scott left the room, leaving Gordon with a look of glee on his face. Outside in the hallway, he chuckled to himself. "There, that ought to throw him off. At least until I can figure out a way to get back at him." Whistling cheerfully, Scott went back to his room.
Posted by lillehafrue on February 29, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #451 is a reply to message #450] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:59   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Saturday, October 13, 2068, 9:25 a.m., en route to Sydney, Australia, the JT-1
"So, what do you have planned for us this weekend?" Dianne asked through her headset over the rumble of the jet's engines.
"Oh, a little bit of this and a little bit of that," Jeff said with a grin. He adjusted his sunglasses, and cast a quick eye over his instruments.
"Is that all you're going to say on the matter?" she riposted, raising an eyebrow high enough that Jeff could see one edge over her own sunglasses.
"I think so," he replied. "You know I like to surprise you."
"Yes, I do, but on our anniversary, I end up feeling that I should do more for you." She glanced out the window, her face troubled.
He took her hand in his. "Love, you planned the wedding, mostly without my help. Some of the things you did surprised and delighted me. So, this year, let me do the surprising and delighting, all right? I promise that next year you can do it."
"I'd rather that we decided on our anniversary celebration together next year," she said, squeezing his hand.
"Okay, if that's the way you want it."
"It is." They settled into a comfortable silence, until Dianne piped again with, "Now, where did you say we were going?"
Jeff snorted a laugh. "I didn't, but since you're so all fired curious, we're going to Sydney. I have some special things planned there."
"Ah, okay. Sounds like fun," she replied, grinning.
"It will be, my love. It will be."
--anniversary celebration, part 1
Posted by Tikatu on March 1, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #452 is a reply to message #451] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 20:59   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Saturday, October 13, 2068, 11:10 a.m., Tracy Island
Virgil was busy packing his clothes, trying to figure out what he wanted to take to Paris. The weather will be cool. I should probably bring some sweaters. And an empty suitcase as I'm sure to be shopping while I'm there.
Suddenly, the buzzer on his suite sounded. Who could that be? he thought, somewhat irritably as he went out to the sitting room and called, "Come in!" Once that was done, he retreated to the bedroom, calling, "I'm in here!" to whoever had entered his rooms.
"Virgil?" Cherie sounded tentative as she stood in the doorway, looking at the clutter of clothing spread out on the wide bed.
"Hi, Cherie," Virgil replied, his tone showing his preoccupation. "What do you need?"
Watching her brother busily folding and packing, the teen bit her lower lip and sighed. "I see you're busy. I'll come back later; it's not that important."
She turned to go, and Virgil straightened, then looked toward his sister, blowing out a frustrated breath. "Cherie, you might as well talk to me about it now. I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon, then you'd have to wait a week." He patted a clear corner of the bed, and bent over to fold some more clothes. "You talk while I pack."
"Okay." Cherie settled herself on the indicated spot. "I was over at Cassie's apartment yesterday, tagging along with Gordon. She asked me if I could do something for her, artwork-wise." She locked her fingers together. "I'm not sure if I can do it, but I'd like to try. I wanted to ask you for advice on the project."
"What's the job?" Virgil took the leather bomber jacket, and hung it in a garment bag, then thought better of it. I'll take this with me in the jet, and use it when Kyrano and I arrive -- if the weather's cool.
"Well, she's got one big wall that's empty, and she asked if I could paint a mural on it. I thought maybe some scenes from New York..."
Virgil stopped what he was doing. "A mural? That's some ambitious project, Cherie, especially with buildings." He moved some clothes to sit beside her. "How do you plan on pursuing this? It's not going to be your usual manga characters."
Cherie nodded. "I know. I've never done anything this big before. But I think I could do it."
"Where will you get the supplies? And what do you think Dad would say about a mural on the wall?"
The teen shrugged. "I dunno. She said she'd buy the supplies, maybe get me something I like when I was done."
Virgil shook his head. "Uh-uh. This is a big project, and you're going to handle it like a professional if I have anything to say about it. And be paid for it, too." He rubbed his chin. "Okay. I won't have time to help you much right now, but... here, let me give you an assignment."
"An assignment?" Cherie made a sour face. "Why does this have to be homework?"
"Don't look at it like that, Cherry," Virgil said, smiling. "Look at it as a lesson in how the art world works. Cassie has commissioned this piece from you, so you need to treat her like a client. That means negotiating a price, setting up a schedule, showing her proposals... this could be a good experience for you."
"Sounds like a lot of work," Cherie said, looking doubtful.
"Selling your art is a lot of work, beyond the actual painting." Virgil jumped up and fetched a data pad. "Okay, let me give you the first things you need to do."
"All right." Cherie said with a sigh.
"First, you check with Dad on the feasibility of painting a mural in the apartment. I'm not sure what agreements he has with our recruits on their living quarters, but I don't know that painting a mural on the wall, one that would have to be painted over if the occupant left, is part of that. So you check with him first, and make sure you can do it. Even if you can't, there's a way. It'll mean doing some measuring of the wall in question, so that's your next assignment. Depending on what Dad says, you might have to order a custom canvas, and we'll have to set aside some room for you to paint in, and come up with an easel..." He shook his head. "Okay. Talk to Dad, measure the wall, and start researching buildings that might look good. Whatever you do, don't lose the measurements, and keep track of how much time you're spending -- a start time and an end time for whatever you do." He saved the assignment on the data pad. "We'll talk more about this when I get back."
Cherie took the data pad from him and glanced at it. "Why does this feel like it's going to be a huge project?"
"Because it is one," Virgil warned her. "A mural is a huge project that can take months to complete, Sis. If you still want to pursue it, then I'll help you as much as I can. But it'll still be your baby and be between you and Cassie. And it won't be something you can quit midway, either." He smiled. "When it's done, you'll know for sure if this kind of art - painting to commission - is what you really want to do. And you'll know a little bit about how to handle yourself in business, which is always good. Call it your official art class for the year."
"I'll have to fit this all around my schoolwork and everything." Cherie kept her eyes on the data pad.
"That's right; you will."
"Maybe... maybe I shouldn't do it," she said softly.
"That's up to you," Virgil told her. "But if you decide against it, do it now and tell Cassie right away."
They were quiet for a moment while Cherie thought it over. Finally she straightened. "I'm going to give it a try."
"Okay." Virgil rose to his feet. "You do those few things during the week, keeping track of how long it takes, and we'll discuss it more when I get back."
The girl nodded, and stood. Suddenly, she wrapped her arms around her brother. "Thanks, Virgil."
He returned the hug, and kissed her on the forehead. "Hey, what are big brothers for?"
They parted, and Cherie headed out of the bedroom. "Hey!" she said as she stopped briefly in the door. "I saw that fan site yesterday. It looks pretty awesome. I think I'll join the club and be your spy in the meetings." She grinned slyly. "I can report on all the things they call you, like 'minty'."
Virgil rolled his eyes, and threw a rolled up pair of clean socks at her. "You can be my spy, but I don't want to know what they call me! Minty! Do I look minty to you?" He paused for a minute and said quickly, "Don't answer that!"
She laughed and lobbed the socks back at him, then hurried from the suite before things escalated. He shook his head and laughed. "Minty... what a thing to call one!"
Posted by Tikatu on March 2, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #453 is a reply to message #452] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:00   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Saturday, October 13, 2068, 12:00 p.m., Tracy Island (7 p.m., NYC, New York, the day before)
"Hi, Mom," Cassie said when her mother answered the telephone.
"Cassie!" Keiko replied. "It's good to hear from you! How are you?"
"I'm doing fine. I got the box you sent me and I wanted to call and thank you. It was a nice surprise to come home to," Cassie told her.
With the time difference it would still be Friday back in the States and she figured she would just let her Mom think the package had arrived that day instead of the day before.
"I thought something from home might brighten your day."
"It did. I especially loved the cookie cutters. They're a great addition to my collection."
"Maureen and I were out browsing one day and I spotted them and instantly thought of you. I couldn't resist buying them."
"Well, it's good timing too. I was invited to a Halloween party and now I can make cookies in Halloween shapes to take to it."
"I'm glad to see you're already getting to know people out there," Keiko replied. "How is the job going?"
"I'm still trying to settle into it. I've got to familiarize myself with the company's policies and procedures before I can really do anything productive. Right now, that means a lot of paperwork," Cassie said, trying to give her mother enough information to satisfy her without revealing anything she shouldn't.
"I'm sure you'll do just fine once you get used to the new routine," Keiko told her daughter. "I'm actually glad you called. Your father and I are going to fly to Kozushima for a little while."
"Is everything okay?" Cassie asked, immediately thinking something was wrong. Her parents didn't make the trip to Japan too often.
"Your grandmother has been feeling a little under the weather. Hopefully it isn't anything serious. Still, it's been awhile since I've been back home and I want to go see her. I'll be sure to keep you updated."
"Okay," Cassie said, trying not to let the worry she was feeling show in her voice.
Her mother changed the subject then, and started talking about Jordan and Byron and his family.
Posted by starrynebula on March 4, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #454 is a reply to message #453] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:00   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Saturday, October 13, 2068, 1:00 p.m., Tracy Island
Brandon headed toward the swimming pool, gear in hand. Jeff had asked him if he would give Cassie SCUBA lessons and he had agreed to do so. I hope she's on time, he thought as he set the swim fins down.
Cassie arrived just as he was placing stuff on the patio. "Hello!" she said as she approached him. "I'm looking forward to this. Always thought SCUBA might be fun but I've never had a chance to try it. Actually, the first time I've ever actually swam in the ocean was with Gordon earlier this week."
"Well we won't be attempting this in the ocean just yet. You'll learn the basics here in the pool," he told her.
After a few minutes of small talk, Cassie was ready to start. "So where do we begin?" she asked Brandon. She glanced from him, to the equipment, the pool and then back at him.
Brandon grinned, happy to see she was eager to start the training. "Well, the first step is a basic swim test. I want you to begin by swimming nine laps, non-stop, using any style you're comfortable with."
"Not a problem," Cassie said. She took off the shirt and shorts she had been wearing and dove into the pool to begin the test.
He watched Cassie as she swam, her strokes barely making a splash. She's a natural. That'll come in handy during a water rescue.
Cassie finished her laps and swam to the side of the pool. "So, how'd I do?"
"You did well - so far. There are a few more things I want you to do. Then we'll learn how to use the snorkel properly."
Cassie nodded. I've learned so many new things this week I hope I don't start mixing them together.
"Diving isn't just strapping on the tanks and going in the water. There are dive tables to learn and equipment you've got to know inside and out, not to mention knowing what to do in case of a diving emergency."
Dive tables? I wonder what those are; I'll wait until the next lesson to ask. Looking up at Brandon she asked, "Okay, so what's next?"
For the next hour, Brandon put Cassie through her paces, watching as she did the things he asked of her. Finally he called her in.
In the shallow end of the pool, Brandon explained the basics of snorkeling, beginning with the mask. Cassie watched as he spit onto the face piece and rinsed it in the water.
"Not the most sanitary method," Cassie commented. "That the only way to keep it from fogging up?"
Brandon laughed, shaking his head. "Well, it's the one method that you'll be able to use no matter what the situation is. There are chemical defoggers that can be used, too."
Cassie treated the mask and put her face in the water, surprised at how clear it was. "That's amazing," she replied when she brought her head up.
After making sure Cassie was comfortable with the mask, he told her how to position the snorkel in her mouth. "Okay, pull the strap of the mask over your head with the snorkel in place. Bite on the two lugs of the mouthpiece; the guard fits between your lips and gums." After making sure everything was in place, she waited for Brandon's next instructions.
"Now, I want you to lean forward from the waist and lower your face into the water and start breathing slowly through the tube."
Cassie found it easier said than done; more than once she came up for air. This is harder than I thought.
"You're doing fine," Brandon said encouragingly. "Just take is slow and easy and you'll get the hang of it." Nodding, she put her head back down.
"You did great; you're a fast learner. We have one more thing to do then we'll call it a day. I'm going to teach you how to clear the snorkel. If water gets down into it, you'll need to get it out right away."
"It sounds easy enough. What do I need to do?"
"I want you to deliberately flood the tube. Then get rid of the water using several sharp puffs of air." Brandon demonstrated, sending a jet of water up in the air. "Okay, you give it a try."
Cassie went underwater, her snorkel filling up with water. Giving a sharp puff of breath, the water was expelled from the tube. She did it several more times before swimming back to the steps.
"Not bad for your first lesson," Brandon said as she approached, "but there's still a lot to learn."
"I'm ready for it," Cassie said enthusiastically.
"Good," Brandon replied as he gathered up the gear, "I'll be in touch to set up a time for the next lesson."
As he left, Cassie thought, I think I'm going to like diving.
Written by MagicMaster8 & starrynebula on March 4, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #455 is a reply to message #454] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:00   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Saturday, October 13, 2068, just before 3:00 p.m., Tracy Island
Cassie stood in front of the sink in the bathroom trying to blow dry her hair. She had rushed back to her apartment after her lesson with Brandon so she could get the chlorine out of her hair. Settling for damp hair, she turned the blow drier off and left the bathroom, leaving her hair hanging loose.
In the kitchen, she grabbed her teapot off of the stove and filled it with water. Placing it on the back burner, she went over to the cupboards. She took out two red teacups and two small saucers. She also took out two dessert plates and took everything over to the table, setting two places. Returning to the cupboards she removed several tins of tea leaves, unsure of what kind of tea her guest would enjoy. She placed the tins on the table, along with some spoons, two cloth napkins, the tea ball, the sugar bowl, some milk and the blueberry and apple scones she had baked last night for this occasion.
Cassie surveyed the table. I think that's everything, she thought as she went through her mental checklist once again. She was just finishing as the door chime rang.
As expected, it was Tin-Tin. After exchanging brief greetings, Cassie invited Tin-Tin inside.
"Sorry, but I haven't quite finished unpacking yet," Cassie said nodding toward the living area of the apartment. The box containing the trophies and keepsakes was sitting opened underneath one of the wall shelves, only a couple of trophies having found their way onto a shelf.
"That's certainly understandable," Tin-Tin replied as she glanced around the apartment. "Seems like you've done a lot of work already."
"Out here I have. The bedroom is another story though. The walls are half painted. I stored the curtains in the closet and put my guitar in the spare bedroom for safe keeping as I've still got clothes to unpack. I hate putting away clothes."
Tin-Tin let out a small laugh. "I'll ask to see the bedroom some other time then. You play guitar?"
Cassie nodded as she lead Tin-Tin toward the table. "There was this older couple that lived in the apartment next to us when I was growing up. They use to watch my brothers and me when my parents were both busy or went out together. Charlie -they both insisted on being referred to by their first names - played guitar and we always begged him to play when we were there. I think I was six when he started teaching me," Cassie told her as they settled themselves at the table.
Tin-Tin picked up the teacup in front of her.
"This is beautiful. Where did you get them?"
"My great-grandfather made them. They've been passed on through the years," Cassie told her. "What kind of tea would you like?" Cassie asked, and then listed the options. Tin-Tin made her selection, and handed the teacup over to Cassie so the tea could be prepared.
"I think I'd be afraid to use them," Tin-Tin commented.
Cassie laughed. "I told my Mom something similar to that when I was a little girl. Her reply was that my great-grandfather would be insulted if they were to just sit around looking pretty. He made them to use and would expect them to be."
Cassie finished brewing the cup of tea and passed it back to Tin-Tin. Tin-Tin added some milk to the beverage and took the blueberry scone that was offered to her. Cassie set to brewing her own cup of tea as the conversation continued. She told Tin-Tin more about herself and Tin-Tin did likewise.
It's nice to just be able to relax and get to know one of my new neighbors, Cassie thought as she listened to Tin-Tin who was talking about some of her experiences when traveling through Europe.
Posted by starrynebula on March 4, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #456 is a reply to message #455] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:01   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
The Cliff House, a little before 7 pm....
Virgil stepped off the monorail and made his way over to Elise's apartment. He rang the bell and waited. He didn't have to wait long before the door opened.
"Virgil! Come on in," Elise ushered him inside.
He stepped inside. "I thought I'd stop by and..."
Luke waved from where he was sitting on the couch. "Hey, Virgil. How's things?"
"Good, thanks." Rommel walked up to him, and Virgil bent down to pat him.
"Luke and I were just talking about the rescue the other day. And the kooks! That was the best part! Virgil, you should have seen Scott. He was trying so hard to hold it all together, when you just knew he wanted to throw them all out of there," Elise said, laughing.
Luke chuckled. "It was pretty funny. I thought we had crashed a pajama party when I went into the med tent."
"Sorry I missed it." Virgil stood with his hands in his pockets, listening as Luke and Elise talked about the Brethren.
Luke finally noticed him standing there and spoke. "Well, Elise. Thanks for dinner. I'll see you tomorrow morning. Say, around nine?" He stood and snapped his fingers and Rommel trotted to his side.
"It's a date!" She walked Luke to the French doors and waved as he walked up the steps. Then she turned back to Virgil. "Sit down. Would you like something to drink?"
Virgil shook his head and sat down on the couch. "No, thanks. What's up tomorrow?" he asked, keeping his voice casual.
She sat down next to him. "Oh, Luke is going to train some of us to work with Rommel. He and your father think it's a good idea for us all to know at least some of the basic commands."
He nodded. "It is a good idea. And we should know if something was to happen to Luke. Remember the tornado? We never know when something like that could happen again."
"I pray that it doesn't," Elise said shuddering.
He smiled at her. "Well, I'm off to Paris in the morning, and wanted to stop in and say good-bye," he said, changing the subject.
"You're so lucky," Elise told him. "I've always wanted to see Paris. To walk the Left Bank with a glass of wine, to gaze at the Mona Lisa, climb the steps at Sacré Coeur, the Eiffel Tower..." her voice trailed off.
Virgil smiled and took her hand. "I guess I'll just have to take you some day."
She turned to him, her green eyes wide. "Virgil..."
"I'll miss you, Elise," he said softly.
Elise blushed and averted her eyes. "I-I'll miss you too."
Virgil tilted her head up and leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on her lips. "Would you like me to bring you back anything?"
She shook her head, then smiled. "Have that glass of wine for me. And relax, don't think about International Rescue. Have yourself a real vacation."
"I promise." He kissed her again. "I have to go..." he told her reluctantly.
"I know." They walked to the door. "Have a good time, Virgil."
"I will. Good-bye, Elise." He pulled her close. "I'll see you soon." He started out the door but turned at her voice.
"I'll miss you too."
Posted by lillehafrue on March 4, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #457 is a reply to message #456] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:01   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Saturday, October 13; 8 PM
"There, that's done," said Will as he hit 'Send'. He'd just RSVPd to the Halloween party invitation. "Now, all I need to do is to come up with a costume. I wonder what I can go as? I don't think I have anything I can cobble together, and even Mom couldn't have thought of this happening. Or could she?"
He went into the extra bedroom, where he still had boxes to unpack. He was slow in unpacking for two reasons. He still didn't believe his being on the island and part of International Rescue was real and, in any case, he wasn't sure where he wanted to put everything. Fortunately, there were only a couple of boxes left - one he'd opened and found what he wanted near the top, and one unopened as of yet.
He searched through the opened box first, then the second one, but didn't find anything he felt he could use. Sitting down on the bed, he began to ponder. Hmm. What costume can I come up with? I don't think I can ask for time off to go get one in Christchurch, or anywhere else at this point, so who can I go as. Think, Will, think!... I know! Adam, just before the fall!... Come on, Abbott, no way. There are a few people on this island who just might be offended by that. And there are children here, too. So that's definitely out. So what else or who else can I go as? He pondered for a few more minutes, then suddenly, Of course! Why didn't I think of that before? I'll have to call home for what I need, and then practice a bit. But it'll be perfect! He stood up and started to head for the phone.
"Wait a minute, Abbott. We're not in neighboring time zones. You'd better stop and figure out when'll be the best time to call home. Let's see; Arizona is eighteen hours behind, so it would be a little after 2 AM there. Guess I can't call for a while. But I'd better not put it off too long."
Posted by hobbeth on March 4, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #458 is a reply to message #457] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:01   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Saturday, October 13, 2068, 6:50 p.m., Sydney (8:50 p.m., same day, Tracy Island)
They'd spent the day shopping, buying things for themselves, for each other, and occasionally for other members of the family, including wedding gifts for Kyrano and Lisa. They'd had lunch at a small, exclusive restaurant, seated in a quiet, private alcove so they didn't have to endure the stares and murmurings of those who might recognize them. Even so, it somehow got around that Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Tracy were in town, and by the time they'd finished shopping, a few paparazzi had found their limo.
They hurried back into the car after their last shopping stop, both of them doing what they could to evade the photographers. "Now that you've showered me with shopping time," Dianne said to Jeff as they settled back into the plush leather seat. "What next?"
"You'll see," was all that a grinning Jeff would say. He activated the intercom. "You know where to go, Estelle," he told the chauffeur "And see if you can't shake these vultures while you're at it!"
"Yes, sir!" Estelle replied crisply. What followed was a ride through some of the less scenic parts of Sydney, as well as some of the more interesting ethnic neighborhoods. Estelle kept an eye both on her driving, and the number of cabs, cars and scooters that followed them. Finally, she was satisfied that she had ditched the photographers and made her way to one of the exclusive marinas in Sydney's fine harbor.
She pulled over to the top of the ramps that edged down to the slips. "Here we are, Mr. Tracy. Are there any packages you need right now?"
"I think the one from the Chanel Boutique, Estelle," Jeff told her. He turned to Dianne. "Anything you need right away?"
"How do I know when I'm not sure what's going on?" she commented, shaking her head.
"Then just the Chanel bag, Estelle."
"Right away, Mr. Tracy."
She opened the door on the side towards the harbor, and let Jeff hand Dianne out of the car. Then she opened the trunk, but a quick glance to one side made her gasp.
"Sir, I think we've been found again."
"Then hand me the bag, and we'll make a run for it," Jeff said.
"Yes, sir!" It only took a moment for Estelle to find what he'd requested; it had been one of their last stops. "Good luck, sir, madam. Enjoy yourselves."
"We will!" Jeff took Dianne's hand and tugged. "Come on, love! Let's go!"
Together they ran down the ramps to the wide, covered slips of the marina. "They can't take pictures down here from up there," Jeff reasoned. "Hopefully the marina security will stop them before they can come down here."
"But where are we going?" Dianne asked, a touch out of breath, her hand firmly held in his.
"Ah, here we are!" Jeff stopped by a huge yacht. "This is where we're going. Dianne, may I introduce you to Benson Chan, owner and captain of La Belle Mer."
Benson Chan was a short, dapper, middle-aged man whose slightly almond eyes twinkled with mirth. "Greetings, Mr. Tracy, nice to see you again," he said to Jeff as they shook hands. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Tracy. If you would please come aboard, we'll get underway." He made a slight bow, indicating the metal steps that had been rolled up beside the yacht.
"Yes, we'd better. There are a few news hounds sniffing along our trail," Jeff muttered. He herded Dianne up the stairs, with the captain following. "I hope you don't get seasick, love."
"I haven't yet," Dianne said as she walked out on the deck of the small ship. She turned to Jeff. "I still don't understand, Jeff. Where are we going?"
"On an overnight cruise around Sydney harbor, and along the coast a little bit." Jeff put an arm around Dianne as the captain shouted orders to cast off. Slowly they eased out from under the roofed docking area. "Let's get below so none of those photographers can get in a shot, all right?"
"Aye-aye, commander," Dianne murmured, taking his hand. "Now, where is our cabin?"
to be continued...
Posted by Tikatu on March 4, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #459 is a reply to message #458] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:01   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Saturday, October 13, 2068, 11:15 p.m., Sydney harbor (Sunday, October 14, 1:15 a.m., Tracy Island)
Dancing in the dark, till the tune ends.
We're dancing in the dark, and it soon ends.
We're waltzing in the wonder of why we're here.
Time hurries by, we're here and gone.
Looking for the light of a new love,
To brighten up the night, I have you, love,
And we can face the music, together...
Dancing in the dark.
What, though love is old,
What, though song is old,
Through them we can be young.
Hear this heart of mine,
Make yours part of mine
Dear one, tell me that we're one.
It wasn't terribly dark on the yacht. The railings had been strung with tiny white lights, and the pale pine flooring reflected the hidden lights around the edges. Jeff and Dianne waltzed to the music, cheek to cheek. There was a warm breeze that stirred her hair, and had made it impossible to have candlelight. But dinner had been first class, and the view of the harbor at sunset as they'd made their easy way along had been breathtaking.
Now the song ended, and they parted enough to join lips in a passionate kiss. He smoothed his hands over the satin and velvet of her red gown, and she traced a finger along his jawline, ending with a small flourish at his chin.
"I have something for you," he said, his voice husky. He'd shed his tuxedo jacket earlier, and Dianne liked him better this way, white pleated shirtfront and spotless white tie making him seem more approachable, less stuffy.
"And I have something for you," she murmured. The breeze that had stirred her hair had disarranged it in an almost artful fashion, and Jeff liked the way it softly framed her face. He brushed a stray lock back and away.
By mutual consent, they returned to the little linen draped table. A bottle of champagne, already opened, sat in ice, waiting for another toast. And on the table sat two small boxes, both wrapped in shiny paper, with satin or velvet bows. Jeff picked up his, Dianne lifted hers, and almost in unison, they held out the gifts and said, "This is for you."
Laughter followed, then again, as each took the proffered package, they said, "You go first."
More laughter, then Jeff spread a hand towards her. "Ladies first."
Dianne acquiesced. "All right." She sat down, untying the bow slowly, glancing playfully up at Jeff to watch his reaction at the deliberate pace. He seated himself, leaning forearms on the table, fingertips touching the box she'd given him.
At last she opened the box, and extracted the jeweler's box within. "This looks familiar," she said, smiling. Opening the velvet case, she smiled a little wider. "My rings. You did find them."
"Yes. I had Julian make sure they were all right, and he cleaned them, too." Jeff peered over as she began to slide on the plain band. "Wait. I also had him inscribe something... finally figured out what I wanted to say."
"Oh!" Dianne stopped, and held the band up to the small lamp that graced the table, turning it so she could read the fine script lettering. "'From this day, my light, my love, my life'." Tears filled her eyes as she gazed at her husband. "Oh, Jeff. That's beautiful."
Reaching out, he took the ring from her fingertips, then took her left hand and slid the band onto the proper finger. "With this ring...," he murmured as he slipped it on. Then he picked up the diamond ring, and did the same to it, kissing her hand when he was through.
"Thank you, love," she said, as she took a linen napkin to dab at her eyes. Once she'd finished sniffling, she smiled at him, and nodded toward the box before him. "Your turn now."
Jeff made shorter work of the wrappings than Dianne had, and smiled when he extracted the familiar jeweler's box. He opened it, then met Dianne's gaze as he pulled the wedding band from within.
"After your accident, they had to cut the ring from your finger. I promised you a new one then. It seemed fitting to give it to you now," she explained. "Please, read the inscription."
Jeff squinted at it in the light, then gave Dianne an apologetic glance. "I'm sorry. I don't have my reading glasses..."
She laughed, and took the ring from him. "'Yours alone, today, tomorrow, always'." As he had, she took the band and slipped it on his finger. "With this ring..." Then she turned his hand over, placed a kiss in the palm, and rolled his fingers over it.
They sat quietly for a moment, listening to the sound of the engine as it eased the boat through the water. Then Jeff rose and offered his hand to Dianne. "Another dance?"
She took his hand and stood. "I don't think so. I have... another idea." She gave him a sly smile and he pulled her to him tightly, kissing her deeply.
"I think I know what your idea is," he said when they paused. "And I like the way you think." They kissed again, then Dianne took him by the hand. He grabbed his tuxedo jacket and slung it over one shoulder as she led him to their cabin... and a different kind of dance.
to be continued...
(The song is "Dancing in the Dark", by Schwartz and Deitz, lyrics copied from "Showstoppers" as sung by Barry Manilow)
Posted by Tikatu on March 4, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #460 is a reply to message #459] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:02   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
]Warning! Jeff and Dianne steamy spice![/I]
Sunday, October 14, 2068, 6:30 a.m., Sydney, Australia (8:30 a.m., same day, Tracy Island)
"Oh, keep doing that," Jeff sighed. He was lying face down on the bed in their cabin. Dianne knelt to one side, hands covered with cream, massaging and kneading Jeff's back and shoulders. The strong scent of Chanel Pour Homme filled the air; Jeff closed his eyes, and took in a deep breath, letting it out in a long half-sigh, half-moan. "You are good at this, woman."
"I've had a good teacher," Dianne said as she shifted her position to straddle his waist. "And plenty of practice." She smiled as she worked; the massage was her contribution to the anniversary celebration. Though it was something they indulged in from time to time, she tried to make it special on their anniversary. This year, the new scent was her idea; it wasn't something he'd have thought of, and it made him smell indescribably masculine and commanding.
Jeff smiled; he was beginning to feel the same warmth in his loins that he'd felt the first time Dianne had given him a massage, the same stirrings and desire. But this time they were welcome, without fear or embarrassment. He knew this time he would be in control, making what was to come far more pleasurable than that first time... and even more eagerly received than that first encounter had been.
She moved her hands along his ribs, fingers encountering the scars from his accident. She knew where every one of them was, and tried not to pay special attention to them, for his sake. But they reminded her of how close she came to losing him, and as a result, she stopped her massage, leaning over his torso to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.
"That was unexpected," he murmured. "What was it for?"
"For being here," she replied.
9:30 a.m., Sydney (11:30 a.m., Tracy Island)
La Belle Mer pulled slowly into its slip, bumping gently against the bolsters along the edges of the dock. Captain Chan shut down the engine, and a crewman climbed down a rope ladder to secure the yacht, then push the steps back up against the side.
"Well, Mr. Tracy, Mrs. Tracy, I hope you've enjoyed your little overnighter," Captain Chang said as he came down to say his farewells. His crew was already busy taking Jeff and Dianne's luggage off, piling it onto a wheeled float and strapping it down.
"We've had a wonderful and satisfying time," Dianne said with a smile, sliding her arm around Jeff's waist. "It's an anniversary I'll always remember."
"It was a great trip, Benson." Jeff offered his hand, which Benson took. "Send along the pictures when they're ready."
"I will," the captain promised. "I hope you'll come back to celebrate again with us."
"We will!" Dianne exclaimed. The captain motioned toward the steps, and Jeff led Dianne down to the docks, hand in hand all the way. They waved goodbye, then followed their luggage back toward the shore.
A familiar limousine waited for them at the end of the ramp, and Estelle paused in loading their luggage to open the door, and give Jeff a sharp salute as he slipped inside. Dianne settled back against the leather seat with a deep satisfied sigh.
"So, did you enjoy yourself, love?" he asked, taking her hand in his.
"Everything was wonderful, Jeff. Absolutely wonderful."
"Then happy anniversary, dear one." Jeff leaned over to kiss her.
Dianne took his face in both hands to properly return the kiss. When they parted, she murmured, "May we have many, many more, my love."
Posted by Tikatu on March 5, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #461 is a reply to message #460] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:02   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Dressed in her gi, Cassie headed down to the gym. The place was empty when she arrived. Going off to one side she put a mat down on the floor and began stretching out. It had been awhile since she had even practiced karate, the last time being some sparring with Mark before leaving.
After doing some stretching exercises, she moved on to practicing Kata. Feeling a little rusty, she started out with the simple ones that her uncle had first taught her. It wasn't long before her body remembered the feel of the motions. She moved on to the longer, more complicated sequences. She was so absorbed in the activity that she didn't realize she wasn't alone anymore until she happened to notice Dom standing by the door.
"Hello," she called out, as she stopped in the middle of the kata she was trying to remember.
Dom stopped in his tracks as he saw Cassie working out. The memory of their first encounter surged forward and he colored a little. "Good mornin'. Didn't know anyone was here. I'll leave you to your workout." In his mind, he was already fetching Joshua from Callie's apartment, and doing his own yoga workout in his living room.
"You don't have to leave," Cassie said quickly, though inside that's what she would rather he did. After their first encounter, she hadn't really had the desire to have another conversation with him. The fact that he had seemed to be avoiding her too, had made steering clear of him easier.
Still, we can't avoid each other forever, especially when we may very well have to work together on a rescue at some point, she thought to herself. She found herself forcing a smile as she said the next words. "The gym's big enough for the both of us."
He glanced from her to the gym, as if noticing for the first time how spacious it really was. There was indeed room enough for the two of them, and the thought of some time away from a fractious two-year old who would become easily bored as his father went through his yoga routine, appealed to him more and more.
Smiling nervously, he asked, "If you don't really mind?"
"No, it's fine," Cassie replied. "Just don't laugh at me if I mess up. I'm out of practice. In fact, I think I may have to email my brother for a reminder on this kata that I've been trying to remember."
"Ah, okay. Thank you." Dom entered the room, and pulled down another mat, positioning it near the windows that overlooked the patio. He sank down gracefully into the lotus position, closed his eyes, and began to breathe. Each deep, cleansing breath seemed to relax him more, and the tension in his shoulders and face seemed to drop away.
Cassie watched him for a few minutes, amazed at the change she saw. She had often heard that yoga was good for relaxation, but had never attempted it herself. Though she found karate and her other workouts relieved stress, she had never found them particularly relaxing.
Not wanting to disturb his concentration, Cassie started the kata sequence that had been interrupted over from the beginning. She worked through the moves, hoping that the familiar stances and arm movements would trigger her memory as to the ending of the pattern. When she got to that point though, she once again came up with a blank as to where she was supposed to go next.
Dom moved from the lotus to another, stretching position, trying to tune out Cassie's presence. He was only partially successful, and he knew that the only way he'd be totally so was to turn away and ignore her altogether, an act he felt was extremely rude. So, he turned to one side and tried to keep his eyes focused forward. Still, he noticed her sudden stop, and the puzzlement in her very stance.
Sensing eyes on her, Cassie glanced in Dom's direction. He had turned to one side but was looking in her direction, with a questioning look on his face. "I don't think I'm going to be able to remember the rest of the sequence," Cassie said, guessing as to what that look meant. "Maybe I should have kept up with the lessons with my brother instead of just keeping up with my karate through him and my uncle when I actually see him."
Dom held his pose for a moment longer, then shifted a bit. He flashed her an uncertain smile and commented, "Perhaps so." Then he arranged himself into another yoga pose, this one more intricate and making use of his flexibility.
"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been doing yoga?" Cassie asked, trying to decide if she wanted to practice something else or just retreat to her apartment.
"Seems like forever," he replied, a touch of tension in his voice from holding the position he was in. He waited a few more seconds, then released, and sat on the mat to converse before continuing. "It's been very helpful in controlling stress." He nodded in her direction. "How long have you studied karate?"
"My uncle started teaching my brother and me during the summer we spent time in Japan with my mom's family. That was right before I started eighth grade. Both Mark and I started classes at a school in New York when we got back. I dropped out after about two years, but I still enjoy doing it for fun."
"So it's just a hobby?"
"For me, yeah. My brother has competed and is teaching some kids at the local youth club." Cassie shrugged. "I never saw the point in trying to get different color belts. Neither my grandfather or my uncle officially have a black belt but they could hold their own against anyone who does."
"They must enjoy the philosophy behind karate, then." Dom sat up and stretched, then moved into another yoga pose, holding it for a bit longer than normal. The stress of the past few weeks was still affecting him, and he needed the extra time to shower his head.
While Dom did his yoga pose, Cassie started working on some blocking techniques. She tried to think of something else to say. She felt that the awkwardness she felt around him was starting to decrease and she didn't want to let the opportunity passed.
Taking a chance, she decided to broach the subject that had caused tension between the two of them in the first place. "So where's your son? Joshua, isn't it?" she asked, trying to recall the name from the luau a week earlier when she had seen the little boy from a distance.
Dom was quiet for a moment, then relaxed his pose, breathing deeply. When he was through, he said, "Joshua, yes. Callie's watching him for me today. I needed a little time to shower my head, and a bored wee one doesn't quite help, if you know what I mean."
"I know exactly what you mean," Cassie said, a bit wistfully. To keep from thinking about Nathan too much though Cassie quickly asked another question that had been on her mind for awhile. "How did the custody hearing turn out?"
"Ah, that." Dom resumed the lotus position for the time being. "The meeting itself didn't go as well as I'd hoped, but later, my ex dropped her petition. So it was all a waste of time in the long run. Oh, and thank you for asking," he hastily amended.
"I'm glad it turned out well for both you and Joshua in the end," Cassie replied, mildly surprised at how easy the words were to say.
"Thank you again." He grinned, the first real smile she'd seen on his face since he'd walked in. "We're very happy about the decision... though Josh never got the opportunity to know what was going on around him. A good thing, too, to my thinking."
Cassie carefully considered the next question she wanted to ask. She knew it was personal but she had to admit she was curious. Now seemed a good time to ask it.
She paused with her practice and took a deep breath. Looking over at him she said, "You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but did Joshua's mother ever want custody of him before this?"
Dom took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and said, "No. Never. She handed him over to me when he was born and walked away." He shook his head wistfully. "I used to love her. But now I love him more, and I'll fight tooth and nail anyone who tries to take him away."
He glanced up and frowned a bit. "What about you? You told me your wee one died. How did it happen?"
"A car accident back in June," Cassie said, quietly. It was still hard to talk about it but Dr. Lindon had kept telling her that talking about it would help, so she forged on. "My husband, Alex, had picked him up from daycare. Another driver ran a red light and ran into my husband's car. Nathan was pronounced dead at the scene. I'm just thankful my company hadn't been called to that accident. I don't think I could have dealt with seeing it."
Cassie felt tears on her cheeks. She reached up and wiped them away but continued on. "The accident wasn't my husband's fault but he blamed himself. I was grieving too much to be of any support and losing our son was to much for our already strained marriage so we went our separate ways."
Dom had started tutting a little in sympathy when she'd started her narrative, then he drew in a sharp breath when she mentioned the possibility of being called to the scene in the course of her duties. He nodded a bit when she described the dissolution of her marriage, but was left without much to say at the end. It was like watching her reopen a wound that had started healing. The only thing that came to him was, "You must have loved him very much."
"I do," Cassie said, a bittersweet smile coming to her face as she thought of her little boy. An awkward silence followed the statement. "I guess we'll never understand why some things happen," she commented, just to break the silence.
"No, we may never understand." The conversation was getting uncomfortable, so Dom decided that taking Josh for a walk on the beach would be a good idea. He got up in one fluid motion, and clapped his hands a little. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take my wee man out for a dander on the beach. He likes to see what there is to find in the tidal pools."
Cassie nodded. She couldn't deny that being able to talk about what had happened helped at times, but it was still hard. She was grateful that Dom was trying to gracefully end the awkward scene that was unfolding.
"Enjoy yourselves," Cassie said, forcing a smile and trying to sound upbeat.
"We will." He paused at the door. "Have a good day."
He left the gym, feeling relieved, and a bit melancholy. He was physically relaxed, but the emotional side of him was still tensed up. He decided that a hot shower was in order, and then he'd fetch Josh, and go for that walk.
Cassie watched Dom disappear out of the gym. She thought about going back to her karate workout, but decided she wouldn't be able to concentrate. Instead, she decided she would head back to her apartment. First, I'll send a quick email to Mark, asking him the rest of that sequence, and then do some baking.
Written by Tikatu and starrynebulaon March 6, 2008
[Updated on: Mon, 23 July 2012 21:05] Report message to a moderator
Re: Playing with Fire [message #462 is a reply to message #461] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:03   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Sunday, October 14, after 2:30 p.m., Tracy Island time, en route to Paris, France.
"So, what are your plans for the week?" Virgil asked of his co-pilot.
Kyrano smiled. "I have very little actually planned, Mr. Virgil. I will visit some old friends and tell them of my engagement. There are several places in the city I wish to see again. And..." Here his voice got soft and sad. "I will visit Tin-Tin's mother... at the cemetery."
"Ah, I see," Virgil replied, nodding in understanding. There was a quiet moment, then, hesitantly, he commented, "You don't talk about her much - Tin-Tin's mother, that is. In fact, I don't even think I know her name. Tin-Tin's never told me, either." He raised an eyebrow and shook his head. "Not that I've ever thought to ask..."
"It... it is difficult to speak of her," Kyrano replied. "Like your father, I was devastated when my wife died, leaving me with a small girl to care for. The year or so after she was killed seemed like an eternity; I do not remember much of it because of my grief. Moving to the United States at your father's request was like starting anew." He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, then assayed a small smile. "Her name was Samani, and she looked very much like Tin-Tin does now. Her eyes were brown, though, and her skin darker."
"She must have been beautiful," Virgil murmured.
"She was, as beautiful as her namesake. Her father named her for an Indonesian butterfly, the vanessa samani." Kyrano paused, and sighed. "I will see him again, in Paris. He has been an invalid for many years; Samani's sister's family cares for him."
Virgil shot a surprised glance at Kyrano. "Tin-Tin has an aunt? And cousins? She's never said..."
"I know. We have drifted apart somewhat, my wife's family and I. Much like your family has with your mother's kin." Kyrano looked out the window at his side; there were clouds beneath them that thickened as they flew west, but through the infrequent parts he could see shoreline, and land. "I have kept up a correspondence with my father-in-law, telling him about Tin-Tin's accomplishments, but the letters have diminished to a handful per year now. Still, I feel it is proper that I tell him about my engagement to Lisa."
Virgil nodded. "I wonder if Dad did something similar when he remarried." He glanced over the instruments, and nudged the plane to a slightly new heading. "Tell me: how did Samani die?"
The Malaysian sighed. "She was a scholar, my Samani. Her field of study was Renaissance history, and she had become a frequent lecturer at universities throughout Europe. When we met, she was beginning to work on her doctoral dissertation. She was visiting the Renaissance room in one of the Paris libraries when the building was hit by lightning. It caught fire, and..." He paused and sighed again. "She died."
They were silent for a time again, then Virgil said quietly, "Thank you for telling me."
"Thank you for asking," Kyrano replied simply. "It has been a long time since I have thought on these matters. I hold Samani dear in my heart and in my memory, but it is easier to live if one does not dwell on the past."
"Like my father did."
"Yes." Again, there was a moment of quiet, then Kyrano straightened in his seat a little. "And what are your plans for this visit, Mr. Virgil?"
Virgil smiled. "Well, I plan on shopping a lot. I need new clothes, and there are gifts to buy for certain... ahem... upcoming events. I brought along my paints, so I can spend time capturing anything that suits my fancy while I'm there. There are the art galleries and museums, and the gift I was given included tickets to three different performances; one to the opera, one to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's performance, and one to a musical. I also purchased tickets to a concert by Chartreuse Petunias; they're one of my favorite alternative rock groups." His smile widened to a grin. "I'll be keeping pretty busy."
"It sounds as if you will," Kyrano said.
"The only thing that would make it perfect is if I could have taken someone along to share it with."
"Like Miss Elise?"
Kyrano got another surprised look for his comment. "How did you know?" Virgil asked.
Kyrano smiled, an expression both serene and slightly teasing. "As your father's retainer, I see much that others do not see... including which of his sons has romance on his mind, and with whom."
Virgil chuckled. "I'll keep that in mind," he said, his tone dry. "Yeah, I wish I could have brought Elise, but when I was given the gift, I had no idea things were moving in that direction. Neither did Dad or Mom. I'll bring her to Paris some time, if it works out between us."
"And I am sure she will enjoy it," Kyrano said. "As will Lisa, when I bring her to the City of Lights."
Posted by Tikatu on March 6, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #464 is a reply to message #462] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:06   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
******Sunday, October 14, Tracy Island; Callie's apartment; around 3 p.m. (8 p.m. the previous evening in Tuscaloosa, Alabama)******
Relaxing in her apartment, Callie watched TV as her college football team played a school from Wisconsin for their homecoming game. When she saw an ad for an upcoming Halloween sale, she gasped. "Oh, no! I forgot about that RSVP for the Halloween party. I still haven't even picked a costume yet." Upon calming herself, she stood up and looked around for the invitation.
After a few minutes, she found it near her computer. She sat down in the chair and started looking up information on costumes. "I don't have a lot of time to do this, either." She had looked up all kinds of different costumes, including a replica of a 1960s astronaut uniform. "Wow! It looks like the one I read about in college, when the space program really took off." Thinking carefully, though, she shook her head. "No, as much as I'd like this, it'd be way too hot to wear here. I couldn't ask them to turn up the air conditioning just for me. I need an outfit that's a little more comfortable."
She continued checking sites for the next 30 minutes, but she kept shaking her head. "None of these would work for me. I just don't like how they look, too revealing." Swiveling the chair to face the TV again, she thought deeply. "Wait a minute. I haven't done anything for myself since my breakup with Roger. He got his life together and was able to move on. That's what's holding me back now. I've got to do something to get myself moving on...and perhaps more open." She started looking through the costumes online again. "Maybe I can get one that's revealing enough without scaring the kids." She kept searching until she noticed a costume that got her attention. "Wow. I've never seen a costume like this before. And it's just right. I can show some leg and maybe a little bust, but not to the point of making Tyler and Alex cringe." She completed the online order and smiled. "I think I'm going to turn a few heads come Halloween."
Grabbing the invitation, she looked at the details. "To RSVP, I have to bring some food and notify Elise and/or Nikki as to what I'm going to bring." She paced around wondering what she could cook up. "Hmm...I could do that recipe for chicken bat wings. Yeah, that'll work." She turned on her wrist comm and said, "Hey, Elise, can you read me?"
Elise responded to the call. "Hi, Callie. What can I do for you?"
"I've got my dish picked out for the Halloween party. How does chicken bat wings sound?"
"I hope they're not the same as Luke's hot wings," Elise said with some concern.
"No, they won't be. I'm going to make a chicken batter and create the bat-shaped wings. That okay with you?"
"Absolutely! I'll be glad to put you down as officially bringing chicken bat wings. Oh, have you picked out a costume yet?"
Callie smiled with her answer. "Oh, yeah, I've got one picked out...one that may surprise some people."
Elise said, "All right, then. You're all set for the party."
"Great! Thanks. I'll see you later." After disconnecting, Callie's smile got wider. "It's time I moved on, and there's nothing like a Halloween party to take that big step."
Posted by TracyFan4Ever on March 6, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #465 is a reply to message #464] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:06   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Monday, October 15th, Tracy Island beach, a little after 9:00 am...
"Good boy. Here, have a drink." Luke poured some water into his hand and Rommel eagerly licked it up. Suddenly the dog looked up and gave a low "Woof". Luke turned to see Gordon walking towards them.
"Hey!" Gordon waved. "Hope I'm not late."
Luke shook his head. "Not at all. Scott and Elise should be here soon."
They chatted for a few minutes, until the others arrived. "Sorry we're late," Scott said. "We were..." he glanced at Elise. "Discussing a few things."
Elise folded her arms across her chest. "Discussing? Funny, I thought we were arguing."
Luke glanced at Gordon who stifled a laugh. "OK then, why don't we get started." He snapped his fingers and Rommel trotted over to him. "Rom will always obey me first; however, there are a few commands he will respond to with others." As he spoke, Luke pulled an orange vest out of his backpack. He motioned to Rommel and fastened the vest on the dog, who instantly stood at attention, not even flinching when a sea gull flew overhead.
Scott whistled, impressed. "Wow. It's like he's a different dog."
Luke nodded. "He knows that when the vest is on, it's working time, not play time. There's not much that can distract him." He stood and held his hand up flat, then brought it down. Rommel sat. "That's the first thing I want to teach you. He may balk at first, since it's not me, but he'll catch on soon enough. So will you," Luke added with a wink.
He stepped back and watched as Scott worked with Rommel. At first the dog wouldn't respond, but Scott refused to back down, and finally was obeyed. "Good dog," Scott told him. Luke handed Scott a dog biscuit. Scott held it out and the dog gobbled it down.
Gordon was next. Rommel obeyed a little quicker for him and got a treat sooner. When Elise held up her hand, the dog sat instantly.
Scott frowned at the dog. "What are you, a ladies man?"
Luke chuckled. "No, he's used to her. She's been working with me for a couple of days now." Luke snapped his fingers and once again, the dog moved to his side. "Now, here's the command for search." He held his hand up flat again, then quickly pointed. Rommel ran off, sniffing at the ground as he went. Luke watched for a moment, then called him back. "I don't usually do that one unless one of the boys are helping me. Rom gets frustrated if he can't find what he's supposed to be looking for."
Gordon raised an eyebrow. "Tyler and Alex?" Luke nodded. "I didn't realize they were down here so much."
Luke nodded. "They're two of my best helpers," he said with a grin. "They make great victims."
Scott laughed, "I'm sure they do!"
They continued to work until Luke called a halt. "I know it's only been an hour or so, but he gets balky if I push him too much." He took the vest off and Rommel gave himself a good shake. "Good dog." He picked up a stick and threw it. "GO!" The dog bolted after the stick. Luke watched him, smiling, then turned to the others. "Any questions?"
Elise shook her head. "No, I'm all set. I need to get back to the house anyway. I left laundry in." She looked at Scott. "We'll finish our discussion later." She turned on her heel and marched back towards the Cliff House.
Gordon winced. "Man, what did you do now?"
Scott sighed and ran a hand over his head. "I merely mentioned that she should take Mobile Control the next time we have a rescue. She lit into me, asking if I was going actually let her do it this time."
Gordon grinned. "Well, she does have a point there, bro. You did sort of take over last time she manned controls."
"I know, but dammit..." His voice trailed off and he sighed. "I shouldn't have. It was just instinct."
Luke shrugged. "It's hard to let go once you've been in charge. That's just one of the things my old boss and I didn't see eye to eye with."
Scott nodded. "Yeah, well, I'd better let her cool off before I try and talk to her again." He glanced up at the sky. "Though with this heat, I don't think I'll be cooling off anytime soon. Thanks for the lesson, Luke. Same time tomorrow?"
"Yes. It's better if I work him at a consistent time. Good luck with Elise," Luke told him. After Scott had left, he turned to Gordon. "He's toast."
Gordon laughed. "Oh yeah he is!" Rommel trotted back and dropped the stick at his feet. Gordon obliged by throwing it and the dog chased after it. "I'm going to take a quick dip, want to join me?"
Luke nodded and a few minutes later, both men and dog were romping in the waves. Gordon had brought the stick and he and Rommel were playing tug of war. Luke laid back in the water and sighed contentedly. Wouldn't be able to do this in Colorado. A loud splash caught his attention and he looked up as Rommel galloped through the waves, catching Gordon in the chest and knocking him down. "Rommel! No!"
Gordon came up, spluttering and laughing. "No worries, I asked for it." He shook the water out of his ears. He moved to sit in the breaker line, throwing the stick out deep for the dog to fetch. Luke joined him. "It's nice having a dog around here. Haven't been around one since we moved from the farm."
"Quite a culture shock moving from there to here." Luke looked at the wide expanse of the sea. "I know it was for me. Still is!" They both laughed.
A sudden movement caught Luke's eye and he turned. John was jogging along the beach. He gave a brief wave as he passed them, then continued on.
Gordon watched Luke, a grin blossoming on his face. "Like blonds there, do you, Luke?"
Luke started, his face going bright red. "I don't know what you mean," he said getting to his feet and walking out of the water.
Gordon chuckled and followed. "C'mon, I saw you looking at him. Admit it!"
Luke groaned and sat down in the sand, resting his head on his knees. "I take the Fifth." Gordon laughed and sat down next to him. Luke looked up. "OK, you're right, I'm gay. How'd you know? Besides me leering after your brother that is."
"It was the Beach Babe incident a couple of weeks ago. You mentioned PFLAG. I had a bud in WASP whose sister is gay. He went to functions whenever we were landside," Gordon told him. "And watching you watch John... That was another big clue."
Luke groaned again. "Am I that obvious?"
"No, I'm only teasing you."
"Well, that's something." Luke grew quiet a moment. "It's not a problem, is it? Me being gay?"
"Not with me," Gordon replied. "And probably not with the rest of my family either, so relax."
"Thanks, Gordon."
"No worries." He got to his feet. "Though there is one thing... You really like John? Is it because he's blond?"
Luke looked startled a moment, then spying the twinkle in Gordon's eye, grinned. "You know, I'm not really sure. I usually go for redheads."
Gordon burst out laughing and with a wave, started back towards the house.
Posted by lillehafrue on March 8, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #466 is a reply to message #465] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:06   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Monday, October 15, 2068, 5:15 p.m., Tracy Island
Scott found himself in the Villa's workout room, hands taped, doing a seemingly endless tattoo on the leather speed bag. He didn't hear the door swish open or anyone enter, lost as he was in his thoughts.
What's wrong with me? I had no problem training plenty of wet-behind-the-ears pilots in the Air Force. Men and women alike. No problems. A lot of them went on to be top guns, as I was. But now... I don't know.
He sighed, and gave the speed bag one last, savage punch. It swung up and away; as it came back, he grabbed it to stop it from continuing its swing. He swept a hand across his nose, and turned... only to find he had an audience: his stepmother.
"That's some punch you have there, Scott," she said, smiling slightly. She was dressed in workout clothes, and as she spoke, she stretched, beginning the sequence of exercises he recognized as being part of her physical therapy.
"Yeah. Just trying to get some frustration out." He ran both hands through his hair. "Where's Gordon? Or Nikki? Aren't they supposed to be helping you with this?"
"I'm at a point where I can do this myself. I go back to the physio on Friday to see if the muscles are healing the way they should be," she explained. Her voice strained a bit as she stretched. "So what are you frustrated about?"
Scott sighed again, and dropped to a bench, rubbing the back of his neck. He lifted troubled eyes to Dianne. "I dunno. I seem to be having trouble connecting with some of our new recruits."
"Oh? How so?" Dianne concentrated on her leg lift, giving Scott a bit of emotional distance.
"I can't seem to train them to fly." He let out a pent-up breath. "First Kat, now Cassie. I suggested today that Cassie have someone else teach her to fly, like Kat ended up doing." He shook his head slowly. "She suggested, none too politely either, that maybe the problem was me." He leaned forward, his expression caught between hope and dread. "Is it me, Mom? Is it?"
Dianne sighed, and sat up, directing her entire attention to her stepson. "Y'know, Scott, I couldn't tell you for sure. I haven't seen you teach flying before. It might be that you're intimidating to these women."
"I didn't have any trouble teaching women in the Air Force," Scott began.
"But you're not in the Air Force now," Dianne reminded him. "You need to remember that, Scott. You can't treat our new civilian recruits the same way you treated those you've taught in the past."
"Mom, I didn't think I was!" Scott exclaimed. "I thought I was being patient and giving clear instructions. Brandon was fine... Luke's doing okay." He paused, then his eyes widened. "And Nikki! Nikki did just fine! No problems there! Passed her test on the first try. And Kat said she'd had difficulties learning to fly before she met me."
"True. Still, perhaps Nikki didn't feel intimidated by you," Dianne replied. "And perhaps Kat did to an extent, and Cassie does. I seem to remember that Christopher had something against you... though I'm hard pressed to know where it came from."
"Yeah. I don't know where that came from, Mom -- at least, before the rescue of the Prime Minister. After that, well..." Scott took in a deep breath and let it out. "In fact, I had a little run-in with Elise about Mobile Control today." He shifted uncomfortably. "I realize I... I don't like not being in the driver's seat there."
"If anyone understands that, Elise does," Dianne said with a chuckle. "Maybe we need to keep you home sometime and let you take the desk while Elise runs Mobile Control."
Scott made a face and gave Dianne a baleful look. "You know I hate the desk."
"Yes, and Jeff hates not being behind it as much as you dislike giving up Mobile Control. Do you both some good to step away from your usual role." Dianne grinned playfully at him for a moment, then sobered. "Seriously, Scott, you need to step back and evaluate how you're teaching. Ask Virgil what he thinks; he's seen you working with the recruits enough."
"He's already mentioned it to me," he replied sourly. "Suggested I try talking to her in a more relaxed setting."
"Might work, Scott." Dianne went back to stretching. "You should invite her for a walk on the beach or something."
He sighed heavily again. "I guess so. I'll give it some thought."
"Do more than think about it, Scott." Dianne sighed, and winced. "Give me hand here, would you? Press against my foot so I have something to work with?"
"Sure, Mom." Scott moved in to help his stepmother, pushing the idea about talking with Cassie to the back of his mind.
Posted by Tikatu on March 8, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #467 is a reply to message #466] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:07   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
The Cliff House, later that evening...
The timer on the oven went off, and Cassie got up from her chair and walked over to the oven. Slipping on the oven mitts, she took the last batch of cookies out of the oven and sat it on top of the stove. Taking off the mitts she sat them on the counter.
Baking hadn't cleared her mind like she had hoped it would. The end to another rough flying lesson with Scott was still running through her head. Maybe talking to Luke would help, she thought with a sigh.
She put some of the chocolate chip cookies on a plate and then made the short trip over to Luke's apartment.
Luke was sitting at his desk, working on paperwork when he heard the knock at the balcony door. He looked up as Rommel walked over. "Cassie? Come on in."
Cassie walked into her friend's apartment. "Hi, Luke. Is this a bad time?" she asked.
He shook his head and put his pen down. "Doing stuff for my 'official' job. It'll wait." He eyed the plate in her hand. "Are those cookies?" She nodded. "Chocolate chip cookies?" She nodded again. "Well, what are you standing there in the doorway for, sit down!" He grinned as he led her towards the couch. "Want something to drink? I've got milk, beer, water..."
"Milk will be fine," she replied as she took a seat on the couch. She placed the plate of cookies on the coffee table as Luke headed for the kitchen. "I wanted to talk to you about something," she told him as he opened the refrigerator.
Luke brought back two tall glasses of milk. His was chocolate. "What?" he asked at her upturned eyebrow. "Chocolate milk goes best with cookies; didn't your mother ever tell you that?" She shook her head and smiled, then it faded. "So, what's up?"
"I had another rough flying lesson with Scott today," she told him, figuring that she might as well get right to the point. "Granted none of them have exactly gone smoothly. It seems like every time I get in the simulator my mind goes blank. Everything I've learned about the plane controls and the terminology just disappears. I've lost track of how many times I've actually crashed in the simulations."
Luke took a bite of cookie. "We've all done that, Cass. Hell, I'm surprised we still have a flying simulator after I get out of it. I'm much better at jumping out of planes than piloting them."
Cassie took a swallow of the milk before continuing. "Well, Scott must think I'm hopeless because he suggested that maybe I should take lessons from someone else at the end of the lesson today," she told him, thinking about the lesson she had that afternoon. "Of course, I probably should have never said what I did when he suggested that. I sort of told him that maybe the problem was his teaching methods and not me."
"Ouch. Scott's having a bad day." Luke shook his head. "He and Elise had a bit of a disagreement this morning, too. Probably what put him in a mood."
"Well, he definitely didn't look too happy when I said that," Cassie told him. "He told me we'd discuss it further later and then left. The last thing I need is Scott being angry with me. We didn't exactly get off on the right foot and I just can't shake the feeling that I need to prove myself to him. The way I've been taking to the flying lessons is definitely not helping that."
"Cassie, you're being too hard on yourself. We all have trouble with something." He took another cookie. "What makes you think you two got off wrong? I've never seen him acting funny towards you."
"There was an incident on the plane when Elise and Scott picked me up for my initial interview. I got the feeling that Scott was starting the interview right then and there. Like he was looking for some reason for me not to get the job." Cassie paused, taking a drink of her milk before continuing. "He apologized later, but I guess I still haven't shaken the feeling that I need to prove to him that I belong here. I was hoping that if I could do okay with the flying lessons then maybe that would show that I can cut it here. Seems the more time I put into doing well with them, the worse I get."
Luke frowned. "That doesn't sound like Scott. He was fine training with Rom and me this morning." He looked up at her. "Are you sure you're not reading into something that's not there?"
Cassie placed the glass of milk down on the coffee table and then leaned back against the couch. "To tell you the truth, I'm not sure anymore. Maybe I am over reacting. After all, growing up Dad was always telling me that I shouldn't be a firefighter. That it was too hard and too dangerous. All I ever wanted though was to follow his in his shoes. To be just like him. Even Alex told me the same the same thing. I've never once had second thoughts about my career choice despite that though. Maybe I'm a little defensive when it comes to my career because of that though."
He nodded. "That could be. Look, give the guy a chance. I know he can be stubborn; we all are at times, but he's good at what he does. And so are you." He took her hand. "Stop doubting yourself, Cass; that's half your problem." He got up and took her glass to the kitchen. "You know," he called. "This is a good thing. Here you don't have the pressure of family breathing down your neck. You'll stand or fall on your own two feet."
"That's a nice thought, Morel," Cassie replied in a flat tone. "I just hope I do more standing than falling."
Luke chuckled. "Uh-oh, I know I'm in trouble when you call me by my last name." When she didn't respond, he sighed and crouched down next to her. "Cassie, look at me." She turned, her eyes troubled. "I'm not trying to be mean. You're your own worst critic. You always have been. You can do this. No, it's not going to be easy; nothing that matters is."
Cassie nodded, knowing her friend was right. "I still don't know what I'm going to say to Scott. I sure can't avoid him forever and it's definitely my turn to apologize. Maybe he's right. Maybe it would be better for someone else to give me the lessons though that kind of feels like I'm admitting defeat."
"Then don't. Suck it up and stick with Scott." He wiggled his eyebrows at her. "I know I would."
Cassie laughed at Luke's last comment. "Somehow I don't think he would exactly appreciate your advances, Luke."
He flopped down on the couch, sighing dramatically. "I suppose not...woe is me." He turned to her, grinning. "There, feeling better?"
"Yes," Cassie admitted. "Too bad you're not straight. You always seem to know how to make a girl feel better."
Luke laughed. "The ladies wouldn't have a chance if I were straight. It's better this way." He took her hand. "Think you'll be able to sleep now?"
Cassie nodded. "I think so. Scott said he wanted to talk about this afternoon at some point anyway. I'll wait for him to bring the subject up and then apologize. Don't be surprised if I come knocking on your door again after that conversation though."
"No problem. I'll probably still be doing paperwork." He got up and led her to the door. Rommel gave her a "whoof" and a quick lick on the hand before lying back down on the floor. "Good night, Cass."
"Good night, Luke. And thanks for being there for me."
"Sleep well." He watched her walk across the balcony to her apartment. With one last wave, she stepped inside. He sighed and went back to his desk to finish his work.
Post by lillehafrue and starrynebula on March 9, 2007
Re: Playing with Fire [message #468 is a reply to message #467] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:07   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Monday, October 15, 2068, 9 a.m. Paris, France (8 p.m. Same day, Tracy Island)
Kyrano left the restaurant full and satisfied. He was staying in the Hilton de la Défense, where he'd worked as head chef before being hired by Jeff Tracy. He hadn't worked the breakfast shift, so he felt there'd be no one there he would know. His intentions were to eat luncheon there sometime during the week, and see who might still be there. Dinner, as well, for he had known several of the staff from that shift. Even so, he held out slim hopes of meeting someone who would remember him. Kitchen staff tended to have high turnover, and he knew this well.
He had arranged for a car to pick him up at 9:15, which gave him a few moments to gather up some items he wished to take with him. His first stop would be at his late wife's family's home, to see his father-in-law.
The driver tipped his hat as he opened the door for Kyrano. Pausing before climbing in, Kyrano asked, "Parlez-vous français ou anglais?"
The driver looked surprised. "Je parle français et anglais, mais je préfère le français."
"Trés bien. Je te parlerai en français." Kyrano smiled and entered the car. The driver shut the door, and took his place up front. Kyrano gave him the address and off they went.
En route, Kyrano took in the sights of the city. The leaves were bright with color where they hadn't already fallen to the ground, and the people were wearing sweaters and long coats against the cool breezes. The outdoor cafés weren't as populated -- but then, it wasn't lunch time yet. The sky was a brilliant blue, though, and the leaves contrasted with it in a way that Kyrano wished he could capture and bring back to Lisa.
The driver brought him to an apartment building, one of the older ones, covered in brick and ivy that twined around the rails of the cast iron balcony rails. Kyrano alighted, pulling a tote bag with him. He instructed the driver to return in two hours, or when called, whichever came first. The driver smiled and nodded.
The front door of the building opened, and a dark-haired, middle-aged lady looked out. It seems I am expected, Kyrano thought as he approached.
"Bonjour, Tuan," the lady said with a regal nod. She was younger than he was, with café-au-lait skin that was just beginning to line with wrinkles. She was short, and slightly plump, a contrast to his Samani, who was taller and willowy when they met.
"Bonjour, Tamea," Kyrano said, bowing. "It is good to see you again."
Tamea smiled slightly. "It has been a long time." She closed the door and indicated the interior with a hand. "Come in. He is awake."
Kyrano nodded, and followed his sister-in-law to one of the rear apartments. The sitting room overlooked a walled garden, one where a few flowers still braved the chilly nights. An elderly man, well into his ninth decade, sat in a comfortable chair before the wide sliding glass doors. He glanced up as Kyrano came in, and his wrinkled face creased in a smile.
"Tuan. It is good to see you again," he said, his voice sharpened by age.
Kyrano bowed low. "And to see you, Elias."
"Come, sit." Elias indicated another comfortable chair near him. He spoke to Tamea. "Tea, please, for me and my guest."
"Yes, Father," Tamea said before bustling off to the kitchen.
Kyrano took the proffered chair, sitting with the bundle he'd brought in his lap. "How are you, Elias?"
Elias smiled again. "I am well, though my memory is not what it used to be." He glanced out over the garden. "I wish you could have come earlier in the year; my garden flourished and the butterflies were so beautiful. I saw one or two species I had not seen before."
"Did you get pictures?" Kyrano asked.
Elias waved a hand. "I am too old for such things now, and Tamea scares them away. But I did mark them in my book." He pulled a worn leather journal from the table beside him. "Here, you see..."
He opened the book, and found the page he was looking for. Kyrano noticed that the journal was nearly full, only a few pages were left to fill.
"Just the other day I saw a vanessa atalanta, what is commonly known as a Red Admiral," Elias said. "I hope to see more of them before winter really sets in here. They are often the last butterflies to be seen in the autumn." He held up his book, where a rough sketch in colored pencil showed the markings of the butterfly.
"You still sketch them very well, Elias. It reminds me; I have brought something for you." He pulled a wrapped package from his bag and handed it to the old man.
"A gift!" Elias's eyes lit up as he opened the package. He lifted free the gift. "Oh, this is magnificent! Where did you get it?"
Kyrano smiled. The picture was a small framed sketch of a butterfly with iridescent blue wings edged by a band of black and fringed with white. Small orange spots appeared at the lowest edge of the smaller wing set, and tiny white and black tufts stuck out from the fringe like little tails. The background was orange and green, and it was signed "C. Tracy". "My employer's daughter is a budding artist, and sketched this on a visit to Kansas. Her brother helped her identify it."
"A cupido comyntas. It is beautiful! Tamea, come and see! Come and see the gift Tuan has brought!"
Tamea came from the kitchen. "What is it, Father?" she asked. "The tea is almost ready... oh!"
Elias beamed as he handed the picture for her to see. "This is lovely. Tuan, did you bring this?" she asked.
"Yes, I did," Kyrano said with a soft smile. I believe Tamea is becoming hard of hearing...
"It is a very nice gift," she said, handing the picture back to her father. With a quick motion, she slipped a low table between the two chairs. "I will bring the tea in a moment."
Elias put the picture aside. "Now, what of my granddaughter? Have you brought a picture of her?"
"Yes, I have, Elias." Kyrano pulled an envelope from the tote. "This was taken in my garden, by a young man who is courting my daughter. You can see by the way he posed her how fond he is of her."
"Ah, yes. She is so beautiful, and reminds me so much of her mother," Elias said as he pulled the picture from the envelope. He glanced over at Kyrano. "Is this the same young man you spoke of before? The race car driver?"
"No, Elias. This is a young man she works with. Very different from the other. It is too soon to tell if they will have a future, but..." Kyrano shrugged slightly. "Time will tell all."
"Ah, I see." Elias nodded, and put Tin-Tin's picture aside.
Tamea came out with the tray of green tea and set it down. Once she had, Elias showed her the picture of Tin-Tin. "Does she not remind you of your sister?"
"Yes, Father. She does." The tone in Tamea's voice was slightly disapproving as she handed the picture back. Kyrano knew that Tamea had always been jealous of her sister, but was surprised that it lasted so long after Samani's death.
Kyrano took it upon himself to pour the tea, and after both he and Elias had taken a few sips, he cleared his throat. "Elias, Tamea, I have something important to tell you." He pulled his album, the new one that Lisa and Tin-Tin had given him, and opened it. "This is another picture taken by that same young man and given to me for my birthday. The lady who Tin-Tin is sitting with is named Lisa Parkhurst. I have known her for two years now, and... she is my fiancée."
There was a silence as Elias and Tamea looked over the picture. Finally, Tamea spoke. "She seems like a motherly woman." She glanced at Kyrano. "Does she have children?"
He was surprised at the question. "Yes, she does. She has been divorced for many years, and has three grown children, and several grandchildren." He didn't think it wise to mention that one of her children was his employer's new wife... or the interesting relationships that would develop from the marriage.
"What do they have to say about your marrying her?" Tamea persisted. "It is clear how Tin-Tin feels from the picture."
"They are in favor of it." Which was perfectly true, even with Douglas's half-hearted endorsement.
His attention turned to Elias as the old man heaved a sigh. "I... I hope you will be happy with her."
"I will, Elias. I already am. But I will never forget Samani. I cannot, for her face and figure are before me always in Tin-Tin."
"When will you be married?" Tamea asked. "Will you be bringing your... Lisa... to Paris?"
"Yes, I will. And we will visit, so you may meet her."
The old man took a deep breath, and let it out, then smiled at Kyrano. "I think... I think we must celebrate, Tuan. Tamea, where is the cognac?"
Kyrano let out a soft, relieved sigh. These people were his family in a way, even if they were not close, and he was pleased to know that they were happy for him.
Posted by Tikatu on March 9, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #469 is a reply to message #468] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:08   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Monday, October 15, 2068, 10:20 p.m., Tracy Island
"Jeff, which one?" Dianne sounded weary and frustrated.
Jeff sighed and came back to the laptop Dianne had perched on the ottoman. They had sent their RSVP for themselves and the children along to Elise, and they agreed that they'd decide later on what to bring -- especially since few of the family would be able to get into the Villa kitchen to actually bake or cook for the party. John said he would handle costumes for himself and Tyler, which left Alex and Cherie to choose their own... and for Jeff and Dianne to wrangle over who they would go to the party as.
"Which ones did you like again?" he asked as he sat down next to her on the sofa. "I've seen so many costumes that my head is swimming."
"We narrowed it down to these two," Dianne said, pulling up windows with both sets of costumes in them. They had decided to go as a couple, which had both limited and expanded their choices at once.
He looked at each costume, flicking back and forth between them, then finally left one window on top. "This one. It shouldn't be as much of a pain to put on. And it has pants, not tights."
"So, you don't want to go as a superhero?" Dianne asked, chuckling a little. "Or see me go as one?"
Jeff sat back, hands behind his head. "I'll admit, love, that you would look spectacular in that suit... what little of it there is. But me? I'm not given to wearing my underwear outside my clothing, thank you very much."
She eyed him speculatively. "Well, with this other one, you'll have to dye your hair...."
He took his hands down. "What do you mean? Why can't I go as a more... mature version of the character?"
"Because, you won't look right unless you do," Dianne insisted. "Then there's the facial hair..."
Jeff groaned. "Oh God, not more of that." He waved a hand toward the screen. "At least it's not a full beard. I can draw that thing on, instead of wearing the mustache."
"You will weah the mustache, suh," Dianne drawled. "Ah'll hafta weah a wig, aftuh all."
He grumbled for a moment, then subsided. "Okay, okay! I'll do it." He waved at the screen. "Go ahead, order it. Have them ship it out to us on the mail plane."
Dianne leaned over to kiss him. "Thanks, love." She ran a hand through his hair, and said, "You know, you're going to be particularly handsome with your hair dyed."
"Just don't get used to it," he replied, cupping her face with his hand. "I worked hard to get all these gray hairs... or my sons worked hard to give them to me... and they are a badge of honor."
Dianne smiled slyly, and chuckled. "Keep telling yourself that, Jeff." She leaned in for another kiss. "Just keep telling yourself that."
Posted by Tikatu on March 9, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #470 is a reply to message #469] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:08   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Tuesday, October 16, 2068, 10:20 a.m., Tracy Island
Jeff listened intently as Cassie went over the report she had prepared on her analysis of the cane fire. As he glanced over at Brains, he could see that the scientist was just as engrossed in the report.
"I'd recommend more caution anytime a vehicle, like a chopper, is being approached when there is fire around. There is always a chance of an explosion, like what happened with the helicopter in this case. Anyone trained to fight fires is well aware of this, and the first thing any survivors of a crash like this one would do is put as much distance between themselves and the downed aircraft," Cassie said confidently.
Her nervousness about presenting the information had disappeared as soon as she had started her report. She was in her element right now. Cassie glanced down at her notes before continuing.
"Alan also left the Firefly when he spotted the survivor and followed the guy on foot. Now, if the Firefly had been in a terrain on which it couldn't continue that would be one thing, but from the information I was given, it doesn't indicate that. He should have taken the Firefly as far as possible. By leaving the Firefly and continuing on foot, he ran the risk of being cut off from the vehicle."
Jeff nodded. "A very good point. I don't think that even occurred to anyone else," he commented.
He had been impressed so far with Cassie's report as well as with her ability to answer the questions that he and Brains had asked throughout it. She had answered them all without losing track of where she had been in the report she was given.
"The last concern I have is more general rather than specific to anything that happened in this instance. For the most part, IR followed the instructions given to them by the local personnel on scene which is fine. I realize that coordinating with the local rescue personnel is important. However, my concern is this - if the local personnel weren't there to rely on would IR know how to proceed without their guidance?"
"A very good question, and to answer it for you, several members of the team have expressed that they are unsure about how to go about fighting a fire," Jeff commented. "Hence, the reason we brought you on board."
Cassie nodded, having expected a reply along those lines.
"Perhaps it is time that Cassie conducts a training session or two of her own, Mr. Tracy," Brains commented. "She could present some of the ideas she presented here today to the rest of the team, as well as going over some general guidelines on how to proceed."
Jeff nodded. "A very good suggestion, Brains. How do you feel about it, Cassie? You've only been here a couple of weeks. Do you feel ready to be the trainer instead of the trainee?"
"Yes, Mr. Tracy," she replied without hesitation. "Wildfires and fires within a building are two different things. Given that the cane fire was a wildfire, I think it would be best to concentrate on fighting wildfires right now and then handle building fires at a later time."
"Sounds reasonable. IR has had more experience dealing with building fires than wildfires. No point in overwhelming the troops by tackling everything at once," Jeff said, adding to the notes he had been taking on a data padd. "How would you like to go about the training session."
"Well," Cassie began, making some preliminary plans in her head. "It might be best to split it up so as to not overwhelm everybody. Perhaps present the analysis of the cane fire rescue in one session and then do some training on how to fight a wildfire in general."
Cassie paused for a moment, deciding whether to suggest her next idea or not. She finally decided to go for it.
"I have another suggestion to make. Learning about how to fight a fire in theory is quite different then actually doing so. Granted IR has fought fires before, but that was without the training. In the fire academy, we go through what are known as live fire training drills. It's basically a test situation where we are presented with a controlled fire and we use our training to put it out. Afterward, we receive feedback on our performance. When I went through the academy in the city, the live fire drills that were done were building fires. The New York City Fire Department does them in what are known as Simulated Structural Fire Buildings in which they use computers to control the situation. When I was training I found those drills quite helpful because it allows you to put what you were taught to use in a controlled situation. I participated in a live fire drill when I did the wildfire training course out in California. They're a bit more complicated to set up; in the one I participated in, the foresters out there were doing a controlled burn which we used for our advantage. If we could find a safe way to conduct a live fire drill of our own I think it would be beneficial to the training process."
Jeff thought about her suggestion. "What do you think, Brains. Think we could pull off live fire training here on the island?" he asked, looking over at the scientist.
Brains remained silent for a moment. "If we did it on the far side of the island, there wouldn't be any danger to any of the facilities. Cassie has a point; putting theory into practice in a controlled situation could be beneficial. I'm sure Cassie and I could find a way to conduct a controlled fire."
"Very well," Jeff glanced down at a calendar. "Think a week would give you enough time to pull it off? We could schedule the training sessions on Friday and Monday afternoons," he said, looking up at Cassie. "We can rearrange your training schedule a little if need be if you need extra time to prepare, though with Virgil in Paris; you do have the time you normally spend with him open."
"I can be ready to conduct the training session by Friday," Cassie told him. She looked from Jeff to Brains. "Think we can get a live fire scenario set up in the next week?"
"It might mean putting in some time over the weekend but we should be able to pull it off," the scientist replied with a nod.
"Very well," Jeff said. "I'll send out an email to everyone informing them of the upcoming training. Is there anything else either of you would like to discuss at this point?"
Jeff looked to Cassie and then to Brains. Both of them replied no. "Then this meeting is concluded. Keep me informed on how the plans for this training are coming along."
"Yes, sir," Cassie replied.
"Of course, Mr. Tracy," Brains answered.
Cassie and Brains stood up and headed out of the office.
"We should probably start working out the details as soon as possible," Brains said to Cassie as they exited the lounge.
Posted by starrynebula on March 10, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #471 is a reply to message #470] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:08   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Tuesday, October 16, 2068, 1:20 p.m., Tracy Island
Tin-Tin leant back against the rock behind her, closed her eyes and listened to the waves roll onto the shore. Whereas some people in the world thought that an alcoholic beverage was relaxing, Tin-Tin begged to differ.
It wasn't long until she opened her eyes when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps. She looked in the direction of the steps and smiled.
"Hi, Nikki."
"Hey, Tin-Tin." Nikki sat down next to Tin-Tin and smiled.
"I hope you don't mind that we came out here to talk. It's just that if we were in the villa, the apartments or by the pool I would guarantee that we would be interrupted."
"It's all right I understand that. So, what did you want to talk about?"
"I just wanted to catch up," Tin-Tin replied. "With rescues, other tasks and so many people living on the island it's not often that we get to sit and just chat."
"That's true." Nikki tightened her hair band around her ponytail. "So have you thought about what you're going to wear for the Halloween party?"
"Yes, I've thought about it." Tin-Tin paused and looked as if she wasn't going to carry on.
"And?" Nikki asked impatiently.
"And...you'll have to wait and see."
"Spoil sport."
Tin-Tin laughed. "I'm looking forward to it, though. I especially look forward to seeing what everyone will come as. I'll have my camera ready."
"As long as pictures aren't posted online on some website, then I'm all right with that."
"Oh, I would never do that." Tin-Tin looked thoughtful for a couple of seconds. "But I wouldn't put it past Gordon."
"Thanks for the warning. I think we'll all have to watch our backs and keep our eyes on him during the party. Wouldn't want any tricks happening."
"Same here. But then it wouldn't be Halloween without the tricks. Just count ourselves lucky that he and Alan are not together this Halloween," Tin-Tin traced her finger in the sand to her side. "Speaking of Alan... you two seem close."
"He's a good friend and he's easy to talk to." Nikki smiled and looked out to the ocean. "And when I'm feeling down, it doesn't take long for him to lift my spirits."
"I see," Tin-Tin sighed. "I know that it's none of my business, but I want to ask: do you care about him? As in more than a friend."
Tin-Tin stopped playing with the sand and looked at her friend. "I'm sorry; I shouldn't have asked."
"No, it's all right. It's just that the question took me by surprise and...well...don't take this the wrong way, but you're his ex, so it's a bit..."
"I guess that's the right word."
"Nikki, he may be my ex-boyfriend, but he's also my friend. I want to see him move on like I have done and be happy. If you do have feelings for him, then I'm completely fine with that."
"Thanks Tin-Tin," Nikki answered. She was relieved that Tin-Tin told her how she felt.
Tin-Tin submersed her hands in the sand. She wanted to warn Nikki about the reason why she and Alan broke up, but felt it wasn't her place. 'If it wasn't for his job, then I wonder where we would be,' she thought.
Posted by Nikki on March 10, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #472 is a reply to message #471] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:09   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Tuesday, October 16, 4 p.m.
Cassie ran along the beach, kicking up some sand with each stride. Still, running along the beach was more enjoyable than running the busy city streets. I do miss having the other people around though, she thought. The crowds might be difficult to maneuver but I miss the distraction. Out here, it's just me, the crashing waves, and the occasional bird.
She glanced down at her stopwatch. She had almost reached the thirty minutes she had planned on running. Keeping an eye on the watch, she kept jogging until the numbers switched to thirty minutes. She slowed to a stop, hitting the button to pause the timer on her watch while she was at it.
The main portion of her workout completed, she kept walking, taking a drink of water from the water bottle she carried as she did so. After a few minutes she stopped and put the water bottle down on the ground. She began doing some stretches beginning the cool down portion of the workout.
When she completed the normal stretches, she retrieved her water bottle. She took another drink from it and twisted the top back on. Resetting the stop watch, she began a slow, cool down jog. As she jogged, she glanced out across the ocean. In the distance she spotted two people out in the ocean. From her current distance she couldn't make out who it was.
Before long she was close enough to tell the two people were surfing. Which two occupants of the island were out there she still wasn't sure of. Cassie continued to watch as she jogged closer. Wipeout, she thought as she saw the one person fall off the board and disappear briefly under the surface. The second person rode the wave all the way in. Finally close enough to make out who it was, she watched as Gordon picked up his surfboard and turned to look for his companion, who was just breaking the surface.
"Up for one more wave, Scott?" Gordon called out, as Scott reached his board.
"Not today," Scott called back to him. "I think I've had enough salt water."
"Fine," Gordon said, planning on waiting for his brother. He glanced to his left and spotted Cassie slowing down to a walk. "Good afternoon, Cassie."
"Hi, Gordon. Enjoying yourself?" Cassie asked, taking a drink from her water bottle.
"I am. Not so sure about Scott though," Gordon said with a nod toward the ocean. "He's spent as much time off his board as on it this afternoon. What about you?"
"Just out enjoying a run. I wanted to get outside for a little while. Seems I've spent most of the day indoors," Cassie replied, as Scott approached the two of them. "Hi, Scott," she said hesitantly. She hadn't talked to him since the end of the flight lesson the day before.
"Hello," he replied neutrally.
Gordon looked from Cassie to his brother and back again at Cassie. He could tell something was going on between the two of them, though he had no clue what.
Cassie took a deep breath. She had been waiting for Scott to bring up the subject of their last conversation as he had told her they'd would discuss it later. He had yet to broach the topic and Cassie decided to take the initiative. It would probably be best if we had this whole situation straightened out before the next lesson tomorrow.
"Scott, do you have time to talk right now?" she asked.
"Yeah, sure," he replied with a nod. "I'll catch up with you later, Gordon."
"Okay," Gordon said. "Want me to take your board?"
"Sure," Scott said, handing his surfboard over to his brother. As Gordon headed up to the villa, he turned his attention back to Cassie.
Nervously, Cassie started walking slowly down the beach. Scott followed, falling into step beside her. He waited patiently for her to start the conversation as she had been the one to say she wanted to talk.
"Look, about yesterday, I'm sorry about the accusation I made. Your suggestion caught me off guard and I just instinctively went on the defensive. Not that I'm using that as an excuse, I just thought you deserved an explanation."
"Apology accepted," Scott told her, realizing how hard it was for her to make the apology. That's one thing I can definitely relate to her on, he thought. "That still leaves us with the decision of what to do about your lessons. I'm not sure going on with the way things are right now is such a good idea. I know you know the material," he said quickly, not giving her a chance to interrupt him. "I could ask you a random question right now and you'd probably have no problem giving me an answer. Your problem is putting what you know to use in the simulator."
Scot thought about his earlier conversation with his brother. Was Virgil right? Was he making her nervous?
"If I'm going to continue giving you lessons, I think we need to figure out what the problem is, no matter what it is. Even if it really is me, in which case I'd like to know what it is so I can try to change. I've already had to turn one student over to someone else. Explaining to my father that I wanted to do so again isn't exactly high on my list of things I want to do. I'd prefer that we work whatever the problem is out between us. "
Cassie took a drink of water, taking a few moments to think about what she wanted to say before she actually opened her mouth. Her conversation with Luke the evening before was still fresh in her mind.
"It's not anything specific," Cassie began, as she screwed the lid of the water bottle back on. She took a deep breath. The only way this was going to get worked out was if she was completely honest with him. "Since the start, I've had the feeling that you really didn't want me here. Like choosing me for this position was more your father's and Virgil's decision than yours."
Scott looked down at the ground. She certainly read that right, he thought. "I thought we cleared up the issues from our first encounter."
"We did. I meant what I said then, too. Still, since I moved here permanently you haven't exactly come off as friendly. Other than work related things, I think this is the first time we've actually talked. Yes, I haven't exactly made any attempts myself. Guess I felt too intimidated to approach you," she said with a shrug. "Maybe I was reading something into it that wasn't there," she continued. "After all, the years of hearing my father and ex-husband telling me I shouldn't be a firefighter has made me a little defensive when it comes to my career but I felt like I needed to prove to you that I belonged here. I saw the flight lessons as a chance to do that, but once I got into the simulator, my mind went blank and it seemed the harder I tried the worse it got. When you suggested someone else giving me lessons, I felt as if you thought teaching me to fly was hopeless." She made a face which matched the rueful tone in her voice. "Which I've got to admit, I'm starting to think might be accurate."
"I don't think the prospect of you learning to fly is hopeless," Scott told her. As she was being open about the situation, he felt he should be, too. "As for the other part, no, you weren't my choice out of the candidates we had to select from. You were actually Virgil's first choice, and don't go telling him I told you this, but I think he chose the right person."
He looked over at Cassie to find her looking at him with a surprised expression on her face.
"Look. I'm not exactly good at given praise. There wasn't room for that in the Air Force but, as my stepmother reminded me last night, I'm not in the Air Force anymore. I've been impressed with your performance here so far. You came in and threw yourself right into the training. Virgil said you were making suggestions during your first training session with him. As for the flying, we didn't hire you to be a pilot. If it takes you a little longer to catch on, then fine. People learn things at different paces. Flying could be something that you're going to take to a little slower than what you're used to."
"You've got a point there," Cassie said with a thoughtful nod, appreciating the praise she had gotten from him. "So, are you still willing to give me flying lessons?"
"If that's what you want. It'll save me from explaining things to my father."
"That's what I want. Your father obviously thinks you're best suited to train me in this area."
"Okay, then," Scott told her. "Meanwhile, why don't the two of us spend some time getting to know each other a little better," he suggested, deciding to follow through on the rest of the advice Virgil had given him. "Have any plans right now?"
"Do you like playing pool?"
Cassie laughed, thinking of some of her previous attempts at playing that game. "I enjoy it though I'm not exactly any good at it"
"Then how about we go up to the house? I'll change into regular clothes and we can talk over a friendly game of pool." He gave her a grin. "I promise I'll go easy on you."
"You're on. I'll be interested to see how you define 'going easy on one'," Cassie said, smiling. With that, The two of them turned around and headed back in the direction of the path leading up to the villa.
--clearing the air, by starrynebula on March 11, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #473 is a reply to message #472] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:09   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Tuesday October 16th, Paris, France, 3:15 pm (2:15 am, Wednesday, Tracy Island)
Virgil strolled along the pathway running along the banks of the Seine. He paused to lean against the railing, watching the sun reflecting in the water. Wishing he had brought his sketch pad with him, he stared for a few minutes longer before continuing on his way.
He wandered along, pausing occasionally to watch an artist draw or to browse through a shop, looking for nothing in particular. At one point, he found an out of the way artisan's shop where he picked up a beautiful cloisonné barrette for his mother. On impulse, he bought another for Elise. Pocketing his purchases, he once again made his way outside. The early afternoon sun was warm, but the October air had a touch of a chill in it and he pulled the zipper up on his jacket.
Deciding that now would be a good time to stop and have a cup of coffee before heading back to dinner at the hotel, he made his way to a small café. As he ordered, he remembered Elise's request and instead of coffee, ordered himself a glass of Merlot instead. When the waiter had left, Virgil held the glass up. "Happy Birthday. Salute." Leaning back in his chair, he enjoyed his wine.
Posted by lillehafrue on March 27, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #474 is a reply to message #473] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:09   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Wednesday, October 17, 2068, 9:15 a.m., Tracy Island
"You've got quite a load here, Professor Hackenbacker," Shaun, the pilot of the Tracy Industries cargo helijet said as his crew started offloading a variety of crates. "Got another two transports on the way, too. Mind if I ask what's in those crates?"
Brains, who was looking over the data pad with the manifest displayed, glanced up and blinked. "I don't mind."
"Mind?" Shaun repeated, pushing back his cap and scratching his head.
"If you ask." Brains moved to the next plastic crate, using a scanner to read the bar code on it, and checking the item against the manifest.
"Oh." The pilot still looked confused, but ventured, "So... what's in the crates?"
The engineer looked up again and said mildly, "Parts." He gestured to a logo on one of the boxes. "Aircraft parts."
"Oh, okay." The pilot now nodded sagely. "Need some replacements."
"Something like that." He turned at the sound of the small hangar door opening. Will ducked beneath it and came towards Brains as the latter waved him over.
"Shaun, this is Will Abbott. He's our new mechanic, and will be able to sign for any shipments of this sort. I'll be adding his name to the permission files at headquarters." Brains turned to Will. "Will, this is Shaun Redford. He's the lead pilot for our cargo delivery fleet."
Will offered his hand. "Nice to meet you, Shaun."
"Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Abbott." Shaun shook the offered hand.
"Just call me Will. Mr. Abbott is my father." Looking around at the crates, Will said, "I'll get a float and start movin' these inside."
"Right." Brains scanned another bar code, as Will headed back the way he'd come. "And give a call up to the Villa to see who can help out. We've got two more helijets on the way!" Brains called.
"Will do!" Will called back, glancing over his shoulder and waving an arm to show he'd heard.
Will had taken over the inventory duties, and Brains was directing the third float load of crates through the hangar door. Brandon and Gordon were pushing it along while Scott and John loaded up the fourth run.
"So, what's in the crates?" Brandon asked as they maneuvered the float into an empty aircraft berth.
Brains indicated two crates. "Unload these two here, and bring the third up to the repair bay." As Brandon and Gordon maneuvered the crates to the floor, Brains continued. "In answer to your question, Brandon, these are the parts to Thunderbird Seven's new engine and cockpit. We'll be working on building a new one over the next few weeks."
"That's great news, Brains!" Gordon said, his face alight. "It was tough to haul the medical cabin around at that last rescue."
"Will it be a hovercraft again?" Brandon asked. "Seems to me that would be more maneuverable..."
"That's the plan," Brains said, following the two men and the float up to the repair bay. "Hovercraft with an caterpillar trolley like the Mole's for work in high wind conditions. Dr. Tracy was adamant that we have the one, and Mr. Tracy just as stubborn about the other. The variable use was a compromise between the two."
"Well," Gordon said before shifting the remaining crate to the spot Brains indicated. "If you need me to help in rebuilding, just holler."
"I will, Gordon. You'd better haul that out, and Brandon, if you can pick up the other float on the way back, I'll be down to help load up. Will should have finished the inventory on that second load. I'll have him hand over the inventory duties to Tin-Tin for the third helijet. With three floats moving, we'll make quick work of what's out there. We'll need the runway clear for Elise, who is bringing Mrs. Hanson."
"Boy, it's feast or famine around here," Brandon commented as he and Gordon headed back down the ramp. "Either it's really quiet, or really busy. I prefer busy, myself."
"Well, it's about to get a lot busier down in the lab area as we gear up to rebuild Seven's control cab." Gordon smiled slightly. "Things will feel like they're back to normal once Seven's running properly again."
Posted by Tikatu on March 27, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #475 is a reply to message #474] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:10   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Wednesday, October 17, just after lunch
Anna looked up from her book. "Scott. Sit down. Is something up?" Scott. Strong military type. He wouldn't ask for help unless he was desperate, and I haven't heard about anything major.
Scott sat down across from her. How do I start? I'm not used to asking for help. He cleared his throat. "Have you seen the Brethren web site?"
Scott shifted nervously. "Including the photo section?"
"Yes. I must say, the picture shows off your very-well built body. When did Gordon take it?"
"A few weeks ago, after he played a practical joke on me. The joke I can deal with. But posting the picture -- no way." Scott took a deep breath. "I know you normally stay out of this sort of thing. But I also know you're planning something yourself. I'm out of my league here, and I need help."
Anna looked at him, considering. "Yes, I do have something planned. In fact, I have started it. I'm waiting for something to arrive. But I could use some help with part of it."
Scott grinned. "Fill me in, Commander."
Posted by susanmartha on March 27, 2008
[Updated on: Mon, 23 July 2012 21:10] Report message to a moderator
Re: Playing with Fire [message #476 is a reply to message #475] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:10   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Wednesday October 17, 2 p.m. Tracy Island (10 a.m. Japan same day, 9 p.m. Kansas previous day)
Cassie was curled up on her couch going over her flight manual again before her flying lesson with Scott. Scott had informed her that they would be meeting in the hangar at the beginning of the lesson before heading to the simulator. He wanted her to go through a pre-flight and post-flight inspection. He hadn't referred to it as a test, but it certainly felt like one to Cassie, and as she had done before any test in the past she wanted to review the material beforehand.
She was getting ready to go through the post-flight check material when her phone rang. Reaching over, she picked the phone up off of the end table. Her mother's cell phone number was flashing on the screen.
She's probably calling to tell me her and Dad made it safely to Japan, Cassie thought. She had finally received a reply from Sachio yesterday as he had been away on a business trip. Her uncle was looking to expand Fujimura Technologies outside of Japan and Sachio had been looking at some possible sites.
"Hello, Mom," Cassie said, answering the call.
"Hello, Cassie," Keiko replied, in a weary tone. "I know it's starting to get late there, but I just wanted to let you know that your father and I arrived in Kozushima safely."
"Good to hear. How was the flight?"
"Uneventful. We had good weather all the way over. Wish I could have slept like your father but I just couldn't get comfortable on the plane."
"How is Grandma?"
Cassie heard her Mom sigh before she spoke. "She's definitely lost some weight and she looks tired. Hopefully we can convince her to go to the hospital in Tokyo."
Her mother paused. Cassie could hear some muffled voices on her mom's end.
"Your grandmother wants to talk to you," Keiko told her daughter. "I'm putting her on now."
Moments later, Cassie heard her grandmother greeting her in Japanese. She even sounds tired, she thought as she returned the greeting, speaking in Japanese herself. Her grandmother started asking her how she liked Wichita and her new job. Cassie tried to answer the questions convincingly then changed the topic of the conversation to how everyone was doing in Japan.
Posted by starrynebula on March 29, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #477 is a reply to message #476] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:11   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
The monorail eased to a stop, and Cherie picked up the ladder. Now, which entrance was it? Oh yeah, the one on the left. She entered the door on the left, and took the elevator to the third floor. Ringing the buzzer for apartment D3, she waited for Cassie to open the door.
Inside the apartment, Cassie was sitting at her desk making her plans for the upcoming fire training sessions. Hearing the buzzer, Cassie looked up at the clock on the wall.
That would be Cherie, she thought, dropping her pencil onto the papers spread out over her desk and standing up. Leaving everything where it was, she walked over to the door to let her guest in.
"Hello, Cherie. Come on in," she greeted the girl, when the door opened.
"Hi there, Ms. Kishi," Cherie said, smiling widely. "I'm here to measure the wall in your room." As Cassie led her to the bedroom in question, the teenager added, "I talked to my brother, Virgil, about the mural. He's decided it'll be a good learning opportunity for me. Teach me how to handle a client and take commissions." She rolled her eyes and chattered on. "In any case, he gave me some homework for the week he's away, and one of the assignments is to measure the wall."
She opened her stepladder, and put it beside her, facing the wall with her hands on her hips. "Hm. I guess I'd better do the top first." Moving the stepladder close to the wall, she asked, "Could you hold this steady for me, please, Ms. Kishi?"
"Sure, Cherie," Cassie replied, moving forward to hold the stepladder steady. Cassie grabbed a hold of the stepladder. Cherie climbed the stepladder, measure in hand. "Can you do me a favor though? Can you not call me by my last name? It's way too formal for me. It's okay to call me by my first name or if you're more comfortable with it, put the Ms. in front of my first name instead of the last name."
"Oh, okay, Ms. Cassie," Cherie said as she climbed the stepladder, reaching as high as she could to position the measure. "It's just that my dad's really big on showing respect to our elders, and Virgil did say I should treat you like a client." She activated the laser and the thin red light shot out, only to be stopped by the opposite wall. The measure beeped at her; she clicked off the laser and read the measurement off, adding it to the data pad. "Since I have your permission, I don't have to be so formal."
She reached up again, stretching her arm until the measure was butted against the ceiling, and this time, pointed the laser towards the floor. Once the device had beeped, and she added the figures to the data pad, she climbed down.
"There! I have what I need!" Cherie said, beaming. "Now, I'll take the stepladder and get out of your hair."
Cassie smiled at the girl's comment. "Oh, you're not in my hair. Not only do I like having the company but I did ask you to do this project. I have some chocolate chip cookies if you would like to stay for a snack."
"Cookies? That sounds great!" Cherie put her measure back in her bag, and toted the stepladder to the elevator door as Cassie led her to the kitchen area. "I love chocolate chip! Maybe we can talk a little about the buildings you'd like to see on the wall, too." She sat down at the table and put her data pad on the surface. "Once I have an idea, I can start looking for pictures to work with."
"Sounds like a plan," Cassie replied as she headed into the kitchen. "Just have a seat at the table while I get things ready. Would you like some milk to go with the cookies? Or I also have water and apple juice?" Cassie asked as she took out a plate to put the cookies on, and placed it on the counter.
"Milk is great, thanks." Cherie sat down, her data pad between her hands, opening another file. "I started looking at various buildings in New York, but I realized that I didn't know where you lived and what you would have seen from your window. I also didn't know if what you wanted on the wall were just some of the better known buildings, or an actual scene taken from street level somewhere. The more I thought about it, the more options came to mind." She looked up, watching Cassie put the cookies on the plate. "Have you given it much thought?"
"I've thought of it a little bit," Cassie replied, as she finished preparing the plate of cookies. She sat it down on table near Cherie and then returned to the kitchen to get the drinks. "I like the suggestion you made of the Statue of Liberty. I think that is one site that everyone identifies with NYC."
Cherie nodded. "Finding pictures of the Statue of Liberty won't be hard," she commented. "The hard part will be picking out the best view."
"I was also thinking about one of the bridges, preferably the Queensboro Bridge. I grew up in the Upper East Side of Manhattan so I was closest to that one," Cassie commented, as she carried two glasses of milk to the table. She sat one down in front of Cherie and then sat down in a chair next to her. "Another possibility would be Belvedere Castle in Central Park. My Dad always took me there as a little girl and I fell in love with the place."
Cassie paused, trying to decide if she really wanted to even make her last suggestion. It still sounded a little silly, even to her. Still, she couldn't deny that when she thought of her home city she thought of the place. "This might seem a little silly, but I was also thinking about my old fire station, Station 66."
Cherie grinned. "I had the same idea, actually. If I can find a picture of it to work from, that is." She added the name to the data pad. "Any of the really tall buildings?" She picked up a cookie and bit into it. "Mmm. These are good!"
Cassie swallowed the piece of cookie she had eaten herself before replying. "Thanks! I'm glad you like them. As for the tall buildings," Cassie paused for a few moments before continuing, "I can't really think of any in particular that really stand out for me. If you wanted to include one, I guess you could surprise me with one you think would look good with the other buildings."
Nodding, Cherie added the note to her data pad. "Too bad the Empire State Building's gone. That would have been cool!" She glanced up. "It feels strange knowing that my family was involved in all that. Scott and Gordon told me the story."
"Yeah, that was an unfortunate turn of events," Cassie commented, thinking of the day. She had been at the fire station at the time. Everyone at the station had been gathered in front of the TV watching the event. Once the building had collapsed though, Ladder 124 had been called to the scene like the rest of the stations on Manhattan. Everyone had put in overtime that day and the days following as they dealt with the clean-up. "New York City without the Empire State Building in the skyline still looks strange at times."
"Hm." Cherie looked thoughtful as she chewed on her cookie. She took a swig of milk to wash it down. "I never think about the clean up." Raising the glass to her lips again, she sipped, then added, "I still could put it in the mural if you want. It's not like this is going to be accurate, like a photograph."
Cassie thought about the suggestion. Though the building was no longer there, it was very much a part of the city as she had known it growing up. The whole point of this mural was to give her something to remind her of home. The Empire State Building would do that just as much as the other buildings and structures she had already named.
Cassie nodded as she spoke. "Go ahead. I like the idea of having the building in the mural."
"Okay!" Cherie added the note to her data pad, then drained her glass. "Well, I'd better get going. Grandma will have dinner on soon, and I'm supposed to help set the table." She rose from her seat, and extended a hand. "Thanks for the cookies, Ms. Cassie."
"You're welcome, Cherie," Cassie replied, getting to her feet herself and shaking Cherie's extended hand. "I really appreciate you taking on this project for me and I hope you have fun with it."
"I think I will," the teen replied as Cassie walked her to the door. Cherie picked up her stepladder and other materials, then stepped into the elevator. "Talk to you again soon!"
The door slid shut and Cherie smiled. Looks like I'm going to enjoy this challenge!
--project begun by starrynebula and Tikatu on March 29, 2008
[Updated on: Mon, 23 July 2012 21:11] Report message to a moderator
Re: Playing with Fire [message #478 is a reply to message #477] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:11   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Wednesday, October 17, 2068, 3:15 p.m., Paris, France (2:15 a.m., Thursday, October 18 on Tracy Island)
Virgil found himself in the Louvre, as he knew he would. The art of the masters called to him as always, and he found himself revisiting those pieces he was most familiar with. He stood before Canova's marble sculpture, "Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss", admiring the way the sculptor had created the fold of the fabric covering Psyche's private parts. I should do some sculpting. It's not something I've dabbled in much.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" said an English-accented voice to his left.
He turned his head to see a lovely blond woman, dressed in a designer frock that reminded him of something Lady Penelope would wear. She was examining the sculpture, but when she realized he was looking his way, she gave him a friendly smile.
"I love the Louvre," she added. "I come here every time I visit the city." She gestured to the statue. "One of my favorite pieces."
"It's one of mine, too," Virgil said, returning her smile with a polite one of his own. "I particularly admire the way Canova evoked the fabric folds and the details in the hair."
"Yes, and the clever way he managed to show just enough, but not too much, as far as nudity is concerned." The lady chuckled. "Must have had the prudes of the day in mind."
"Not necessarily," Virgil replied. "His male nudes are just that: nude, with none of their genitalia covered. And several of his female nudes have bare breasts, though this one," he gestured toward the sculpture, "has the breasts covered."
He turned back to the sculpture, and the lady made another attempt at conversation. "Are you aware he did a sculpture of George Washington?" When Virgil turned his attention back to her, she gestured toward him. "I thought that, as an American, you might be interested..."
Virgil looked thoughtful. "Yes, it is interesting. I believe I've heard about the piece you're talking about, though I've never seen it."
"I understand it's displayed in the state house of North Carolina, though I might be mistaken," the lady told him. She waved a deprecating hand. "I can never keep the individual states straight. I'm sure it's the same for you with the various counties of England."
"Actually, no. I have friends in England, and am very familiar with it," Virgil said.
"Oh? Anyone I would know?"
The question took Virgil by surprise. "I... I'm not sure, especially since I don't even know your name, never mind which circles you might travel in."
The lady beamed. "Well, perhaps I should introduce myself. I am Dez Richmond." She held out a well-manicured hand.
Politeness -- and his grandmother's lessons in etiquette -- bade him reciprocate. He took her hand. "And I'm Virgil Tracy. Nice to make your acquaintance."
"And I am pleased to make yours." She smiled widely as they shook hands, for she already knew who he was. Dez Richmond -- otherwise known as Desdemona Hightower -- had seen Virgil in the lobby of the hotel where they both were staying. She'd recognized him as one of Jeff Tracy's sons, and called on one of her underlings to take a few pictures and confirm his identity. His sons are hardly ever in public anymore, and when they are, they keep as low a profile as possible. This could be an excellent opportunity to cultivate a relationship to replace the one Giles bollixed up so spectacularly.
"Perhaps we could have tea together, or share a bottle of wine?" She looked down, a slightly embarrassed look on her face. "You see, we are staying at the same hotel, and I saw you in the lobby... and you're a very handsome man." She smiled at him again, this time with a bit of sly undertone to the expression.
Virgil raised a bushy eyebrow. "So you followed me into the Louvre, hoping to meet me?"
"Oh no!" she exclaimed, her eyes wide, sounding shocked. "Nothing like that, I assure you. I was visiting the museum myself, noticed you, and thought I should seize the moment, as it were."
He chuckled. "I have to admit, it's flattering to have a beautiful woman pursuing me because she thinks I'm handsome." Though I doubt that's the only reason she's interested. He paused, then said, "I don't see that it would hurt to have a glass of wine with you. Where and when?"
Dez glanced at her watch. "There's so much more to see here in the museum... perhaps we could meet in the hotel's bar? Would nine o'clock be convenient?"
"Yes, I think that would be fine."
She tried hard to keep the triumph from her smile and voice. "Then I will leave you to Canova... for now. Au revoir, monsieur."
"A bientôt, mademoiselle."
With a wave, Dez sauntered off. Virgil watched her go, cognizant of her swinging hips and noting that she stopped at another sculpture, a bronze depicting Mercury lifting Psyche into the air. He blew out a breath, took another long look at the marble work before him, then moved onto the next piece.
Posted by Tikatu on March 29, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #479 is a reply to message #478] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:12   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Wednesday, October 17, 2068, 9:15 p.m., Paris, France (8 a.m., Thursday, October 18, Tracy Island)
"So, what do you do?" Dez leaned forward, a finger making a slow circuit of her wineglass's edge. She smiled, a sultry look, her eyes half-lidded as she gazed across the table at her companion.
Virgil took in a breath, and let it out in a short huff. Dez was wearing a different designer number, one that showed off her natural endowments to best advantage. He was finding it hard to focus on conversation with her sitting there, long shapely legs visible if he moved his head one way, cleavage on display, some alluring scent wafting across to tickle his nose. She was bothering him in a way that only one other person had come close to recently, and it had been so long...
"What do I do?" He shifted in his seat a little. "I'm a designer."
"Oh? And what do you design?" She took a sip of wine, her full red lips leaving a slight lipstick mark on the glass.
A peculiar thought suddenly occurred to him: Lady Penelope never left such stains on her china cups - or anything else for that matter. I'll have to ask her how she does that. He turned his thoughts to answering her question and came up with the standard deflection that he and his father had decided upon. "Oh, small things, engine parts, gadgets... nothing big or impressive." He took a sip of wine and asked, "And you? What do you do?"
"Oh, nothing special. Just living on my well-invested inheritance." She gave him a speculative look. "You know, I had a friend look into your background, Virgil." With a smug tone to her voice, she added, "A girl can't be too careful these days." She leaned back and took a sip of wine. "He seemed to think you were into the posh life, living off your Daddy's money. Look at you," she waved a hand in his direction, "dressing so dapper. No one would ever think you're a mere designer."
He turned his wineglass around, watching the base for a bit as she spoke, then drained what little was left in the glass. Pouring himself another half portion, he thought about his answer. Finally he said, sounding lazy, "As appealing as living off my father's wealth is, I do like to use my very expensive degree from time to time. It exercises my mind, and keeps me from becoming a total recluse."
"Ah, I understand now." Dez drained her own glass, and Virgil lifted the bottle as if to ask, "More?" She nodded, and nudged her stemware in his direction. He filled it to the top with wine, set the bottle back down, and set the glass before her again. She inclined her head in a silent "thank you" and sipped the wine again. "What brings you to Paris?"
"A gift from my father, actually, for my birthday. I get to be a tourist for a change, instead of coming here on business." The truth wasn't going to hurt, he figured, and was much easier to say than a lie. "And you?"
"I needed some new frocks, and came to see what some of my favorite designers had to offer." It was the truth on her part as well.
"Hm." He brightened. "A friend of mine from England buys from François Lemaire. Do you like his designs?"
Desdemona made a face. "Oh, dear God. No. François... I cannot describe what I think of his frocks." She shuddered. "I would not be caught dead in what he produces."
Now Virgil felt a little affronted -- he'd always thought that Lady Penelope had excellent taste. "Well, my friend seems to like his collections, and the ensembles she's purchased from him look very good on her."
"Then she must have..." Dez bit down on the word, "execrable" and changed it to, "... very different tastes than I do." She cocked her head to one side. "Who is your friend? Perhaps I know her..."
Before Virgil could say anything, a waiter hurrying by their table was bumped by someone trying to pass him on the other side. The waiter's tray tipped, and though his quick grab kept most of his cargo intact, one bottle of beer fell smack onto their table, smashing, upsetting their both wine bottle and glasses.
Dez shrieked, as the red liquid splattered her dress, and the beer followed, pouring into her lap before she could jump up. Virgil didn't escape unscathed either. He sprang away quickly, but was also doused with wine and beer before he could move. The mortified waiter began apologizing, and both the manager and a second waiter came to try and help them clean up.
Virgil watched Dez's face flush red, and was taken aback when she started to scream at the hapless waiter.
"You idiot! Why didn't you watch where you were going?! Look at my frock; it's ruined! No, don't try to mop me up! The hotel's management will hear about this!" She went on and on, her ranting punctuated from time to time with expletives in both English and French.
The manager added his apologies to the waiter's, trying to calm Dez down, telling them both that the bottle of wine they'd shared was no charge. Finally, Virgil stepped in.
"Dez, it was an accident, okay? Screaming isn't going to change what's happened. Why don't you go up to your room to clean up and change?" He reached out to take her elbow and guide her from the bar.
Desdemona gave him an angry look, whipping her elbow from his grasp. "I can manage by myself, thank you very much!" With a huffed out, "Hmph!" she stalked out, the gazes of the bar's other denizens watching her leave.
Virgil glanced at the table, and something on the floor beside Dez's chair caught his eye. He leaned over to pick it up. "Dez! Wait! You forgot....!" The door to the bar closed before he could finish his sentence.
"I'll get it to her," he told the manager, who had offered him a dry cloth to wipe the beer and wine from the bag's surface. Once it was dry, he accepted the manager's fervent apologies and left the bar. Behind him, a man with dark curly hair smiled and opened his phone.
"Agent 29 to Pink Lady..."
"I guess I'd better find out what room she's in," Virgil muttered as he crossed the lobby, heading for the elevators. He sighed, and fumbled with the catch on her handbag. There wasn't much inside; a key card, a lipstick, compact, small brush, and a credit card. This last caught his eye. He was familiar with the card type; it was black and meant for people with vast fortunes. He had one himself in his wallet. But the name, emblazoned there in gold, next to her holographic photo was not the name she had given him that afternoon.
"Desdemona Hightower."
He stopped in his tracks. Damn! Now it all fits together. I'm sure she knew exactly who I was when she "ran across" me at the Louvre. But what did she want of me? Some way to get into Tracy Industries? Put me in a position for blackmail? He looked at the card for a moment. I can't give her any opportunity to sink her claws into me. I'll have to avoid her for the rest of the week.
His mind made up, he removed the key card and snapped the handbag shut. He approached the front desk and spoke to the concierge. "Please see that the lady in this room gets this handbag."
"Of course, monsieur." The man behind the desk looked him up and down. "Were you perhaps part of the accident in the bar?"
"Yes, I was. I gather the lady has already spoken to you?"
The concierge's pleasant smile faded. "She has. Tell me what room you are in, monsieur, and I will arrange for your clothing to be cleaned -- at our expense."
Virgil smiled, and gave the man the information he'd asked for. Then, satisfied that he'd done the right thing, he headed for the elevators. Once ensconced in an empty car, he leaned against the wall. The smell of wine and beer became more noticeable in the close confines and he made a face. "Need a shower when I get to my suite."
Once in his suite, he stripped, and took care of showering first, calling to the front desk to have the suit and shirt picked up. Then he padded into his bedroom, and sat down heavily on the bed. He ran a hand through his still damp hair, and thought of his near miss with Desdemona. She's beautiful, but... The image of another blonde, smiling, dressed in red, came to mind and he checked his watch. Nine a.m. there. A good time to call.
He decided to use his satellite phone, and speed-dialed a number he'd added to his contacts before he left. It seemed to take forever to connect, but finally a familiar voice sounded in his ear.
"Hello, Virgil? It's good to hear from you! How's Paris?"
He smiled wearily. "Hi there, Elise. It's good to hear your voice, too. Paris is wonderful, but God, I miss you."
Posted by Tikatu on March 30, 2008
Re: Playing with Fire [message #480 is a reply to message #479] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:13   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
Thursday, October 18, 11:30am, Tracy Island -- Mail call
Cherie stepped through the sick room door. "Hey, Dom! There's mail for you."
Dom looked up from cleaning the exam table. "For me? Thanks Cherie." He took the letter and looked at the return address. It's from someone named Dave Kandagaye in Kansas. I don't think I know anyone with that name. He sat down in the exam room chair and opened the letter.
Thursday, October 11, 2068
Hi Dom.
I'm not sure how well you remember me; we only met a couple of times during training and on a few Lifeflight missions. I'm the Captain of Kansas Region II EMS team, not too far from your old stomping grounds. I heard you took a job in the private sector and wanted to see how it was going for you. I'm looking for a few more people and wondered if you wanted to return to the public sector.
You missed the big excitement. International Rescue was called in during the tornadoes two months ago. One of the twisters hit their mobile hospital and injured their CMO. I was on the team that responded to the site and helped get her out. I hope she's doing ok; she lost a lot of blood. Both the nurses were hurt too. I understand they went home the next day. I hope they're all ok now.
As you can imagine, the press was all over the place for a while. I don't know how many reporters I had to dodge. I hid for almost a week. Things have settled down now, but I expect we'll get more requests for interviews on the anniversary next year.
Do you remember Lisa Simmons? She went through a divorce 2 years ago. She gave custody of the kids to her husband. Well he got transferred to New York and took the kids.
She was telling me about a strange interview she had a week after the tornadoes. Two men, claiming to be World Government agents, took her to dinner. They thought International Rescue might contact her and offer her a job based on her work at the accident site. Apparently they've been researching the type of people IR might want -- young, single, with no dependents. That leaves you and me out of the running!!
Anyway, the WG agents (she did check their ID) said they didn't want her to spy on IR. Just tell them who contacted her, how and when. They implied they could arrange for her to get custody of her kids if she did! She told me she wasn't sure how she felt -- angry or afraid. I told her I'd probably feel both at once and wind up taking a swing at the two guys. That finally made her laugh. But she said she hopes IR doesn't contact her -- she doesn't want to have to choose.
As exciting as it would be to work for International Rescue, I'd never be able to do it. Not with three kids and a wife! Who would babysit?
Anyway, I hope you are doing well and enjoy your new job. It doesn't sound too exciting but if it lets you have more time with Joshua, I think it's great. My kids are in grade school now and I miss them running around the house. But it's amazing how much better I sleep and how much work I can get done. Anita did a happy dance the day our youngest started preschool.
Let me know sometime you're in the area and we can get together for a beer.
Dave Kandagaye
Dom blinked and reread the letter. I vaguely remember Dave. I don't think we were ever actually introduced. I didn't notice him at the crash site, but I wasn't noticing much of anything. But apparently he recognized me.
Dianne looked in from the next room. "Dom? I could use some help with the supplies."
Dom looked up at her, distractedly. "I'm sorry, Dr. Tracy. But I think I need to talk to your husband, right now." He stood up suddenly and strode quickly out the door.
Dianne looked after him. What was that all about? I hope his ex-wife isn't causing problems again.
Posted by Susanmartha on March 31, 2008
[Updated on: Mon, 23 July 2012 21:13] Report message to a moderator
Re: Playing with Fire [message #481 is a reply to message #480] |
Mon, 23 July 2012 21:13   |
Messages: 1228 Registered: July 2012 Location: Northern Ireland
Karma: 2
Field Commander Switzerland |
"Mr. Tracy?"
Jeff looked up from his desk. "Hello Dom. What's up?
"I think you better read this. It just came today." Dom handed over the letter and the envelope it came in and sat down.
Jeff raised an eyebrow and read the letter. When he finished, he looked at Dom. "Do you know this Dave," he glanced down at the letter again, "Kandagaye?"
"Slightly. He taught a class I was in once, but the class had over a hundred people, so we never actually met. I've seen him around, talked with him, but we've never been introduced. I didn't notice him at the crash site, but I was pretty distracted. I was so focused on Doc's injuries that I didn't even notice someone walking next to me until he yelled at me to get checked for whiplash." Dom suddenly went pale. "Oh, lord. That was Dave, walking next to me! I didn't recognize him at the time."
Jeff's lips tightened. "Would he make a good agent?"
Dom shrugged. "I haven't the faintest. I suspect so."
Jeff tapped the envelope against his chin. "Ok. Write him back saying, sorry, but you like your new job." Suddenly grinning, he added, "Unless, of course, you actually do want to quit."
Dom smiled, slightly. "No, I like my work. But if the custody fight had gone wrong..."
Jeff nodded. "Joshua has got to come first. Ok, Write a reply saying you like your job, but thanks anyway; you'll keep it in mind. Mention the tornadoes and that the Tracy's old farm house had been destroyed. Say you'd like to meet International Rescue someday, but by the time Josh is out of school you'd be too old. I think you can figure out what else to say. Wait for a couple days before sending it. In fact, I'll arrange for it to be mailed from Kansas City." Jeff leaned back in his chair. "Can I keep this?"
"Sure. But I'll be needing the envelope to get the return address and the correct spelling of the name."
Dom stood up and Jeff handed him the envelope. As he turned to leave, he heard Mr. Tracy muttering, "What time is it in England?"
Posted by Susanmartha on March 31, 2008
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